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“ONE” - Business Elsevier

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1 “ONE” - Business Transformation @ Elsevier
Thank you for the opportunity to share the eBusiness vision with you on how we can make our marketing and sales more efficient and effective. Fabian Kersten 25 September 2015

2 Where do we need to be tomorrow? The steps to take. Questions?
Where are we today? Where do we need to be tomorrow? The steps to take. Questions? In this presentation I will quickly take you back to remind you why we have started the ONE project; I will give a short update on where we are today. After this update I will spent the rest of the presentation explaining to you our vision on where we need to be tomorrow and what the high-level steps are we need to take to implement this vision.

3 How does Elsevier present itself to Nicole today?
In 2012 we sent six or more s per week to more than 1M addresses. marketing campaigns per year 110 million commercial s per year Nicole first published with Elsevier in Brain Research over 10 years ago. She has also published in Developmental Brain Research and Cognitive Brain Research from Elsevier, Cortex, from Masson SpA as well as several competitor titles. How are we communicating with Nicole? During a 4 week period this June Elsevier sent 17 messages to Nicole from 11 different senders and 8 different brands. We addressed her in 5 different ways: as “Dr Nicole M Gage”, “Dr Gage” “Elsevier Journal Author”, “Psychiatry Professional” or included no greeting. She also received Virtual Enews – with the tagline “exclusively for booksellers”. Nicole opened only half of the messages and clicked on 2 of them None of the messages Nicole received featured her book.

4 Who leads the conversation?
Many stakeholder with different objectives and business goals with a strong inside out view rather than an outside in view.

5 The Elephant and the Six Blind Men by John Godfrey Saxe (1816-1887).
The poem “The Blind Men and the Elephant” was written by John Godfrey Saxe ( ). The poem ends on: “And so these men of Indostan
 disputed loud and long,
each in his own opinion 
exceeding stiff and strong. 
Though each was partly in the right, 
and all were in the wrong!” “Customer Centricity” mean different things to different people depending from each one’s perspective. Source:

6 Vision of “ONE”: Elsevier Customer in 2017
Customer objectives Move towards customer focus Develop a cross touch point consistent and integrated customer experience Increase retention, and maximize customer value and engagement by following the path of an integrated contact strategy Offer relevant & personalized content, product & services based on insights coming from static and/or behavioral data Leverage technology and data to strengthen customer relationships, support inflow of quality content, reduce service costs and, increase commercial opportunities Structure our activities and organization in the most effective way to share investment and to deliver and capture value from our customers Customer focus and aligning people, process and technology (product) to achieve this. B2C / B2B Product catalogue Customer Insights Engagement eCommerce and eService Sales enablement ONE Marketing profile Capri/ Deep/ CMDB CRM Siebel & Salesforce ONE product catalogue Semarchy 2015 ONE Elsevier eCommerce Magento ONE MAP Adobe Campaign eBusiness roadmap Enablers: End to end reporting and Web Analytics OBIEE Adobe Analytics 6

7 The rule of ONE* to guide us in the change process
1 2 3 4 5 ONE User. ONE Campaign ONE Campaign. Many Languages ONE Touch. Inline with Preferences ONE Message. ALL platforms ONE Guardian. of the Send The rule of One is our strategic guide towards the desired situation The Rule of one will help us to get to achieve our objectives (or get to ‘top of the mountain’. It is a guide in our journey towards the desired situation. The rule is in itself simple and effective but it requires a lot of change and effort to achieve this. Inspired by a case of Motorola solutions. They have worked together with Sirius Decisions to define the organizational changes needed in order to adapt their organization to the changes in the (digital) marketplace. Although this is difficult to achieve on the short term I think the rule of ONE will be beneficial. It will guide us in making the right decisions. If we keep this in mind with all the changes it will eventually result in less fragmentation and a better way of working together. One user One campaign -> Fully dynamic and in line with the Business priorities, the position of the customer in its lifecycle and the customer profile. One Campaign but localized to the max in order to increase relevance and customer engagement One Touch in line with the preferences set by the customer. So, once a month, once a week or once a day. One Guardian. On person responsible of a program. From beginning to end and empowered to make changes to the program if it contributes to its success. ONE Message Across multiple channels, so , web and Social. * Source: Sirius Decisions – Motorola

8 ONE MAP | Just a piece of the puzzle
All elements within the ‘puzzle’ should enable our organization to optimize customer experience and engage, sell to and serve customers across all touch points. ONE MAP Data & Analytics Marketing Programs Marketing Organization So… if One MAP is just one piece of the puzzle; what is it that we need to do on the other pieces that will help us to achieve our strategy.

9 ONE MAP | Where do we need to be tomorrow?
Data & Analytics Marketing Programs Marketing Organization ONE MAP Focus on operational excellence Execute ONE MAP strategy further Implement enterprise business rules Create the right interfaces (CMS, Site catalyst, CMDM, CRM, RAP) Focus on operational excellence Further integrate legacy MAP into core technology platform for marketing automation. (execute ONE MAP strategy further) Implement enterprise business rules on contact pressure and program priority that are in line with Elsevier business priorities and that support providing the right message at the right time to the right customer through the preferred channel or media. Create the right interfaces with other tools supporting the business. (CMS, Site catalyst, CMDM, CRM, RAP)

10 Customer analytics | Where do we need to be tomorrow?
ONE MAP Data & Analytics Marketing Programs Marketing Organization Data and Analytics One marketing Data warehouse. Improve segmentation (Customer Lifetime Value and propensity to buy, churn risk, usage). Continuous analysis of our customer base. Improve measurement of the marketing effectiveness and efficiency. Integrate CAPRI, CMDB and Deep into one marketing Data warehouse. Start with Basic customer segmentation and work our way up to Strategic and Tactical segmentation (on Customer Lifetime Value and propensity to buy, churn risk, usage). Improve business results through continuous analysis of our customer base. Contribute to the optimization of sales and marketing resources by improving the measurement of the effectiveness of marketing efforts and the contribution to sales outcomes/revenues.

11 Marketing Programs| Where do we need to be tomorrow?
ONE MAP Data & Analytics Marketing Programs Marketing Organization Marketing Programs Focus on optimization of the interactions across the lifecycle with the aim to manage the profitability of each individual customer over the entire life of the relationship Contribution to the pipeline formalized Triggered programs and campaigns Our marketing activities should focus on optimizing the interaction with our buyers across the lifecycle. The focus of the marketing activities should shift from managing products or marketing campaigns to managing the profitability of each individual customer over the entire life of the relationship. (= Customer Value Management) -> if managing profitability is not an aim different KPI’s should be set. Marketing’s contribution to the pipeline should be formalized Customer behaviour and data, feed and trigger activities and programs and campaigns in all channels

12 Marketing Organization| Where do we need to be tomorrow?
ONE MAP Data & Analytics Marketing Programs Marketing Organization Marketing Organization Customer Governance needs ‘anchoring’ in the organization. Core functions needed with the empowerment to implement solutions to the customer’s benefit Campaign manager with full digital mix and content responsibility More simple, consistent and ‘tech savvy’ organization. Changing three parts of the puzzle is not enough.. In order to reach the top of the mountain and really implement the RULE of ONE we change our organization. Customer Governance needs ‘anchoring’ in the organization to last Customer governance Lifecycle management Contact rules (pressure + priority) Data Segmentation (CVM) PC: Intelligent derived interests Global Marketing Calendar Core functions should be created for customer marketing and customer analytics, with the empowerment to implement solutions to the customer’s benefit. In order to create a consistent approach across all channels; our campaign managers should have the responsibility for the success of a multichannel program. For this purposes they should have the responsibility for the full digital mix including the content. Our marketing organization needs to be more simple, consistent (no overlap in responsibility) and ‘tech savvy’ to be able to leverage our global strengths and investments in core technology platforms and give the business units and local entities more agility.

13 ONE MAP| A summary Dream big, start small. Adapt the organization.

14 How to get started | first crawl, then walk, then run
2014 Focus on ONE MAP completion 2015 onwards Organizational shift: towards customer value management Stages in customer marketing Traditional marketing Enable business users to create content, manage campaigns within strict branding guidelines and basic contact rules. Automate communication. Demand generation Basic Customer segmentation Enterprise business rules around contact pressure and campaign priority. Integrated Pipeline Marketing programs structured around the customer lifecycle. Strategic and Tactical segmentation (on CLV and propensity to buy, churn risk, usage) Marketing’s contribution to pipeline formalized Revenue performance management Improve business results through continuous analysis and optimization of sales and marketing resources. Cross touch point integration Customer behaviour and data, feed and trigger activities and programs and campaigns in all channels ONE MAP build. Governance set-up between central team and BU’s. Switch of agreed tasks to central responsibility New central - decentral structure created to drive change Focus on efficiency improvement. How do we manage the process internally? We will have to dream big and present a vision; but we will have to start small and win small victories quickly. In that case we will be able to show results in a way that our organization values. These small wins will also cultivate stakeholder buy-in across our organization and increase the chance for success of the long term. How : The framework and the RULE OF ONE This framework should enable us to grow our solution as marketing continues to evolve. (step by step change). Key element in this step by step change are the use of insights and continuous testing to build a customer dialogue around the customer journey/lifecycle. (Build the dialogue: look at customer behaviour, capture this and adapt our programs to this.) (Customer insights is key: building a profile (or segmentation) will allow us to recommend the most relevant products and services We should also support sales in their activities and make sure that we enable them to do their work more effectively but primarily we should make sure that we focus our own activities around the customer decision journey. How : the organizational change During the build phase of one MAP we focus on creating a framework that improves overall processes and enable our marketing teams to successfully leverage the platform. After the build phase we gradually continue with transforming the organization. The transition should start with the empowerment of the central team for the activities that we jointly agree upon in the ‘thinking through activities’ exercise. Also an increased focus on analytics is important. The central team should consist of a tech- savvy process minded marketers with a good business sense and knowledge on all available capabilities within the marketing environment and the related IT infrastructure. The central team should be efficient and structured in such a way that it can drive the change towards customer centricity in such a way that it is (and remains) in line with segment priorities. At the same time the team should be able to react to rapid changing market situations it is therefore key that the operations part of marketing can be scaled up and down when required by changing market situations. We therefore advise to outsource some marketing operations to a marketing service provider supporting the central team. How: the enablers This strategy needs to enabled by enterprise wide investments in core technology platforms that can support customer engagement across touch points. This means that next to our commerce platforms we need to invest in ONE MAP and ONE Marketing database CMDM and HPCC. Organizational changes CMS -> Enablers ONE Marketing Database Improvements Data and Analytics ONE MAP

15 ONE Elephant and the Six Seeing Men


17 What ‘s Happening Now? 67% of the buyer’s journey is now online ; Buyers are seeking and finding more information on their own—they’re in control; this is creating a mandate for optimized online experience and information. Power of Inbound: Today 58% of all leads come from the web increasing to 71% by Marketing is taking the first sales call; B-to-B buyers are engaging with sellers later in the buying process forcing marketing and sellers to adjust their roles. Timely and Relevant information is key; There is an information abundance and we have to be heard through the noise Across all channels and devices customers need to be engaged, sell to and served. Mobile is no longer an option but a must have, for customers and sales agents Deep customer insight, break the silos: Increasing pressure to “understand customers’ deep needs, viewing interactions from the customer’s perspective, and socializing customer insights”. Change is coming faster and faster and we must be able to adopt faster and faster. Agility is a must

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