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Resocialization and Total Institutions. Resocialization The process of being re-trained to function within a new society  Or retrained to function within.

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Presentation on theme: "Resocialization and Total Institutions. Resocialization The process of being re-trained to function within a new society  Or retrained to function within."— Presentation transcript:

1 Resocialization and Total Institutions

2 Resocialization The process of being re-trained to function within a new society  Or retrained to function within a society where previously unable to function

3 Where do we find resocialization Many aspects of our society involve resocialization Some are voluntary  Religious conversion  Moving to a new country and adapting  Joining the military Others are involuntary  Prison  Mandatory counselling  Drug rehabilitation*

4 What happens in resocialization under a total institution? The goal is to drastically change a persons identity Resocialization is then a two-step process  First, part of a person’s identity must be erased/re- programmed  Secondly, that part must be replaced with an institutionally created one

5 How is this new identity built? Number of ways  Uniform appearance (haircut, clothing, etc.)  Humiliation  Rename  Rewards and punishments  Expectation of conformity  Encouragement

6 Is this approach effective? Some people may respond well and become rehabilitated Others may respond in other ways and become hostile Can create dependency on the institution  Inmates who, upon release, commit a crime in order to go back to jail as it is the only life they know  Unable to resocialize outside of prison

7 Examples, voluntary or involuntary? Drug Rehab Prison Mental Institution The Military

8 Problems What happens when you run into individuals who are unable to be resocialized?  There are people who are a threat to society and regardless of the efforts of those involved in total institutions such as prisons or mental institutions will never be able to integrate into society What should be done with these people? When we no there is no hope how can we justify letting them out to commit crimes?  They’re expensive to keep  Why not capital punishment?

9 Your Task In a group of 3-4 choose a total institution of your choice Discuss and record the following:  Who is subject to the institution?  Who makes decisions?  Why are people at the institution?  When can someone leave the institution?  What methods are used to resocialize those enrolled?  Why does the resocialization work?  What are some potential problems that may arise?  How can the current state of this institution be improved in your opinion

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