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1 Japanese activities in LHC Takahiko Kondo, KEK May 12, 2007 The KEK-CNRS/IN2P3-CEA/DSM/DAPNIA Collaboration Meeting at KEK.

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Presentation on theme: "1 Japanese activities in LHC Takahiko Kondo, KEK May 12, 2007 The KEK-CNRS/IN2P3-CEA/DSM/DAPNIA Collaboration Meeting at KEK."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Japanese activities in LHC Takahiko Kondo, KEK May 12, 2007 The KEK-CNRS/IN2P3-CEA/DSM/DAPNIA Collaboration Meeting at KEK

2 2 1994.12CERN Council approved LHC in 2 steps 1995.5Japan : 5 BYen (65 MCHF). 1996.3 India : $ 12.5M. 1996.6Russia : 67MCHF (incl. detectors). 1996.Canada : Canadian$ 30M. 1996.12Japan : 3.85 BYen (44 MCHF). 1996.12CERN Council approved LHC in 1-step. 1997.12US : $200M (accelerator) + $331M (detectors). 1998.5Japan : 5 BYen (56 MCHF). 2002.6LHC completion changed to 2007. LHC internationalization

3 3 23 June 1995 Minister of Monbusho announced the contribution of 5 BYen (65 MCHF) for the construction of LHC at the CERN Council. Japan becomes a CERN’s observer state for LHC. Minister Kaoru Yosano CERN DG Chris Lewellyn Smith Dharuma doll

4 4 Superconducting Quadrupoles for LHC IPs Design and construction done by KEK with Toshiba B gradient : 215 T/m Length : 6.5 m Aperture : 70 mm Higher multipoles < 10 -4 Coil winding at Toshiba Excitation test at KEK Cross section Quench history Technique developed is applied for the magnets of the J-PARC n beam line.

5 5 - KEK constructed 20 low-b superconducting quadrupole magnets for LHC IPs. In-kind contribution to LHC Construction Already installed in the LHC tunnel KEK Fermilab

6 6 March 27, 2007: Test Failure of Quad magnets at P 5 During the pressure test, the Q1 magnet moved by 13 cm due to the asymmetric forces and broke various components. It was caused by design mistake of the spider support. Fermilab and CERN (and KEK) are working tightly for repairing the magnet supports.

7 7 ATLAS Collaboration 34 Countries 151 Institutions ~1300 Scientific Authors 15 institutes from Japan ~ 60 physicists KEK, Tsukuba, Tokyo ICEPP, Tokyo MU, Shinshu, Nagoya, Ritsumeikan, Kyoto, Kyoto UE, Osaka, Kobe, Okayama, Hiroshima, Hiroshima IT, Nagasaki IAS countryCost sharing (MCHF)Institutes Sci. Authors 3France52.76 (11 %)790 (6.9 %) 7Japan32.18 (7.0 %)1561 (4.7 %)

8 8 Coil at Toshiba (1999) into LAr Cryostat (Feb. 2004) ATLAS Central Solenoid : 100% by KEK Down to the pit (Oct. 2004) Full excitation was achieved in the final position (Aug. 1 2006) 7730 A 2.00 T 7980 A sl o w d u m p

9 9 Thin Gap Chambers (TGC) for muon endcap triggering Japan made 1200 TGC chambers out of 3600. Almost all electronics are design and constructed by Japan. Big wheel in the pit KEK and Kobe 72 sectors assembled at CERN B180 transportation

10 10 ATLAS Silicon Micro-strip Detector (SCT) 4 sensors/module KEK assembled 980 modules (40%) Module mounting at Oxford U. using robots made by KEK Excellent noise distribution obtained during SR1 cosmic-ray test Cosmic-ray tracks at SR1 (May 2006) Hamamatsu Japan Mektron Seiko Precision

11 11 Lyon Clermont-Ferrand Ile de France Marseille Nantes Strasbourg Annecy Tier-1: CC-IN2P3 Disk ArraysPC ServersTape Robot Grid system for LHC Tier-2 Center for ATLAS at ICEPP of Univ. of Tokyo with strong linkage to Lyon Tier-1 Center.

12 12 Collaboration on ATLAS data/physics analysis with LAPP has started Dr. Junji Tojo (KEK) is collaborating with LAPP group (led by Isabelle Wingerter-Seez) on ATLAS e/gamma performance and H  γγ under the CNRS/IN2P3 programme. ↓ Proposed enlarging the SDA_1 FJPPL collaboration for 2007 by including activities of Tojo and a work on DIPHOX generator.

13 13 R&Ds for LHC Upgrade (1) Development of the Nb 3 Sn conductor for higher field quadrupole magnets for IR (by A. Yamamoto, K. Tsuchiya in collab. with US, CERN). (2) New Rad-hard silicon microstrip sensor for ATLAS inner tracker (by Y. Unno ………). (3) New muon chamber readout TDC chips (by Y. Arai) and TGC readout (by O. Sasaki).

14 14 Other items with CERN (1) Sending KEK experts for LHC accelerator commissioning (K. Oide, A. Morita….). (2) CERN-Japan Fellows: 2 physicists/year. (3) Participation of young Japanese students in the CERN Summer School every year. Try to increase 3 -> 5 students in 2007.

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