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DON’T FORGET TO SIGN IN!!!! AND GET FOOD.  Welcome Back!!!  Introduction of new officers  Changes to KDP this year  Initiation  Skelementary information.

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2  Welcome Back!!!  Introduction of new officers  Changes to KDP this year  Initiation  Skelementary information  Literacy Alive  Blood Drive  Community Events for the semester

3  President: Kelly Williams  Vice President: Allison Goldstein  Secretary/Historian: Chrissy Morse  Treasurer/Fundraising: Emma Fricke  Membership Chair: Kristen Welton

4  Skelementary: Rosie Mousigian, Catherine Voss, Kelly Williams  Blood Drive: Katie Steen  Literacy Alive: Chrissie Costakis  MLK Day: Hannah Kreindler  Secondary Outreach: Katie Steen  Community Chair: Rosie Mousigian and Chrissie Costakis  Alumni Relations: Allison Goldstein and Emma Fricke

5  Organization  Point system  Membership

6  Initiation will be on October 7 th at 5:30 pm in the tribute room  Two informational meetings. September 20 th and 25 th both in the tribute room at 7:00pm  Invite your friends to join!

7  Skelementary will be on October 26 th from 6- 8pm  Events: Haunted House, Games, Arts and Crafts, Refreshments

8  After school program: teaming up with Scarlett and Mitchell  Chrissie Costakis!

9  School TBD  Ypsi/Willow Run  Donate Supplies/Money  Big assembly in Decemeber

10  The first blood drive is part of the blood battle with OSU on November 4 th.  Sign up with be coming soon!

11  September 24 th : Amers on Church street at 7:30pm  October 19 th at 1:00pm trip to the cider mill. Cider Mill TBD  November 15 th Movie Night in the SOE tribute room at 8:00pm  December ice skating Dates TBD

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