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Chapter 10 Database Application Design David M. Kroenke Database Processing © 2000 Prentice Hall.

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Presentation on theme: "Chapter 10 Database Application Design David M. Kroenke Database Processing © 2000 Prentice Hall."— Presentation transcript:

1 Chapter 10 Database Application Design David M. Kroenke Database Processing © 2000 Prentice Hall

2 Functions of a Database Application Page 238 Figure 10-1 © 2000 Prentice Hall

3 Chapter 10 © 2000 Prentice Hall CRUD “the first function of a database application is to CRUD views” Create Read Update Delete Page 237

4 Chapter 10 © 2000 Prentice Hall Format or Materialize views “the second function of a database application; the appearance of the content” Page 238

5 Chapter 10 © 2000 Prentice Hall Other database functions Enforce constraints Provide for security and control Execute business logic Page 238

6 Semantic Object Page 240 Figure 10-3a © 2000 Prentice Hall

7 E-R Diagram Page 240 Figure 10-3b © 2000 Prentice Hall

8 Relational Design Page 240 Figure 10-3c © 2000 Prentice Hall

9 Relational Design (w/ Surrogate Keys) Page 240 Figure 10-3d © 2000 Prentice Hall

10 Relational Diagram Page 241 Figure 10-3e © 2000 Prentice Hall

11 Chapter 10 © 2000 Prentice Hall View “A structured list of data items (attributes) from the entities or semantic objects defined in the data model” A view can be materialized or formatted as a form or report Page 242

12 Chapter 10 © 2000 Prentice Hall Recordset “the result of an SQL statement” Page 243

13 Chapter 10 © 2000 Prentice Hall CRUD actions on a view Read SELECT CUSTOMER.CustomerID, CUSTOMER.Name FROM CUSTOMER, WORK WHERE CUSTOMER.CustomerID = WORK.CustomerID Page 243

14 Chapter 10 © 2000 Prentice Hall CRUD actions on a view Create INSERT INTO CUSTOMER (CUSTOMER.Name, CUSTOMER.City) VALUES (NewCust.CUSTOMER.Name, NewCust.CUSTOMER.City) Page 244

15 Chapter 10 © 2000 Prentice Hall CRUD actions on a view Update INSERT INTO CUSTOMER (CUSTOMER.Name, CUSTOMER.City) VALUES (NewCust.CUSTOMER.Name, NewCust.CUSTOMER.City) Page 246

16 CRUD actions on a view Delete Cascading deletions depends on relationship cardinality Page 247 Figure 10-6 © 2000 Prentice Hall

17 Chapter 10 © 2000 Prentice Hall Form “a screen display used for data entry and edit” Forms should... reflect the view structure make data associations graphically clear encourage appropriate action Page 248

18 Chapter 10 © 2000 Prentice Hall Forms in a GUI Environment Drop-down list Option buttons in groups Check boxes Page 251

19 GUI controls Page 252 Figure 10-10 © 2000 Prentice Hall

20 Chapter 10 © 2000 Prentice Hall Report Design Reports should... reflect the structure of the underlying view handle implied objects Page 253

21 Chapter 10 © 2000 Prentice Hall Enforcing Constraints Domain Uniqueness Relationship Cardinality 1.1 and 1.N –fragments –orphans Business Rule –triggers Page 256

22 Chapter 10 © 2000 Prentice Hall Security Horizontal Vertical Page 264

23 Chapter 10 © 2000 Prentice Hall Control System of menus Transaction boundaries Page 265

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