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By: Frank Cottrell Boyce I would recommend this book for the people that love space.  I would say this is an easy book.

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2 By: Frank Cottrell Boyce

3 I would recommend this book for the people that love space.  I would say this is an easy book.

4 characters  Hassan, Florida, Samson two,  Dads are: Liam, Samson one, Mr. Xanudu,(Hassan’s dad)  and Max’s dad Mr. Martinet.

5 author  Frank Cottrell Boyce

6 Summery  Liam is really tall. Everybody thinks He’s a grown up because he is so tall. His daughter is Florida  (Fake) He loves world of war craft and Florida doesn’t have a dad and loves celebrity’s. They both love roller coasters.

7 Middle-ish  Liam enters a contest and something happens to him when he does? He goes onto the moon and gets stuck

8 Problem  They almost die when they go on the rocket and they can’t control the moon  That’s what they think

9 Genre  I think it’s science fiction because It's talking about space and ships

10 Ending  They finally get home in time for his parents not to notice and still think he’s going on a hike

11 The End  I hope you enjoyed the show

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