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Respiratory monitoring

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1 Respiratory monitoring
Peter C. Rimensberger Pediatric and Neonatal ICU University Hospital of Geneva Switzerland

2 Respiratory Monitoring
Basic Mechanism of PPV O2 CO2 Gas Exchange Volume Change Time Gas Flow Pressure Difference

3 . . Pressure – Flow – Time - Volume on the ventilator display
V / P / V . t Curves . V or V P or V Loops - to assess patient-ventilator synchrony to get some information on respiratory mechanics under dynamic conditions (!) to detect erroneus ventilator settings to guide in the search for optimal ventilator settings

4 Tobin M NEJM 2002

5 The Pressure-Volume Curve: Useful at bedside?
How to monitor at bedside? 1) PV-tools +/-

6 Assessment of Static P-V Curve
Volume Volume Super-syringe method: Stepwise inflation from a big syringe with multiple occlusions at each volume to record recoil pressure Time consuming Cumbersome to perform Difficult to standardize Patient must be paralyzed Great risk of oxygen desaturation The “Gold Standard” for P-V curves is the syringe method. However it has many disadvantages if tried on an ICU patient on a mechanical ventilator. Pressure Pressure

7 Slow Flow Single Inflation Method
Slow inspiratory flow with large Vt and ZEEP The inspiratory curve of the dynamic P-V loop closely approximates the static curve (inluenced by flow and tube resistance) Volume UPIflex Static curve inspiration The “slow flow single inflation method” can be performed in the ICU and has a good correlation to the gold Standard Servillo: AJRCCM 1997 Lu: AJRCCM 1999 Kondili: ICM 2000 Casati Nogueira Gama: Artifical Organs 2001 LPIflex Pressure

8 Is the static PV-curve useful?
Downie JM et al. AJRCCM e- publ February 5, 2004 Is the static PV-curve useful? Jonson B AJRCCM 1999;159:1172–1178 Rimensberger PC Crit Care Med 1999; 27:

9 Pressure measurements under dynamic conditions
ETT 3 mm OD Sondergaard S Ped Research 2002; 51:

10 Monitoring of the dynamic cycle: Is it better?
Kárason S Acta Anaesthesiol Scand 2000; 44: 571 0.8 Pmax Pmax Volume Pressure Cdyn C20 Overdistention Index: C20/Cdyn Kárason S Acta Anaesthesiol Scand 2001; 45: 173

11 ongoing overdistension ongoing recruitment full recruitment
Ranieri VM Anesthesiology 2000; 93:1320–8

12 Lung protection and the open lung concept
How to monitor at bedside? 1) PV-tools +/- 2) O2-response? Brazelton TB Crit Care Med 2001; 29:2349

13 The oxygen response (limitations)
P/F-ratio, oxygen delivery and Crs during PEEP steps Lichtwarck-Aschoff M AJRCCM 2000; 182:

14 The oxygenation response: Can it be used? PEEP and Vt effects in ALI
Recruitment Overdistension "static" compliance: static PIP (Pplat) - PEEP tidal volume Cst = Burns D J Trauma 2001;51:

15 Constant VT : Plateau - PEEP []
PEEP [cm H2O] 10 20 30 40 50 Airway pressure [cmH2O] PEEP Plateau Prevalent overdistention Prevalent recruitment Balance 25 20 15 15 10 20 15 5 L. Gattinoni, 2003

16 Constant VT : PaCO2 and PaO2
5 10 15 20 PEEP [cmH2O] 40 60 80 100 [mmHg] PaCO2 PaO2 Prevalent overdistention Balance Prevalent recruitment L. Gattinoni, 2003

17 O2-improvement = Shunt improvement =
a) recruitment PaO2 PaCO2 VA b) flow diversion PaO2 VA PaCO2 L. Gattinoni, 2003

18 Prevalent overinflation = dead space effect
PEEP 20 1 2 1 PEEP PaO2 and PaCO2 increase L. Gattinoni, 2003

19 PEEP titration CO2-response Oxygenation Overdistention starts PEEP 25

20 The open lung concept: Maximum dynamic compliance and best oxygenation at the least pressure required Steps of 5 cmH2O to 40/25 Pressure control ventilation 25/10 25/10 Overinflation ends Overinflation starts

21 Continuous blood gas monitoring during HFO
CDP: 13 12 11 10 9 11 Overdistention Collapse

22 PCO2 cascade PECO2 PETCO2 PACO2 PcCO2 PvCO2 VCO2 PvCO2 PaCO2
Ventilated/ perfused lung PETCO2 Alveolar VD/VT Anatomic VD/VT PCO2 cascade PcCO2 PvCO2 VCO2 PvCO2 PaCO2 L. Gattinoni, 2003

23 Ideal gas exchange Alveolar PCO2 = Arterial PCO2 Alveolar PCO2 =
End-tidal PCO2 NO SHUNT NO ALVEOLAR VD/VT End-tidal PCO2 Arterial PCO2 = 1

24 Single breath CO2-tracing
The values come from the measurement of the CO2 tracing where phase I is CO2 free and represents gas from the airway (ariway dead space). The second phase is te rapid upswing when convective airway are washed out with alveolar gas. The third phase is the ”plateau” which actually is gradually ascending value due to a) sequential emptying of lung regions with different V/Q-ratios; b) within units V/Q mismatching secondary to incomplete gas mixing; c) the continual release of CO2 into the alveoli during expiration. Phase III Alveolar gas – called plateau but ascends gradually due to sequential emptying of lung regions with different V/Q-ratios within units V/Q mismatching secondary to incomplete gas mixing the continual release of CO2 into the alveoli during expiration Phase II Rapid S-shape upswing = washout of convective airway with alveolar gas Phase I CO2-free = gas from airways Modified from “The Single breath test for carbon dioxide” by Roger Fletcher (1986)

25 CO2 in ventilatory monitoring
etCO endtidal value FeCO2 fraction of CO2 in expired gas VCO2 minute elimination (”production”) VTCO2 tidal elimination We are used to use Carbondioxide during monitoring in the ICU and OR the most common to use is the endtidal value of CO2 and the fraction of expired CO2 during anesthesia. Since many years we have had the possibility to measure tidal and minute elimination of CO2 on the Servo ventilators but I have not – have you??

26 VTCO2 Following VTCO2 continuously could
help us to understand the effectiveness of different ventilation modes and settings Could VTCO2 continuously followed help us to do recruitment maneuvers with minimized overdistension? Following VTCO2 continuously could help us understand the effectiveness of different ventilation modes and settings. Could it possibly help us to do recruitment maneuvers with minimized overdistension?

27 Volumetric Capnography (NICO2) Single Breath CO2 Analysis
Validated against a metabolic analyzer by Kallet et al, Resp Care 2005 and used in many studies for dead space fraction measurements

28 Volumetric Capnography Single Breath CO2 Analysis
CO2 and Volume instead of CO2 and Time Capnogram

29 Volumetric Capnography Single Breath CO2 Analysis

30 Indicator of Lung Overdistension During PEEP Titration
Optimum End Expiratory Airway Pressure in Patients with Acute Pulmonary Failure Suter PM, Fairley HB, Isenberg MD. NEJM 1975 Best PEEP corresponds to the lowest dead space fraction and the highest compliance

31 Indicator of Lung Overdistension During PEEP Titration
Effects of PEEP on Dead Space and its Partitions in ALI Beydon L, et al. Inten Care Med 2002 Anatomic dead space increased slightly with PEEP Alveolar dead space did not vary systematically with PEEP In individual patients a decrease or increase of alveolar dead space paralleled a positive or negative response to PEEP in regards to oxygenation

32 And then put the pig on the new ventilation with 17/10 and read that the Cdyn has increased from 11 to 17. The cyclic pressure-difference has decreased from 25/6 to 17/10 which means from 19 to 7 and tidal volume from 207 to 117 and the PaCO2 value is about the same from 6,4 to 5,2. VT PIP / PEEP 25/6 24/12 40/12 15/8 40/12 17/10 Cdyn

33 Lung protection and the open lung concept
How to monitor at bedside? 1) PV-tools +/- 2) O2- + CO2-response 3) Chest CT and imaging methods? Gattinoni L AJRCCM 2001; 164:1701–1711

34 Information from CT studies: Lung heterogeneity
and intratidal collapse and decollapse In heterogeneous lung injury inflation behaviour is heterogeneous PA = 35 cmH2O PA = 15 cmH2O Adapted from Suter P NEJM 1975; 292:

35 CT to assure more homogenoeus lung volume distribution
Barbas C Curr Opin Crit Care 2005;11:18–28 Barabs

36 CT-aeration - and how to detect overdistention? At ZEEP and
poorly areated normal CT-aeration - and how to detect overdistention? Diffuse CT-attenuations At ZEEP and 2 PEEP levels Focal CT-attenuations Rouby JJ AJRCCM 2002;165:1182-6

37 Electrical Impedance Tomography (EIT)
Frerichs I et al. J Appl Physiol 2002; 93: 660–666 Volume distribution Frerichs I, Dargaville P, Rimensberger PC Intensive Care Med 2003; 29:2312-6

38 Volume distribution Tidal volume distribution
Frerichs I, Dargaville P, Rimensberger PC Intensive Care Med 2003; 29:2312-6

39 EIT to assure more homogenoeus lung volume distribution
Barbas C Curr Opin Crit Care 2005;11:18–28 Barabs

40 Concepts of respiratory monitoring in the ICU
Control system Diagnostic tool To improve outcome 1. Assure gas transfer/exchange 2. Assure Vt-delivery (V-t / V-t / P-t curve characteristics) . Biomechanical properties of lung and airways To improve understanding of lung disease and ventilator-patient interaction To avoid errors / incidents

41 From classical respiratory monitoring to tracking thoracic volume changes during ventilation maneuvers Flow-, Volume- and Pressure-measurements Pressure-volume methods: static vs. dynamic observe dynamic compliance changes Gas exchange response: pO2 and pCO2 Lung-Volume measurement methods: RIP, dilution methods, CT / MRI / EIT Tidal-volume distribution: EIT

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