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Slide No. 1 Slide No. 1 HTML and Web Publishing Continued CS 104 CS 104.

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1 Slide No. 1 Slide No. 1 HTML and Web Publishing Continued CS 104 CS 104

2 Slide No. 2 Slide No. 2 HTML and Web Publishing H What is HTML? review H Why Learn HTML H Netscape Composer

3 Slide No. 3 Slide No. 3 What is HTML ä Hypertext Mark-up Language ä not a programming language ä “marking-up” text for emphasis and organization ä standard

4 Slide No. 4 Slide No. 4 HTML file ä ASCII file with a.html extension ä contains tags and text ä all web documents are HTML files

5 Slide No. 5 Slide No. 5 Tags ä commands surrounded by <> ä understood by the browser to take some action

6 Slide No. 6 Slide No. 6 Example of HTML template ä ä ä Enter title here ä Enter title here ä ä

7 Slide No. 7 Slide No. 7 Why learn HTML ä Have a global audience ä growth in the use for business and commerce is expanding daily ä do not need programming skills ä you have the freedom to supply information to readers in powerfully innovative ways. ä Most dynamic medium you will ever publish in

8 Slide No. 8 Slide No. 8 What can I do in HTML ä HTML tags can produce most of the formatting a normal word processor can do. (tables, paragraphs, lists, italics, bold ….) ä But it can also incorporate images, sounds,,hyperlinks, other programs ä For each one of these there is a special tag ä For example the anchor tag

9 Slide No. 9 Slide No. 9 Linking to Other Documents ä Chief power of HTML comes from its ability to link regions of text (and also images) to another document ä Browsers highlight these regions to indicate that they are hypertext links ä HTML’s single hypertext-related tag is, which stands for anchor

10 Slide No. 10 Slide No. 10 Providing Links ä To complete the anchor tag you must provide a link (a viewable HTML file)

11 Slide No. 11 Slide No. 11 Relative and Absolute Links ä Remember this concept in spreadsheets, well it also occurs in links. ä A relative link, depends where the document that uses the link is located. If the anchor and the source are in the same directory, then only the file name.html is necessary. ä Absolute pathname gives the entire URL

12 Slide No. 12 Slide No. 12 Links ä Relative links should be used within your set of pages. This way it is easier to move a group of documents to another location, because the relative path name will still be valid. ä You must use absolute pathnames when linking document that are not directly related. (another site)

13 Slide No. 13 Slide No. 13 URL syntax ä protocol://host.domain[:port]/path/filename ä In our links, the protocol is usually HTTP, but it can be news, telnet, ftp … ä HTTP = Hypertext transfer protocol ä If you use a DOS/Windows-based system, a backslash indicates a change in folders. However, the Web follows UNIX syntax which is a forward slash.

14 Slide No. 14 Slide No. 14 Publishing on the Web ä all web documents are in HTML ä HTML describes the format layout and logical structure of a hypermedia document ä user’s web browser translates the HTML document ä to publish - need to place the HTML document where the Web Server can access it

15 Slide No. 15 Slide No. 15 Your URL ä The web server for the VAX expects to find your homepage in a special place (the www directory of your account). Webready already has placed the homepage template (index.html) there. So when you type in: ä ä This will retrieve the INDEX.HTML file from your www directory.

16 Slide No. 16 Slide No. 16 Updating Your Homepage ä There are many tools to use to create html documents. They range from simple text editors where you have to know HTML to what you see is what you get environments. ä These WYSIWYG tools are similar to using a word processor (Word)

17 Slide No. 17 Slide No. 17 How to Update the Information ä You already used Word to create a Web page by saving it as an HTML file. ä By bringing this page back into Word again you can continue to make changes to the same document

18 Slide No. 18 Slide No. 18 The Vax ä This computer system is different than the Windows system you are accustomed to ä Filenames ä all filename get converted to uppercase ä case insensitive (this is NOT true of other systems) ä there can be no blanks in a filename

19 Slide No. 19 Slide No. 19 Publishing ä The process of placing your web pages on server ä Each server can have a different method ä Our sever is the VAX ( bsuvc) ä BSUVC expects the html pages to be stored in a directory named www and the root page must be name INDEX.HTML

20 Slide No. 20 Slide No. 20 FTP - The File Transfer Protocol ä How are we going to transfer the file(s) we created using Word that are now on the floppy to the directory WWW on the VAX? ä FTP ä The program FTP is loaded on many computers on across campus.

21 Slide No. 21 Slide No. 21 Availability of FTP ä On computers running any version of Windows 95/97, you can execute it from the start menu ä Also on computers running Windows NT with a Start menu. ä On some NT machines that have a specific FTP icon on the desktop (no start menu) ä NOTICE: you need either a start menu or an FTP icon

22 Slide No. 22 Slide No. 22 Executing FTP ä Click the Start button, then select programs ä then click MS DOS Prompt ä You will see a plain black window on your screen with only white text and blinking cursor ä Now type in A: and hit enter ä type in FTP BSUVC.BSU.EDU

23 Slide No. 23 Slide No. 23 Executing FTP ä With that command you have just asked FTP to connect you to the VAX ä As you know the VAX is a multiuser system and now you enter your Username and Password. ä If you have logged in successfully you will see a message confirming this ä now type in the word bin and hit the return

24 Slide No. 24 Slide No. 24 Executing FTP ä The bin command is necessary because the files are in binary format for the web (graphic). Be sure that you enter bin in lowercase letters. ä Enter the command cd www ä you have just told ftp to change to the www directory in your Vax accout

25 Slide No. 25 Slide No. 25 Executing FTP ä Now you are ready to transfer the files to the WWW folder ä at the prompt type ä put index.html ä if you have other files that index.html uses as hyperlink, transfer them now! ä put mypicture.jpg ä after transferring all the files, type in quit / bye ä close the window

26 Slide No. 26 Slide No. 26 Other FTP reminders ä If you are a slow typist, FTP will time out. You will just type in bye and ä start at ftp ä if you have all your files to transfer in one directory, you can use a short cut command mput *.* ä Notice that you can PUT but you also can GET.

27 Slide No. 27 Slide No. 27 Put and Get Machine from where processed the ftp Machine connecting to Get Files from connecting machine going to the ftp machine PUT Files from the ftp machine going to the connecting machine

28 Slide No. 28 Slide No. 28 Viewing ä To see your masterpiece ä use Explorer or Netscape ä

29 Slide No. 29 Slide No. 29 Questions

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