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The 2010 Population and Housing Census of Mongolia Data Accessibility, Confidentiality, and Copyright Lkhagvadulam Ch. Population and Housing Census Bureau,

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Presentation on theme: "The 2010 Population and Housing Census of Mongolia Data Accessibility, Confidentiality, and Copyright Lkhagvadulam Ch. Population and Housing Census Bureau,"— Presentation transcript:

1 The 2010 Population and Housing Census of Mongolia Data Accessibility, Confidentiality, and Copyright Lkhagvadulam Ch. Population and Housing Census Bureau, National Statistical Office of Mongolia

2 CONTENTS The 2010 Census of Mongolia Data Accessibility Confidentiality Copyright

3 THE 2010 CENSUS OF MONGOLIA Quick facts o About Mongolia:  Population - 2.7 million  Territory – 1.5 million sq. km o Tenth population census of Mongolia o Reference time: 00 hours of 11 Nov 2010 o Enumeration period: 11-17 Nov 2010 o 16,000 enumerators and supervisors o Data processing  Data entry method – 80 operators  Computer-assisted coding

4 Features o Law on Population and Housing Census o GIS, digital mapping o e-Enumeration o Mongolian citizens abroad

5 Censuses in Mongolia Average annual population growth rate was 2.9 during these years, highest in the 20 th century. Average annual population growth rate was 0.3 during war years, lowest in the 20 th century. One millionth citiztien of Mongolia was born in 1962. Two millionth citizen of Mongolia was born in 1988. In the 20 th century, population of Mongolia increased 3.7 times.

6 Preparations Enumeration Collecting 60 days 36 days 7 days The 2010 Population and Housing Census of Mongolia Main stages of the 2010 census 2000 2008.01.03 2010.01.18 Data processing 2011-2012 2012-2013 2011.06.01 Analysis Database development and dissemination 2011.02.20 Law on PHC Preliminary results Main results 2011.07.01 PES 3 days

7 Data processing Preparation Enumeration Material compilation 7 days OVERALL PLAN 7 3 days 20102011 IXXXIXIIIII…YIYII PES Main results NSO Regional offices Local offices Dec 2010 Nov 2010 Verification Data entry Coding May 2011 Feb – Apr 2011 Jan – Feb 2011 July 2011 Preliminary results Feb 2011

8 DATA ACCESSIBILITY o Preliminary results o Main results  National report and main results;  Provincial and Capital city reports and results;  Thematic studies & Monographs; Touch screen data service stations o Government agencies & public places Data service center of NSO o Publications; o CD-ROM; o Print outs;  As requested by customers; February 2011 July 2011

9 CONFIDENTIALITY Law on Population and Housing Census of Mongolia Article 18. Confidentiality, storage and protection of reported data of the census o 18.1. By law the reported data of the census shall be considered as confidentiality of individual and the confidentiality of the data shall not be disclosed within periods listed below:  18.1.1. until the census staff are discharged from their respective jobs; and  18.1.2. until the census data are allowed to be available to the general public according to 25.8 of the Law on Archive after the census staff are discharged from their respective jobs. 25.8 of the Law on Archive “… individual’s personal information and related documentations may be disclosed after 70 years.”

10 CONFIDENTIALITY 18.2. The census data shall be archived by and at the National Statistical Office according to the Law on Archive for a period of time and handed over by it to the Department of National Archive; 18.3. The census data on individuals shall not be utilized by and disclosed to anyone in any formats until officially produced and compiled by the National Statistical Office to make them available to the public.

11 COPYRIGHT Law on Population and Housing Census of Mongolia Article 18. Confidentiality, storage and protection of reported data of the census 18.4. Chairman of the National Statistical Office shall approve a procedure for collection, production, and storage of the census data, and public access to the data.

12 THANK YOU FOR YOUR ATTENTION! Population and Housing Census Bureau National Statistical Office of Mongolia Web:

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