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Part I: Why Big Business is Good Defending the Corporation in American Society, 1870-1920.

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Presentation on theme: "Part I: Why Big Business is Good Defending the Corporation in American Society, 1870-1920."— Presentation transcript:

1 Part I: Why Big Business is Good Defending the Corporation in American Society, 1870-1920

2 Why Big Business? A Growing National Market  Railroad Mileage: 46,000 in 1865, 238,000 in 1909.  Railroads: Faster, More Efficient, Operate in Night and Bad Weather.  National Goods Began Replacing Local Operations (Examples: Swift and Armour Meatpacking Companies)

3 Rise of a National Market Created Consumer Culture Example: Sears Catalog In 1880s

4 Why Big Business Becomes More Productive  Vertical Integration: “All parts of the production process—from raw materials to final product—are controlled by a company.”  Economies of Scale: “When producing more means producing more cheaply on a per unit basis.”  Example: James Bonsack’s Cigarette Machine

5 Was the Rise of Big Business Inevitable?  A. Probably Yes  B. No

6 Life Before Big Business: The Oil Industry Oil Fields Oil Transportation Refineries Retailers

7 John D. Rockefeller Integrated Oil Industry Oil Fields

8 John D. Rockefeller Integrated Oil Industry Oil Fields Oil Transportation

9 John D. Rockefeller Integrated Oil Industry Oil Fields Oil Transportation Refineries

10 John D. Rockefeller Integrated Oil Industry Oil Fields Oil Transportation Refineries Retailers

11 Why Rockefeller Was More Productive  Most efficient refining technology.  Not dependent on outside suppliers: own railroad cars, own barrels, own pipelines.  Frantic devotion to cutting costs: The glue example.  Economies of Scale: Price of Kerosene Falls

12 Big Business Pioneered New Management Techniques Middle Managers: More Prominent, More Important

13 The Virtues of Big Business: Andrew Carnegie  Poor Immigrant from Scotland  Tom Scott & Pennsylvania RR  From PA RR to Carnegie Steel

14 Carnegie Demonstrated “Virtues” of Big Business  Opportunity to All (Immigrants)

15 Carnegie Demonstrated “Virtues” of Big Business  Opportunity for All (Immigrants)  Continuous Technological Change

16 Carnegie Demonstrated “Virtues” of Big Business  Opportunity for All (Immigrants)  Continuous Technological Change  Lower Prices Revolutionize Economic Life (Survival of the Fittest)

17 Lower Prices Generally Benefit …  A. The Rich  B. The Lower and Middle Classes

18 Innovation Keeps Coming Oil Steel Automobile

19 “Giving it All Away”

20 Part II: Why Big Business Was Bad

21 Rich Societies Are Generally Happier than Poor Societies A.Yes B.No

22 Why Big Business Was Bad  Exploitation of Workers

23 Why Big Business Was Bad  Exploitation of Workers  Rise in Inequality

24 Why Big Business Was Bad  Exploitation of Workers  Rise in Inequality  Plight of Small Producers (End of Free Labor Ideology?)

25 Why Big Business Was Bad  Exploitation of Workers  Rise in Inequality  Plight of Small Producers (End of Free Labor Ideology?)  Big Business and Political Corruption

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