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KEK data analysis Carleton-TPC (Ar/iC4H10)(95/5) (Ar/CF4)(95/5) B = 1T & B = 0T  ~ 0° & 4 GeV/c  +

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Presentation on theme: "KEK data analysis Carleton-TPC (Ar/iC4H10)(95/5) (Ar/CF4)(95/5) B = 1T & B = 0T  ~ 0° & 4 GeV/c  +"— Presentation transcript:

1 KEK data analysis Carleton-TPC (Ar/iC4H10)(95/5) (Ar/CF4)(95/5) (Ar/CH4)(95/5) @ B = 1T & (Ar/CO2)(90/10) @ B = 0T  ~ 0° & 4 GeV/c  +

2 Gas choice / motivation 2 V D = 36.87  m/ns C D = 102  m/cm 1/2 E = 50 V/cm E = 120 V/cm C D = 57.15  m/cm 1/2 V D = 56.07  m/ns E = 120 V/cm

3 Gas choice / motivation 3 E = 300 V/cm V D = 22.75  m/ns C D = 223  m/cm 1/2 V D = 26.73  m/ns C D = 125.74  m/cm 1/2 E = 70 V/cm

4 Track display 4 Row 2 Row 3 Row 4 Row 5 Row 6 Row 7 Row 8 Row 9 Row 1  + track  ~ 0° X Y Pad #Channel #

5 Pulses / CF4 5 X Y Bad pulse 1 bad channel pulse!! 128 channel pulses Origin??

6 Beam profile (X direction) 6 Ar/iC4H10:95/5Ar/CH4:95/5Ar/CO2:90/10Ar/CF4:95/5

7 Beam profile (Z direction) 7 Ar/iC4H10:95/5Ar/CH4:95/5Ar/CO2:90/10Ar/CF4:95/5

8 Global timing 8 Ar/iC4H10:95/5 V D = (24.92 / 26.73)  m/ns V D = (20.13 / 22.75)  m/ns Ar/CO2:90/10 Ar/CF4:95/5 V D = (56.07 / 61.37)  m/ns Ar/CH4:95/5 V D = (36.51 / 36.87)  m/ns # < 12% Magboltz Data 11% CO2? P = 1.1 atm?

9 Overflow events 9 Ar/iC4H10:95/5 Ar/CH4:95/5 Ar/CO2:90/10 Ar/CF4:95/5 good events saturated events 45%!! Events with one saturated pad

10 Overflow events / iC4H10 10 Ar/iC4H10:95/5 good events saturated pads 45%!! Saturated rows / at least 1 saturated pad After recovering 1 saturated row -> 16% lost

11 Row amplitude (max. amplitude in a row) 11 Ar/iC4H10:95/5 Ar/CH4:95/5 Ar/CO2:90/10 Ar/CF4:95/5

12 Pad Response Function 12

13 PRF / Ar/iC4H10:95/5 13 Z=0.5cmZ=1.0cmZ=1.5cm Z=6.5cmZ=7.0cmZ=7.5cm

14 PRF / Ar/iC4H10:95/5 14 Z=8.0cmZ=8.5cmZ=9.0cm Z=14.0cmZ=14.5cmZ=15.0cm

15 PRF / FWHM 2 15 Ar/iC4H10:95/5 Ar/CH4:95/5 Ar/CO2:90/10 Ar/CF4:95/5 C D = 102  m/cm 1/2 C D = 57.15  m/cm 1/2 C D = 223  m/cm 1/2 C D = 125.74  m/ cm 1/2 ? ? OK

16 Angle  fit 16 Ar/CH4:95/5  = 0.35º Ar/iC4H10:95/5  = 0.30º Ar/CF4:95/5  = 0.57º Ar/CO2:90/10  = 0.37º  / rad

17 Angle  fit 17 Ar/iC4H10:95/5Ar/CO2:90/10 Ar/CF4:95/5 Ar/CH4:95/5  = 0.9º  = 14º  = 1.34º  = 2.30º  / rad

18 Bias / its origin? (scale: +/-150  m) 18 Ar/iC4H10:95/5Ar/CH4:95/5Ar/CO2:90/10Ar/CF4:95/5 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

19 X resolution = f(Z) 19 Ar/CO2:90/10 Ar/CF4:95/5 Ar/CH4:95/5 Ar/iC4H10:95/5

20 X resolution = f(Z) / iC4H10 20 Old New Old: with 55% of the events New: with 84% of the events (after recovering events with 1 saturated pad)

21 Comparison beam-cosmic 21 Ar/CO2:90/10 BeamCosmic

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