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Or the Modern Prometheus

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1 Or the Modern Prometheus
Frankenstein Or the Modern Prometheus

2 Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley

3 Percy Bysshe Shelley

4 Lord Byron

5 John William Polidori

6 Claire Clairmont

7 Background Information: Romanticism
Based on the following image, please write a brief description of the painting. What is the dominant image? What is on the periphery? Include details discussing the color, medium, and style.

8 Caspar David Friedrich

9 Wanderer above the Sea of Fog
Next, based on your previous description, please write a brief analysis that addresses: Why does the painter choose to make certain images dominant and other marginal? Does the painting evoke a certain mood or theme? How? Why? How might the title of the painting affect your analysis

10 Mood & Themes The mood and themes in the painting are also reminiscent of the mood and themes in Frankenstein. Nature as a healing force Use of the supernatural Emphasis on human individuality Belief in innate goodness Advocacy of free thought Use of intense emotion Nature as a powerful and destructive force Evocation of terror and horror

11 Romanticism & Gothic Literature
Shift from order and reason to emotion and imagination If science explains our existence, where is there space for feeling, reflection, thinking, exploration, and emotion? Romantics believed that science could NOT fully grasp the essence of “human.” “Head vs. Heart” OR “Sense vs. Sensibility”

12 Structure of the Novel Preface – Mary Shelly explains the circumstances under which she wrote Frankenstein. Letters #1-#4 - Captain Robert Walton of England is on an expedition to the North Pole. He writes a series of letters to his sister, Margaret, to pass the time and to keep in touch.

13 Structure of the Novel Chapters 1-2: Victor’s Early Life
Chapters 3-5: Creation of the Monster Chapters 6-10: Consequences of Creating the Monster Chapter 11-16: The Creature’s Story Chapters 17-24: Aftermath End of the Novel: Walton’s Conclusion (Letters)

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