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European Topic Centre on Biological Diversity Douglas Evans European Topic Centre on Biological Diversity The EUNIS habitats classification - a short history.

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Presentation on theme: "European Topic Centre on Biological Diversity Douglas Evans European Topic Centre on Biological Diversity The EUNIS habitats classification - a short history."— Presentation transcript:

1 European Topic Centre on Biological Diversity Douglas Evans European Topic Centre on Biological Diversity The EUNIS habitats classification - a short history

2 European Topic Centre on Biological Diversity Why classify habitats ? Improve our knowledge & understanding Inventory Mapping Framework for research Planning & Management

3 European Topic Centre on Biological Diversity Habitat classification usually considered as applied science, often funded by conservation & environment agencies rather than research councils For example UK National Vegetation Classification - NCC Les biocénoses marines et littorales de Méditerranée - SFF Biomar – JNCC CORINE – DG Environment EUNIS – ETC/BD & EEA

4 European Topic Centre on Biological Diversity Many national and regional classifications (land & sea) e.g. Pérès & Picard (1964) No comprehensive classification available Pre 1980s

5 European Topic Centre on Biological Diversity 1980s -CORINE Biotopes Inventory of sites of importance for nature conservation One part of the ‘Co-ordination of Information on the Environment’ project No suitable habitat classification available so CORINE biotopes classification produced

6 European Topic Centre on Biological Diversity For the EU12 (later extended) Largely based on phytosociology “habitats that did not figure prominently in the mapping programme, such as marine ecosystems, were not detailed” (from manual)

7 European Topic Centre on Biological Diversity Palaearctic Classification (Council of Europe 1996)

8 European Topic Centre on Biological Diversity Neither CORINE or the Palaearctic classifications gave clear criteria to separate classes Both had a very poor treatment of marine habitats (circa 50% of the EU’s area) Palaearctic habitats by group

9 European Topic Centre on Biological Diversity EUNIS Habitats Classification Hierarchical Criteria based Developed to level 3 (terrestrial) and level 4 (marine)

10 European Topic Centre on Biological Diversity A component of the EUropean Nature Information System Protected areas Species

11 European Topic Centre on Biological Diversity The development of the EUNIS habitats classification October 1995 Workshop in Paris 1996-97 series of meetings & workshops (mostly terrestrial) 1998-2001 meetings for the marine component, ICES & OSPAR involved 2004 Current version published Only minor changes since 2004

12 European Topic Centre on Biological Diversity EUNIS has been developed to level 3 (land/freshwater) & level 4 (sea) Higher level units taken from other systems (mostly Palaearctic)

13 European Topic Centre on Biological Diversity Bottom up or Top down ? G Forest G1G2 G1.1G1.2G1.3 etc G2.1G2.2G2.3 etc association alliance order Aggregate Divide

14 European Topic Centre on Biological Diversity Keys & criteria Ai. Is the bed permanently covered by water (path = Yes), or either regularly exposed at some stage in the tidal cycle (littoral / inter-tidal), subjected to frequent non-tidal change in water level, or above the high water mark but with a high water table (path = No)? Note that under extreme conditions the uppermost fringe of the ‘permanently water-covered’ zone may be exposed. Note that saltmarsh pools, rockpools (filled by splash and spray) located in the supralittoral and permanent brackish pools affected by spray in the waterlogged Baltic geolittoral zone follow path = No.

15 European Topic Centre on Biological Diversity Crosswalks & correspondances Also to HD Annex I

16 European Topic Centre on Biological Diversity Some uses of the classification Emerald network (Resolution 4) Ospar (threatened and/or declining habitats) Marine Strategy Framework Directive (predominant habitat types) Inspire (approved code list) Critical loads

17 European Topic Centre on Biological Diversity Much new data has become available since 2004 e.g. from MESH, Balance, EUSeaMap, European Vegetation Archive, national projects, etc. How can we use this to improve EUNIS – Better descriptions Better information on distribution Revise classification From EUSeaMap

18 European Topic Centre on Biological Diversity Recent activity Meeting held in October 2011 to discuss the way forward Proposal for a revised marine section now ready Work with European Vegetation Survey to propose changes, improve descriptions and produce distribution maps for forests & heaths Plans for grassland & freshwater sections More details later in the meeting

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