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Chapter # 14 The Sectional Crisis. Power  Southern states did not want northern states to have more seats in the Senate  The south feared the north.

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1 Chapter # 14 The Sectional Crisis

2 Power  Southern states did not want northern states to have more seats in the Senate  The south feared the north would push rules favored to the north

3 Problems with Slavery  The Constitution gave the Federal government the power to abolish slave trade  No definite authority to regulate or destroy it  Easy to condemn slavery but not easy to find a solution  1840’s majority of northerners disliked slavery  Also detested abolitionism

4 Popular Sovereignty  People could vote for or against slavery  Also called Squatters Sovereignty

5 Election 1848  Zachary Taylor – Whig  Lewis Case – Democrat  Martin Van Buren – Free-soiler

6 Compromise of 1850  California – Free state  People of Utah and New Mexico territories would decide for themselves to allow slavery  Congress abolished the sale of slaves on Washington D.C.  Slavery itself would remain legal in Washington D.C.  New fugitive slave law



9 Kansas-Nebraska Act  Issue of Popular sovereignty  Stephen Douglas wanted to keep the democrats united  His actions actually split the party  Kansas Nebraska Act would violate the Missouri Compromise



12 Bleeding Kansas  Ant-slavery and pro-slavery people flocked into Kansas and Nebraska  Both groups elected their own government  Put neighbors against neighbors  Much of the money for rifles was raised by abolitionists – Beecher’s Bibles

13 Lecompton Controversy  Kansas wanted to become a state  Anti-slavery – majority  Election rigged  Anti-slavery – boycotted vote  Pro-slavery won complete control

14  The new Constitution would be voted down if presented to state voters  Anti-slavery – gained control of territorial legislature  Authorized second referendum – slavery / Lecompton Constitution voted down

15 Cultural Sectionalism  Baptist Church had divided into Northern and Southern – over slavery issue  The north denounced slavery  The south used the Bible to defend slavery

16 Uncle Tom’s Cabin  Written by Harriet Beecher Stow  Villain = Simon Legree  Example of writing = northern literature  Fueled the anti-slavery movement  Showed the cruelties of slavery  Portrayed the slaves as people with feelings


18 Dred Scott  Slave that sued for freedom  Stated he was in a free state and therefore should be free  Chief Justice Roger Taney – used 5 th Amendment  Slaves are property – Government can not deprive people of their property

19  Pro-slavery – had tried to make Kansas a slave state even though the majority of citizens wanted a free state  Fueled the sectional quarrel  Opened a gap between southern (pro-slaver) democrats and northern


21 Lincoln - Douglas Debate  Lincoln said”A house divided against itself cannot stand.” (1858)  The country cannot survive ½ free ½ slave  Used the Kansas-Nebraska Act and Dred Scot to show a plot to make slavery national  Tried to link Douglas to pro-slavery conspiracy

22  Douglas and Lincoln debated the issues of slavery  Lincoln defended white supremacy but denounced slavery  Douglas stated that slavery would only exist as long as legislators allowed it

23 John Brown  Raid –Harpers Ferry 1859  Thought of himself as God’s chosen instrument  Purge the land with blood  He and 18 men seized the arsenal

24  Thought he would raise an army of slaves  Ride through the south freeing the slaves  Captured and hung  US Marines –Colonel Robert E. Lee  Spread fear to southern slave owners  Anti-northern feelings


26 Election of 1860  Abraham Lincoln – Republican  Northern and southern democrats split the vote  Lincoln elected without majority of popular vote  South Carolina became the 1 st state to secede from the Union


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