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STAT 3130 Statistical Methods I Lecture 1 Introduction.

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1 STAT 3130 Statistical Methods I Lecture 1 Introduction

2 About this course –Objectives –Assignments, Project & Grading Policy –Course Syllabus & Schedule –Use of Internet Site –Usage of Software About You –Course Expectations STAT3130 - Introduction

3 Expectations – You should be comfortable with the following (anything from 3120 is fair game): 1.Confidence intervals a.Proportion-based (one sample, two sample) b.Parameter-based (one sample, two sample, paired) 2.Hypothesis testing a.Type 1 and Type 2 Errors b.Alpha versus p-value c.Beta/Power 3. ttests a.Proportion-based (one sample, two sample) b.Parameter-based (one sample, two sample, paired ) 4.Chi square (odds, odds ratios) 5.Correlation and linear regression

4 STAT3130 - Introduction Expectations – I will be teaching in Base SAS. Although you can use SPSS or Minitab for your assignments, I expect that you can do the following executions using SAS with relatively little effort: Import a dataset Run Descriptive Statistics/Frequencies Create, Drop, Keep variables Categorize variables Export SAS Output to a Word Document using ODS Export SAS files to Excel Execute a ttest, a chi-square test, a linear regression model

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