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Review notes for your quiz

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1 Review notes for your quiz
Chapter 10 Section 4 Review notes for your quiz

2 Notes IV.Slavery and Secession A.Slavery dominates politics
B.Slavery led to final split between the North and South 1.Dred Scott v.Sanford *Roger B.Taney 2.Voters in Kansas reject proslavery constitution

3 C.Lincoln-Douglas debates
1.Stephen Douglas-opposed slavery,popular sovereignty 2.Abraham Lincoln-opposed slavery and insisted it should be outlawed 3.Freeport Doctorine

4 D. 1859-John Brown tried to start a slave rebellion
D.1859-John Brown tried to start a slave rebellion. Attached a federal arsenal at Harpers Ferry. 1.captured, convicted of treason, and hanged 2.reaction

5 E.Election of 1860-Lincoln elected president
1.South convinced they had lost political power 2.Southern states began to leave the Union F.Confederate States of America *Jefferson Davis


7 Stephen Douglas

8 Abraham Lincoln                                                        

9 Jefferson Davis

10 Ch 10 Study Guide 1.Who favored the Wilmot Proviso?
2.What is the formal withdrawal of a state from the Union? 3.Who was a conductor of the Underground Railroad? 4.Who wrote Uncle Tom’s Cabin? 5.Who was one of the founders of the Republican Party? 6.What was the topic of the Lincoln-Douglas debates? 7.What states were included in the Confederacy? 8.What party did Lincoln leave to become a Republican? 9.What were the effects of Brown’s actions at Harpers Ferry? 10.What is popular sovereignty? 11.Define the Following a.John Brown b.Harriet Tubman c.Stephen Douglas d.Bleeding Kansas e.Fugitive Slave Act f.Uncle Tom’s Cabin g.popular sovereignty h.Personal Liberty Laws i.Kansas-Nebraska Act j.Missouri Compromise k.Underground Railroad l.Harriet Beecher Stowe

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