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SIMPLE: Stable Increased Throughput Multi-hop Link Efficient Protocol For WBANs Qaisar Nadeem Department of Electrical Engineering Comsats Institute of.

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Presentation on theme: "SIMPLE: Stable Increased Throughput Multi-hop Link Efficient Protocol For WBANs Qaisar Nadeem Department of Electrical Engineering Comsats Institute of."— Presentation transcript:

1 SIMPLE: Stable Increased Throughput Multi-hop Link Efficient Protocol For WBANs Qaisar Nadeem Department of Electrical Engineering Comsats Institute of Information Technology Islamabad Sep 07, 2013 1

2 Outline  Introduction  Motivation  Mathematical Formulation of the Problem  Node deployment  SIMPLE: Stable Increased Throughput Multi-hop Link Efficient Protocol For WBANs  Initial phase  Selection of forwarder  Scheduling  Radio Parameters  Simulation Results  Path Loss Model  Conclusion 2

3 Introduction  WBAN is sub-field of WSNs  The primary target applications of WBANs are medical health-care services  WBANs offer early detection/treatment of diseases, thereby reducing health-care costs  WBANs capture accurate and quantitative data from a variety of sensors (e.g., temperature, blood pressure, heart rate, etc.)  Sensors are placed on the human body or in the body 3

4 Motivation  Nodes in WBANs are required to operate under strict resource Constraints  Impossible to replace batteries  Frequent recharging procedure is one of the main obstacles in WBANs  Porting routing solutions from WSNs to WBANs is problematic due to the different network architectures and operating conditions  Efficient routing solutions should be designed specifically for WBANs 4

5 Problem Formulation: Minimum Energy Consumption  Let N is the set of nodes, f is the forwarder node and sink S  C is the capacity of the wireless link  The data generated by sensors is denoted by d is 5

6 Problem Formulation: Minimum Energy Consumption  Objective Function 6

7 Problem Formulation: Minimum Energy Consumption  Subject to: 7

8  Let E i is the total available energy  E min is minimum residual energy below which nodes stop transmitting  Z i is a 0-1 integer  The wireless channel capacity is represented by C 8 Problem Formulation: Throughput Maximization

9  Objective Function 9 Problem Formulation: Throughput Maximization

10 10 Problem Formulation: Throughput Maximization

11 Solution SIMPLE: Stable Increased Throughput Multi-hop Link Efficient Protocol For Wireless Body Area Networks (WBANs) 11

12 Node Deployment 12

13 SIMPLE: Stable Increased Throughput Multi-hop Link Efficient Protocol For WBAN  Initial Phase  Selection of Forwarder Node  Scheduling 13

14 Initial Phase  Sink broadcasts its location through short information packet  Sensor nodes store the location of sink  Each sensor transmits short information packet to sink which contains node ID, its residual energy and location  Sink broadcasts information to all sensors 14

15 Selection of Forwarder Node  Minimum cost function value is used to select optimal data forwarder  A node with high residual energy and less distance to sink has minimum cost function Cost Function (i) = distance (i) /Residual Energy (i) (5)  Cost function value ensures new forwarder in each round 15

16 Scheduling  Forwarder node assigns TDMA schedule to its children node  Children nodes transmit their data in allocated time slot  TDMA scheduling saves energy of sensor nodes. 16

17 Energy Parameters  Two commercially available transceivers [3] Energy equation 17

18 iM-SIMPLE: Improved Stable Increased Throughput Multi-hop Link Efficient Protocol For WBAN Simulation Results 18

19 Network lifetime 19  Increase in stability period due to appropriate selection of forwarder node in each round  Balanced energy consumption among all nodes in stable region  Chain formation in M-ATTEMPT causes nodes to deplete more energy

20 Residual Energy 20  Nodes utilize less energy in stability period  Nodes consume energy faster in unstable region

21 Throughput  Throughput is the number of packets received successfully at sink  More alive nodes contribute towards higher network throughput 21

22 Path loss  Multi-hop topology minimizes the Path loss  Direct distant communication causes maximum path loss 22

23 Path Loss Model  Path Loss is the difference between transmitted power and received power Where, PL = Path loss d = Distance between transmitter and receiver do = Reference distance n = Path loss coefficient 23

24 Conclusion  Stable and high throughput routing protocol for WBANs  A node with minimum cost function is selected as forwarder  Cost function is based on residual energy of nodes and its distance from sink  Node with high residual energy and less distance to sink has minimum value of cost function 24

25 Questions Thank you! 25

26 References 1: J. Elias and A. Mehaoua, “Energy-aware topology design for wireless body area networks,” in Communications (ICC), 2012 IEEE International Conference on, pp. 34093410, IEEE, 2012 2: N. Ababneh, N. Timmons, and J. Morrison, “Cross-layer optimization protocol for guaranteed data streaming over wireless body area networks,” in Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing Conference (IWCMC), 2012 8th International, pp. 118123, IEEE, 2012. 3: Reusens, Elisabeth, et al. ”Characterization of on-body communication channel and energy efficient topology design for wireless body area networks.” Information Technology in Biomedicine, IEEE Transactions on 13.6 (2009): 933-945. 26

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