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British Culture: Week 6 Family & Personal Relationships.

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Presentation on theme: "British Culture: Week 6 Family & Personal Relationships."— Presentation transcript:

1 British Culture: Week 6 Family & Personal Relationships

2 Family Many different family patterns (p.33) “Typical” family at the end of the 20 th century Married couple Neither had been married before They had 2 or 3 children Husband worked full-time and wife's career was interrupted by children Wife did most of the housework, but occasionally the husband helped Members were expected to be happy How has this changed in recent times?

3 Family What is the traditional Chinese family like? What about the modern Chinese family? What changes have occurred?

4 Youth

5 Since the 1950s → teenagers have emerged as a special age group What are some special characteristics of teenagers? Page 34 and 48 give us some examples of different groups What did you think of the letters on page 49 written to the magazine? Do Chinese teenagers share any of these problems with the British youth? In pairs talk about a response that you would write to one of these 3 writers.

6 Marriage “Marriage is the highest form of fellowship, affording a rocklike foundation on which all that is best in the life of the nation is built.” – Elizabeth (mother of Queen Elizabeth II) Do you agree with the statement? Write down your opinion and be ready to answer. Engagement – Usually leads to marriage In the UK (and the US) its normal for the guy to give an engagement ring to his fiance) “A girl wears an engagement ring because a guy would be more likely to chat up a girl than vice versa. So a girl wearing an engagement ring would be a sign, a social sign, that she was already engaged.” (p. 36)

7 Marriage Ceremony 3 out of 5 marriages involve only a civil wedding Over half of 1 st time marriages get married in the church → some because of the Christian commitment, others because its a cultural thing to do

8 Cohabitation & Divorce Complete Section B on page 42 – 45 We will discuss your answers when you finish

9 Homework – Do Section B #2 starting on the bottom p. 42 to 44. – Make notes about what you notice about the family in the short story “To Room Nineteen” on p. 50-52 – Read chapter 3 p. 58-70

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