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Shaping the leadership landscape Moving Ahead with Talent Management 22 July 2015, 10am - 4pm Cleve Hotel, Wellington, TA21 8SN shaping the leadership.

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1 shaping the leadership landscape Moving Ahead with Talent Management 22 July 2015, 10am - 4pm Cleve Hotel, Wellington, TA21 8SN shaping the leadership landscape

2 Programme for the Day 9.30: Registration & Coffee 10.00: Welcome – Christina Quinn, Director of SW Leadership Academy 10.10: Ann James – Chief Executive of Plymouth Hospitals NHS Trust 10.20: Janice Caplan – Global expert & author of ‘Strategic Talent Development’ : Talent in the Transformational Age In this session, Janice will put across her ideas on the role of talent management in the modern NHS, which is characterised y change and transformation 11.15: Coffee 11.30: Peter Hartland – Chief Executive of Plymouth & Devon Chamber of Commerce: Change, performance & behavioural management - some well proven corporate techniques and why "but we are different!" never applies. 12.15: Michelle Fitzgerald – Programme Talent Lead for the NHS Leadership Academy approach & overview for this afternoon - NHS Leadership Academy Talent Management resources 12.30 - 1.15: Lunch

3 shaping the leadership landscape Afternoon session 1.15 – 4pm 1.15 – 3.15: Workshop sessions (Delegates with have the opportunity to go to both workshops) Workshop One – Janice Caplan : Getting started on your talent management strategy Following from the ideas Janice put across in her keynote, delegates will work on drafting a talent management strategy for their organisation, and will discuss how to get started. Workshop Two – Michelle Fitzgerald : Talent Management (TM) Engagement Accelerator Workshop How engaged is your organisation in TM? What do you need to do to move forward with TM to integrate it fully into daily organisation practice? This workshop introduces the NHS Leadership Academy’s TM Engagement Scale, supporting you to identify where you are now, what support and resources you need to further develop TM in the short, medium and longer term and enables a space for the thinking and discussion with peers to ascertain your organisations current level of TM engagement. 3.15: Coffee 3.30 – 4.00: Building from today – Talent Management into practice

4 shaping the leadership landscape Biographies Michelle Fitzgerald Michelle Fitzgerald joined the NHS Leadership Academy in December 2012 and is Programme Lead for Talent Management. Michelle joined the NHS as a Health Care Assistant and has gone on to have a varied 21 year NHS career which includes experience in Leadership, Organisation Development & Service Improvement roles supporting transformational change for both individuals and services. Leading on the Talent Management programme of work at the Academy including implementation of the Maximising Potential Conversation Tool and Talent Conversation Tool links strongly to Michelle’s passion for supporting all levels of NHS staff to feel valued, cared for and to maximise their potential to be the best they can be. Janice Caplan Janice is highly experienced in the fields of talent management, HR and coaching as a board level consultant, coach-mentor and author. She is a regular speaker at conferences around the world. Having served as CIPD Vice-President, Learning, and Talent Development, Janice is Visiting Professor at Claude Littner Business School, University of West London and faculty member of C & D Latam business school, headquartered in Mexico City. She is also governor of University of Portsmouth, where she is a member of the board, chairs HR Committee, and sits on remuneration and nomination committees. Janice has a Masters Degree in Human Resources and previous senior line management experience gained at Midland Montagu where her role as Associate Director, HR included profit-centre responsibility for the bank’s public treasury and capital markets training arm.

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