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E-SURFMAR Programme Status and Plans (March 2011) Pierre Blouch E-SURFMAR Programme Manager.

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Presentation on theme: "E-SURFMAR Programme Status and Plans (March 2011) Pierre Blouch E-SURFMAR Programme Manager."— Presentation transcript:

1 E-SURFMAR Programme Status and Plans (March 2011) Pierre Blouch E-SURFMAR Programme Manager

2 GIE/EIG EUMETNET, Registered Number 0818.801.249 - RPM Bruxelles VOS-TAG-8 Meeting, Genoa, 30-31 March. 2011 Content E-SURFMAR Programme within EUMETNET GIE Data Buoys VOS ships Cooperations Monitoring tools Meetings

3 GIE/EIG EUMETNET, Registered Number 0818.801.249 - RPM Bruxelles VOS-TAG-8 Meeting, Genoa, 30-31 March. 2011 Content E-SURFMAR Programme within EUMETNET GIE Data Buoys VOS ships Cooperations Monitoring tools Meetings

4 GIE/EIG EUMETNET, Registered Number 0818.801.249 - RPM Bruxelles VOS-TAG-8 Meeting, Genoa, 30-31 March. 2011 E-SURFMAR  Surface Marine Observation Programme  Part of the Eumetnet Composite Observation System (EUCOS)  Optional: 17 participant members only  Objectives  to coordinate, optimise and progressively integrate the European activities for surface observations over the sea in support of Numerical Weather Predictions  Two components  Conventionnels Voluntary Observing Ships (VOS) or ships equipped with Automated Weather Stations (S-AWS)  Drifting or moored Data Buoys

5 GIE/EIG EUMETNET, Registered Number 0818.801.249 - RPM Bruxelles VOS-TAG-8 Meeting, Genoa, 30-31 March. 2011 Composite Map

6 GIE/EIG EUMETNET, Registered Number 0818.801.249 - RPM Bruxelles VOS-TAG-8 Meeting, Genoa, 30-31 March. 2011 Eumetnet Governance Capability Programmes We’re here !!

7 GIE/EIG EUMETNET, Registered Number 0818.801.249 - RPM Bruxelles VOS-TAG-8 Meeting, Genoa, 30-31 March. 2011 EUCOS Roadmap  EUCOS objectives extended to Climate and 1-km scale NWP model requirements during 2013-2020  Brainstorming started to setup a Roadmap for Observations  Which major developments which should be considered in individual programmes ?  What kind of scientific studies should be conducted ?  Which possible observation experiments of interest should be financially supported ?  Proposals by E-SURFMAR  Densifying surface marine obs. in coastal areas and inland seas  Cooperation with oceanographers for moored buoy networks  Deployment of numerous cost-effective AWS on ships  Use of AIS to report their observations (collaboration with IMO)  Considering the possiblity to make future standard GTS reporting S-AWS mandatory on ships of a certain tonnage (as AIS) Is this utopian ?

8 GIE/EIG EUMETNET, Registered Number 0818.801.249 - RPM Bruxelles VOS-TAG-8 Meeting, Genoa, 30-31 March. 2011 From last STAC meeting  Eumetnet Secretariat proposed to have three types of advisory bodies in the future:  Working Groups  Programme or Project Advisory Groups  Expert Teams  STAC agreed to combine PAG and ET under the single definition of « Expert Team ». Expert Teams shall be established for a specific duration and will be reviewed after 2 years (?).  Expert Teams shall report to the Capability Programme Managers (CPMs) or the Programme Managers (PMs)  Current TAGs shall be established as Expert Teams in the future Question: Shall E-SURFMAR continue to be fitted with two Expert Teams ?

9 GIE/EIG EUMETNET, Registered Number 0818.801.249 - RPM Bruxelles VOS-TAG-8 Meeting, Genoa, 30-31 March. 2011 Content E-SURFMAR Programme within EUMETNET GIE Data Buoys VOS ships Cooperations Monitoring tools Meetings

10 GIE/EIG EUMETNET, Registered Number 0818.801.249 - RPM Bruxelles VOS-TAG-8 Meeting, Genoa, 30-31 March. 2011 Data Buoys  E-SURFMAR  operates a network of about 100 drifting buoys measuring air pressure and sea surface temperature in the North Atlantic and which make their data available in real time onto the Global Telecommunication System of WMO  coordinates the moored buoys activities of EUMETNET members and most especially the UK, Irish and French networks of K-pattern buoys  financially and technically supports the operation of 4 moored buoys as a baseline for the calibration and the validation of satellite-derived wind and wave observations  invites and helps non-EUMETNET members operating moored buoy networks in European waters to report their data onto the GTS as support to the World Weather Watch… and monitors these data

11 GIE/EIG EUMETNET, Registered Number 0818.801.249 - RPM Bruxelles VOS-TAG-8 Meeting, Genoa, 30-31 March. 2011 Drifting Buoys (network) February 2011 Iridium SVP-B Argos SVP-B SVP-BW (moored buoys) Main routes of deployments

12 GIE/EIG EUMETNET, Registered Number 0818.801.249 - RPM Bruxelles VOS-TAG-8 Meeting, Genoa, 30-31 March. 2011 Drifting Buoys (deployments)  Reykjavik (IMO - Eimskip America route)  Southampton, Liverpool and London (Met Office)  Brest (research vessels) and Le Havre (Meteo-France)  Halifax (MSC Canada – various routes)  Charleston (NOAA upgraded buoys)  Rotterdam (thanks to KNMI and Eimskip)  Bremerhaven (Polarstern) and Sweden (Oden) => Arctic region

13 GIE/EIG EUMETNET, Registered Number 0818.801.249 - RPM Bruxelles VOS-TAG-8 Meeting, Genoa, 30-31 March. 2011 Drifting Buoys (timeliness) E-SURFMAR EGOS Number of operating buoys More upgraded buoys (Argos) than Iridium (fully funded by the programme) due to… - increasing lifetime for Argos buoys - delays in the delivery of Iridium buoys Percentage of reports sent onto the GTS less than 50 minutes after the observation - influence of Iridium buoys then - improvements at Argos for upgraded buoys Long term target : 90% Short term target : 70%

14 GIE/EIG EUMETNET, Registered Number 0818.801.249 - RPM Bruxelles VOS-TAG-8 Meeting, Genoa, 30-31 March. 2011 Drifting Buoys (north of Eucos area and Arctic) Eumetnet drifting buoys in red Non-Eumetnet drifting buoys in blue New Iceb buoys - to be deployed in 2011 All buoys on the map are measuring air pressure at least Feb. 2011

15 GIE/EIG EUMETNET, Registered Number 0818.801.249 - RPM Bruxelles VOS-TAG-8 Meeting, Genoa, 30-31 March. 2011 EUCOS Moored Buoys  K5 operated by the Met Office  M6 operated by MRI and Met Eireann  Cabo Silleiro operated by Puertos del Estado  Lion operated by Meteo-France

16 GIE/EIG EUMETNET, Registered Number 0818.801.249 - RPM Bruxelles VOS-TAG-8 Meeting, Genoa, 30-31 March. 2011 EUCOS Moored Buoys  K5, M6 and Lion buoys operational. L ion buoy was visited and serviced on the 2 nd of March 2010. This buoy reports omnidirectional wave spectra in WAVEOB. K5 is equipped with an experimental system to report directional wave spectra.  Cabo silleiro went adrift twice due to fishermen: beginning of March 2010 then beginning of May. Each time, it took several weeks to re-moor it. In September, the buoy was moored in a new position, more west and in deeper sea. Risks of collisions with fishing boats should be minimized there.

17 GIE/EIG EUMETNET, Registered Number 0818.801.249 - RPM Bruxelles VOS-TAG-8 Meeting, Genoa, 30-31 March. 2011 Moored Buoys CountryNameNb of Buoys Buoy Type and GTS transmission FranceCETMEF~10  Waveriders  FM13 SHIP and FM65 WAVEOB GermanyBSH3+2  Specific  FM12 SYNOP and FM13 SHIP GreecePoseidon (HCMR) 10  SeaWatch and WaveScan  FM94 BUFR ItalyRON (Ispra) 17  WatchKeeper  FM94 BUFR United- Kingdom Wavenet (CEFAS) 18  Waveriders  FM94 BUFR United- Kingdom PML2  Hippo Marine Ltd  FM13 SHIP Non exhaustive list of moored buoy networks outside Met Office, Met Eireann, Puertos del Estado and Meteo-France networks

18 GIE/EIG EUMETNET, Registered Number 0818.801.249 - RPM Bruxelles VOS-TAG-8 Meeting, Genoa, 30-31 March. 2011 Moored Buoys (Mediterranean Networks) Puertos del Estado, Spain ISPRA, Italy (RON) HCMR, Greece (Poseidon)  Data from these networks are reported in BUFR only  The quality of ISPRA buoys data does not reach WMO standards presently. They had to be removed from the GTS (waves excepted)

19 GIE/EIG EUMETNET, Registered Number 0818.801.249 - RPM Bruxelles VOS-TAG-8 Meeting, Genoa, 30-31 March. 2011 Content E-SURFMAR Programme within EUMETNET GIE Data Buoys VOS ships Cooperations Monitoring tools Meetings

20 GIE/EIG EUMETNET, Registered Number 0818.801.249 - RPM Bruxelles VOS-TAG-8 Meeting, Genoa, 30-31 March. 2011 VOS Ships  E-SURFMAR  supports the activities of European Voluntary Observing Ships (VOS) in order to better coordinate and harmonise practices  operates an increasing fleet of Shipborne Automated Weather Stations (S-AWS) in support of the programme network design  provides a suitable forum to setup common specifications for the future procurements of such stations (call for tender to be issued)

21 GIE/EIG EUMETNET, Registered Number 0818.801.249 - RPM Bruxelles VOS-TAG-8 Meeting, Genoa, 30-31 March. 2011 VOS Ships Data Availability Average number of daily reports from the EUCOS area Conventional VOSAutomated VOS (AWS) E-SURFMAR Target : 250 obs/day Target : 1000 obs/day

22 GIE/EIG EUMETNET, Registered Number 0818.801.249 - RPM Bruxelles VOS-TAG-8 Meeting, Genoa, 30-31 March. 2011 E-SURFMAR AWS Fleet

23 GIE/EIG EUMETNET, Registered Number 0818.801.249 - RPM Bruxelles VOS-TAG-8 Meeting, Genoa, 30-31 March. 2011 VOS Ships – Developed under other agenda items  E-SURFMAR VOS performances and monitoring (3.2)  Programme funded S-AWS status and Co-operation with MOON (4.2)  Common S-AWS tender (4.3)  E-SURFMAR metadata database (7.4)  Use the half compression technique (8.4)  …

24 GIE/EIG EUMETNET, Registered Number 0818.801.249 - RPM Bruxelles VOS-TAG-8 Meeting, Genoa, 30-31 March. 2011 Content E-SURFMAR Programme within EUMETNET GIE Data Buoys VOS ships Cooperations Monitoring tools Meetings

25 GIE/EIG EUMETNET, Registered Number 0818.801.249 - RPM Bruxelles VOS-TAG-8 Meeting, Genoa, 30-31 March. 2011 Cooperations  E-SURFMAR  contributes to:  the World Weather Watch of WMO - all observations are reported onto its Global Telecommunication System (GTS) in real time -,  and the GMES Marine Core Service  closely works with the JCOMM Data Cooperation Panel (DBCP) and the JCOMM Ship Observation Team (SOT). JCOMM is the Joint WMO-IOC Commission of Oceanography and Marine Meteorology.  cooperates with NOAA and the Meteorological Service of Canada, as well as with Puertos del Estado and other European oceanographic agencies among MOON members

26 GIE/EIG EUMETNET, Registered Number 0818.801.249 - RPM Bruxelles VOS-TAG-8 Meeting, Genoa, 30-31 March. 2011 Content E-SURFMAR Programme within EUMETNET GIE Data Buoys VOS ships Cooperations Monitoring tools Meetings

27 GIE/EIG EUMETNET, Registered Number 0818.801.249 - RPM Bruxelles VOS-TAG-8 Meeting, Genoa, 30-31 March. 2011 Data Quality Control Tools

28 GIE/EIG EUMETNET, Registered Number 0818.801.249 - RPM Bruxelles VOS-TAG-8 Meeting, Genoa, 30-31 March. 2011 VOS Metadata Database Contains about 3500 ships recruited by many meteorological services in the world: not only EUMETNET members

29 GIE/EIG EUMETNET, Registered Number 0818.801.249 - RPM Bruxelles VOS-TAG-8 Meeting, Genoa, 30-31 March. 2011 Content E-SURFMAR Programme within EUMETNET GIE Data Buoys VOS ships Cooperations Monitoring tools Meetings

30 GIE/EIG EUMETNET, Registered Number 0818.801.249 - RPM Bruxelles VOS-TAG-8 Meeting, Genoa, 30-31 March. 2011 Meetings (relevant to E-SURFMAR)  E-SURFMAR TTonT (Exeter, UK, 23-24 Sept. 2010)  Finalisation of the S-AWS Tendering Documents  JCOMM DBCP-26 (Oban, UK, 27-30 Sept. 2010)  Presentation of E-SURFMAR buoy Activities  STAC-1 (Darmstadt, GE, 4-5 Oct. 2010)  FPAC-1 (Darmstadt, GE, 6-7 Oct. 2010)  Presentation of the S-AWS Tendering Documents  Eumetnet GIE 5th Assembly (Krakow, PL, 24-26 Nov. 2010)  Presentation of the S-AWS Tendering Documents  JCOMM PMO-4 (Orlando, US, 8-10 Dec. 2010)  Presentation of the E-SURFMAR metadata database and QC tools  Eumetnet-PM-4 (Budapest, HU, 9-10 Dec. 2010)  EUCOS-PM-16 (Brest, FR, 26-27 Jan. 2011)

31 GIE/EIG EUMETNET, Registered Number 0818.801.249 - RPM Bruxelles VOS-TAG-8 Meeting, Genoa, 30-31 March. 2011 Meetings (continued)  EUCOS-SAT (Reading, UK, 10-11 March 2011)  MOON Assembly (Trapani, IT, 15-17 March 2011)  STAC-2 (Reading, UK, 22-23 March 2011)  FPAC-2 (Reading, UK, 24-25 March 2011)  Decision on legal aspects of the S-AWS tender process  VOS-TAG-8 (Genoa, IT, 30-31 March 2011)  MyOcean User Forum (Stockholm, SE, 7-8 April 2011)  JCOMM SOT-6 (Hobart, AU, 11-15 April 2011)  MyOcean-2 (Rome, IT, 27-28 April 2011)  Eumetnet GIE 6th Assembly (Dubrovnik, HR, 9-10 May 2011)  DB-TAG-7 (Heraklion, GR, 24-25 May 2011)  JCOMM DBCP-27 (Geneva, CH, 26-29 Sep. 2011)

32 GIE/EIG EUMETNET, Registered Number 0818.801.249 - RPM Bruxelles VOS-TAG-8 Meeting, Genoa, 30-31 March. 2011 Questions ?

33 GIE/EIG EUMETNET, Registered Number 0818.801.249 - RPM Bruxelles VOS-TAG-8 Meeting, Genoa, 30-31 March. 2011 Contact Details Pierre Blouch E-SURFMAR Programme Manager GIE/EIG EUMETNET GIE EUMETNET Secretariat c/o L’Institut Royal Météorologique de Belgique Avenue Circulaire 3 1180 Bruxelles, Belgique Tel: +32 (0)2 373 05 18 Fax: +32 (0)2 890 98 58 Email: Web: E-SURFMAR Programme Manager Meteo-France Centre de Meteo Marine 13 rue du Chatellier – CS 12804 F-29228 Brest Cedex 2 Tel: + 33 (0) 298 22 18 52 Fax: + 33 (0) 298 22 18 49 Email: Web:

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