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Missouri Compromise 1818 – 10 slave & 10 Free states.

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2 Missouri Compromise

3 1818 – 10 slave & 10 Free states

4 Illinois 11 th free S. expected Missouri to be 11 th slave

5 Ala was admitted as a slave state

6 -S. Accused N. of trying to end slavery -N. Accused S. of trying to expand slavery

7 Missouri Free or Slave?

8 Henry Clay = Missouri Comp = Maine free Missouri slave

9 Louisiana Territory split at 36°30' into free & slave


11 John C. Calhoun = States Rights = Secession & Nullification

12 North = Abolitionists - Land from Guadalupe Hidalgo Wilmont P.

13 Popular Sovereignty = Stephen Douglas

14 Compromise of 1850

15 1. Cali = Free State

16 2. DC slave trade outlawed… but not slavery

17 3. Popular sovereignty for New Mexico & Utah

18 4. Fugitive Slave law no jury trial no right to testify only the word of owner

19 Personal Liberty Laws

20 Pottawatomie, Kansas

21 Harpers Ferry

22 Republican Party = abolitionists

23 Lincoln- Douglas Debates

24 Freeport Doctrine

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