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Hi, AP Lang! You need: Pencil/pen Case Study stuff Warm Up (2/26/15): No journal. What questions do you have about your case study (format, wording, etc.)?

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Presentation on theme: "Hi, AP Lang! You need: Pencil/pen Case Study stuff Warm Up (2/26/15): No journal. What questions do you have about your case study (format, wording, etc.)?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Hi, AP Lang! You need: Pencil/pen Case Study stuff Warm Up (2/26/15): No journal. What questions do you have about your case study (format, wording, etc.)?

2 Agenda: Warm Up: What questions do you have? Case Study Evidence & Conclusion: – Evidence: In episode 1 Peggy is a secretary for Don. This establishes the common female stereotype that women must work for males. In episode 8, she becomes a copy writer amongst men. In season 3, episode 4, she is taken more seriously by her male colleagues. – Conclusion: Ultimately, Mad Men does both. It reinforces female stereotypes of women existing just for the pleasure of men (housewife, over sexualized women), but in doing so, it also empowers other female characters. Without the stereotype being evident in some characters, Peggy’s transcendence would not be so important or obvious. Therefore, while Mad Men maintains antiquated stereotypes, it also challenges them and shows that it is possible for women to be dynamic, powerful, yet likable characters. HOMEWORK: – Case Study due Friday – Journal explode = 3/6 When you leave you will have: -utilized strategies for the multiple choice section of the AP Lang exam.

3 Hi, 11 th grade! You need: Pencil/pen Warm Up (2/26/15): Fresh start! Sit in your new seat and be ready to have a good day.

4 Our Focus: Short Stories WHY? Short & sweet Build skill confidence “Stories are for eternity, when the memory is erased, when there is nothing to remember except the story.” –Tim O’Brien

5 February 26 Journal: There are many different ideas when it comes to revenge. The Bible says “repay no one for evil, but give thought to do what is honorable in the sight of all” whereas others argue an eye for an eye. Is it appropriate to seek revenge? If so, when and why or why not? Agenda: -New Notebooks -Journal: Revenge -Big Ideas/Group Talk -“Utterly Perfect Murder” -Reflection

6 Big Ideas: Group Talk Group 1: Complex Group 2: Provocative Group 3: Ambiguous Group 4: Thought Provoking In your notebook: Step 1: Define your term. Step 2: Why is it important that literature be (term)? Step 3: Make a short list of short stories or books you’ve read that is an example of (term).

7 “An Utterly Perfect Murder” by Ray Bradbury Read Pay attention: – What ideas or sentences are complex? – What ideas or sentences are provocative? – What ideas or sentences are ambiguous? – What ideas or sentences are thought provoking?

8 Reflection In what ways is “An Utterly Perfect Murder” – Complex? – Provocative? – Ambiguous? – Thought provoking?

9 We have 68 days of school left… Do you read and write at an 11 th grade level? Are you ready for 12 th grade? Can you prove that you read and write well enough for a high school diploma? Do you have the necessary skills to be a successful adult?

10 We’ve got 66 days… To get you to where you need to be. To help you feel confident in English. To improve grades and skills. To be awesome. Are you in?

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