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Preparatory observations VLT - VLT-ISAAC survey of ~50 Class I YSO’s -- Low resolution (R~600) L-band - Medium resolution (R~10000) M-band - Other programs.

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Presentation on theme: "Preparatory observations VLT - VLT-ISAAC survey of ~50 Class I YSO’s -- Low resolution (R~600) L-band - Medium resolution (R~10000) M-band - Other programs."— Presentation transcript:

1 Preparatory observations VLT - VLT-ISAAC survey of ~50 Class I YSO’s -- Low resolution (R~600) L-band - Medium resolution (R~10000) M-band - Other programs Ewine van Dishoeck c2d meeting dec. 11, 2002

2 Spectra embedded sources Gibb et al. 2000 SIRTF R~600 only at >10  m => ground-based high resolution in 3-5  m range

3 Ophiuchus sources - Strong solid CO - Gas-phase CO in absorption or emission - narrow and broad lines Pontoppidan et al. 2002

4 Ophiuchus (cont’d) Note fit of all spectra with just 3 components

5 Serpens sources

6 Orion sources Note shallow absorption at 2175 cm -1 : not OCN -

7 R CrA sources

8 Chamaeleon sources

9 Vela sources/L1489 in Taurus

10 CO gas / solid low-mass YSOs RE50 TPSC78 CO co-exists in gas phase and solid state Different objects show different ratios of gas:ice, related to their evolution Observed line profiles provide clues to structure ices by comparison with lab data Pontopidan, et. al., A&A, (2002), in prep VLT-ISAAC large program

11 Detection of abundant solid CO in an edge-on circumstellar disk VLT-ISAAC K’ VLT-ISAAC Thi, Pontoppidan, vD et al. 2002 Solid CO

12 Additional data ESO-TIMMI2 8-13  m R~200 (with Waters + MPIA-Heidelberg); brightest sources only to check variability OVRO imaging embedded sources (with Geoff) VLT-VISIR 8-13  m, 17-22  m, R~10 4 ; commissioning summer 2003, follow-up bright sources for gas species JCMT-SCUBA maps of cores (see Neal’s talk)

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