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Presentation to VINCE Face-to-Face Counselling Service 24 th March 2011.

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Presentation on theme: "Presentation to VINCE Face-to-Face Counselling Service 24 th March 2011."— Presentation transcript:

1 Presentation to VINCE Face-to-Face Counselling Service 24 th March 2011

2 Who Are We? Counselling service operating in Liverpool & Manchester Operating since October 2009 Offer Counselling to Visually Impaired clients & relatives affected by sight loss From point of diagnosis and beyond Presenting issues do not have to be sight loss itself

3 Why? Identified a need Waiting list for local counselling services Crucial part of our service delivery model Emotional support – is a core component of what we do

4 How are we funded? Grant Funded 3 years through Third Sector Investment Fund Have to look at alternative funding to sustain project GP Commissioning Local Authorities Further Grant Fund Employee Assistance Programmes etc

5 How are we doing? Person Centred model is working CORE evaluation tool - data not yet analysed but prelim results show improvement & therapeutic movement Brief interventions Quality of therapy not quantity of clients! 150 referrals 50 clients engaged 30% newly diagnosed 30% sight loss diagn > 6 months ago 20% congenital sight impairment

6 Client Issues Loss of role Loss of self Fear of future Adjustment as sight deteriorates Discrimination Bereavement Relationships Denial, uncertainty, resentment, anger, frustration Depression

7 Referrers Action staff28% ROVI25% ECLO13% Self referral11% Other*22% * LVSB, Social Workers, Medical etc

8 Barriers Source of clients – not a ready referral point in Not being part of clinical pathway Perception of profession Counselling as a concept – older people Client ownership, territorial nature of competing services Professional resistance – Person centred model Strategic effort needs as much as therapeutic service – balancing act, work in progress Chicken or egg – volunteers Geographical

9 Solutions Based in local voluntary society and in Sensory service Negotiation with eye hospital to work collaboratively Regularly revisit marketing plans Shadowing other professionals to build relationships Home visits curtailed - resources / client autonomy Establish service before taking volunteers

10 Things to Think about Check list for setting up a service Where are the clients - who will be your referrers? Are there any competing counselling services? How embedded are you? Have you mapped your pathways? Do referrers understand how your service fits? Do you have a plan for networking & promotion?

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