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Updated by the Membership Development Committee 2013-2014 [How to Run For A Higher Office] Eastern Canada District | Key Club International ECD| How to.

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Presentation on theme: "Updated by the Membership Development Committee 2013-2014 [How to Run For A Higher Office] Eastern Canada District | Key Club International ECD| How to."— Presentation transcript:

1 Updated by the Membership Development Committee 2013-2014 [How to Run For A Higher Office] Eastern Canada District | Key Club International ECD| How to Run for a Higher Office

2 Get involved with Key Club on a bigger scale Become a leader Improve skills (e.g. public speaking) Form connections with more like minded people Incredible experiences Incredible experiences ECD| Updated by the Membership Development Committee 2013-2014 [How to Run For A Higher Office] Eastern Canada District | Key Club International Why Run?

3 Three Levels of Governance (Without International Office) ECD| Updated by the Membership Development Committee 2013-2014 [How to Run For A Higher Office] Eastern Canada District | Key Club International

4 ECD| Updated by the Membership Development Committee 2013-2014 [How to Run For A Higher Office] Eastern Canada District | Key Club International

5 Works directly with Key Club members at school Holds weekly meetings + Exec meetings Prepares service projects in the school and community Different positions: President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer, Bulletin Editor, etc. Club Election prior District Convention (DCON) – in February ECD| Updated by the Membership Development Committee 2013-2014 [How to Run For A Higher Office] Eastern Canada District | Key Club International Club Level

6 Be familiar with the responsibilities of the position Address what changes you can bring to the club, school and community  how will you do it? Don’t focus on general goals (e.g. “I want to increase communication and membership”)  be more specific Always set realistic goals! Focus more on what you will do, rather than what you did  however, experience is still a plus! Tips for Running at Club Level Updated by the Membership Development Committee 2013-2014 [How to Run For A Higher Office] Eastern Canada District | Key Club International ECD|

7 Updated by the Membership Development Committee 2013-2014 [How to Run For A Higher Office] Eastern Canada District | Key Club International

8 Works directly with Club and District officers Represents the division More leadership + constant communication ECD| Updated by the Membership Development Committee 2013-2014 [How to Run For A Higher Office] Eastern Canada District | Key Club International Division Level

9 Responsible for supporting and growing the Key Clubs within his/her division Liaison between the district and the club 7 Lieutenant Governors in the Eastern Canada District ECD| Updated by the Membership Development Committee 2013-2014 [How to Run For A Higher Office] Eastern Canada District | Key Club International Lieutenant Governor

10 Division 2 Great Lakes | Division 3 Grand River | Division 4 Thundering Waters | Division 5 Maple Leaf | Division 8/9 Ottawa Valley/Parliament Hill | Division 10 Fleur de Lys | Division 11/12 High Tides/Rocky Shores | ECD| Updated by the Membership Development Committee 2013-2014 [How to Run For A Higher Office] Eastern Canada District | Key Club International Contact Information

11 Attend Mid-Winter Rally with a election speech Send your forms to the District Governor and District Administrator Attend District Convention ECD| Updated by the Membership Development Committee 2013-2014 [How to Run For A Higher Office] Eastern Canada District | Key Club International Running for Lieutenant Governor

12 ECD| Updated by the Membership Development Committee 2013-2014 [How to Run For A Higher Office] Eastern Canada District | Key Club International

13 Works directly with the District Board of Eastern Canada Positions: Governor, Secretary-Treasurer, Bulletin Editor, Webmaster, and Translator Each position carries a significant role in the District ECD| Updated by the Membership Development Committee 2013-2014 [How to Run For A Higher Office] Eastern Canada District | Key Club International District Level

14 Statement of Candidacy Form Service Agreement Letters of Endorsement from Home Club and Sponsoring Kiwanis Club Letters of Permission from Parent and School Principal All forms can be found on the Eastern Canada District Key Club website: ECD| Updated by the Membership Development Committee 2013-2014 [How to Run For A Higher Office] Eastern Canada District | Key Club International Paperwork for District Office

15 Responsible for working closely with District Board and Key Club International to ensure the district is progressing in the right direction Trains all District Board members, conducts board meetings, sets goals for the district Ensures board and committees are running smoothly ECD| Updated by the Membership Development Committee 2013-2014 [How to Run For A Higher Office] Eastern Canada District | Key Club International District Governor

16 Takes minutes at all District Board meetings Collects dues by the appropriate deadline Creates district budget Encourages membership recruitment Trains and supports club secretaries and club treasurers ECD| Updated by the Membership Development Committee 2013-2014 [How to Run For A Higher Office] Eastern Canada District | Key Club International District Secretary - Treasurer

17 Endorsement at Mid-Winter Rally Attend District Convention and caucusing Do not campaign before caucusing Prepare and bring all paperwork to District Convention ECD| Updated by the Membership Development Committee 2013-2014 [How to Run For A Higher Office] Eastern Canada District | Key Club International Running for District Gov. & DST

18 Prepare and bring all paperwork Be interviewed at District Convention For District Webmaster, be knowledgeable on maintaining websites and several social media platforms For District Translators, be proficient in English and French District Webmaster: ECD| Updated by the Membership Development Committee 2013-2014 [How to Run For A Higher Office] Eastern Canada District | Key Club International District Webmaster & District Translator

19 In charge of publicity of the Eastern Canada District Key Club Publish four issues of the Eastern Canada District Magazine – EC Key Be interviewed at District Convention Be proficient in Photoshop and/or other designing applications ECD| Updated by the Membership Development Committee 2013-2014 [How to Run For A Higher Office] Eastern Canada District | Key Club International District Bulletin Editor

20 ECD| Updated by the Membership Development Committee 2013-2014 [How to Run For A Higher Office] Eastern Canada District | Key Club International

21 Key Club International President - 1 Key Club International Vice President - 1 Key Club International Trustee - 11 ECD| Updated by the Membership Development Committee 2013-2014 [How to Run For A Higher Office] Eastern Canada District | Key Club International International Level

22 Candidates must be endorsed by their home district at District Convention Elected by those in attendance at International Convention  Present speech in front of all Districts Complete all the necessary paperwork prior to the election Consult the District Governor for running procedures and paperwork District Governor: ECD| Updated by the Membership Development Committee 2013-2014 [How to Run For A Higher Office] Eastern Canada District | Key Club International Key Club International Office

23 ECD| Updated by the Membership Development Committee 2013-2014 [How to Run For A Higher Office] Eastern Canada District | Key Club International [Insert a photo of the presenter above] Questions and Contact Feel free to contact me: [Insert name here] [Insert email address here] [Optional: Insert cell number] Any questions? You can download resources at

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