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Quality Assurance Agency in the Republic of Moldova PhD Nadejda Velico, Head for higher education department, Ministry of Education Ministry of Education,

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Presentation on theme: "Quality Assurance Agency in the Republic of Moldova PhD Nadejda Velico, Head for higher education department, Ministry of Education Ministry of Education,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Quality Assurance Agency in the Republic of Moldova PhD Nadejda Velico, Head for higher education department, Ministry of Education Ministry of Education, Republic of Moldova

2 Agenda  The Moldovan Higher Education System  New National Agency for Quality Assurance in the Professional Education  Next steps


4 The Moldovan Higher Education System  32 Universities ( 19 public and 13 private) 83345 students cycle I - license ( bachelor) 18655 students cycle II (master s Degree studies) 28,1 % students on public budget 71,9% students – tuition fees  292 students per 10000 inhabitants  76 graduates per 10000 inhabitants  6100 – teachers 2174 – teachers- part time 2958 ( 36% ) – PhD(doctors degree) 542 (6,5% ) doctors habilitat 102.000 STUDENTS Avg. investment of 18,556 MDL( 1000 Euro)/stude nt

5 Number of students and graduates per 10 thousand inhabitants

6 Professional development  The higher education system in the country ensures the preparation of specialists in about 203 specialties.  The distribution of students on fundamental domains is the following: Education 17,2% Humanitarian Sciences and Arts 5,6% Social Sciences, Economy and Law 33,0% Sciences 5,9 % Engineering, Processing Technologies, Architecture and Constructions 28,2 % Agriculture 2,10% Medicine 3,2% Services 4,8%

7 National Context ( Bologna process from 2005)  Structure of higher education – similar to the European one (Bachelor-Master-Doctorat ( Cycle I-Cycle II-Doctorat)  New Nomenclature of domains and specialities for higher education ISCED97 and EUROSTAT  New generations of study plans were developed, elaborated in accordance with the Plan-frame; analytical programs were revised  ECTS implementation -100% in all institutions and all programs  Implementation of the Supliment to the Diploma -100% to all graduates in Romanian and English languages  Clasificators of specialties and study programs in accordance with ISCED97  Created on each university own management structures of quality  Development of National Qualifications Framework


9 External quality assurance (QA) New accreditation act approved by the Parliament (in October 2013) regarding the establishing the Moldovan QA agency Name of the new QAA – National Agency for Quality Assurance in the Professional Education (NAQAPE) Is an administrative authority of national interest, acting as a legal entity autonomous to the Government, independent in its decision, organization, and budgetary planning, and funded from the state budget and its own revenue.

10 Main responsibilities of a new Agency  To assess, on contractual basis, the institutions providing professional training programs, as well as their programs for the purpose of provisional operation authorization, accreditation, and reaccreditation in vocational/technical, higher, and continuous education.  The quality assessment refers to: a) institutional capacity; b) educational efficiency, including academic outputs; c) quality of initial and continuous professional training programs; d) institutional management of quality; e) results of scientific research and/or artistic creation; f) compliance between internal evaluation and real situation.

11 Coordination Council of Agency  The Coordination Council consists of 15 members with didactic positions in teaching and scientific research in higher education and research – innovation – development institutions, of which there is a student representative and a spokesperson of the organizations representative of the business community.  The members of the Governing Board are not allowed to hold any public official position or be rectors.  The President and the Vice President of the Coordination Council are elected by the Board from its members.  The members of Coordination Council will be approved through a Government Decision.  The selection of the members will be assisted by the international expert, from QA Agency, member ENQA.

12 Agency structure  Three departments, as follows: 1. for external evaluation in higher education 2. for accreditation in higher education 3. for evaluation and accreditation in VET  Total: 45 members

13 Interim Coordination Council NAQAPE  Interim Coordination Council will create the necessary conditions for Agency operation : - Regulation for members selection - Selection of members - Government Decision by the end of May 2014  Responsibilities of the Interim Coordination Council, as follows : - Regulation of the Agency - Development of methodological tools for the evaluation and accreditation process - Selection of new members in the Coordination Council etc.

14 Next steps  Approval of the Regulation of Agency  Approval of evaluation methodology and quality standards for evaluation and accreditation  Training of the commissions of experts  Launching of evaluation and accreditation process in January 2015

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