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Second Grade District Professional Development August 16, 2012 Asheboro City Schools.

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Presentation on theme: "Second Grade District Professional Development August 16, 2012 Asheboro City Schools."— Presentation transcript:

1 Second Grade District Professional Development August 16, 2012 Asheboro City Schools

2 AGENDA  K-5 Forms and Changes  Break  DPI Curriculum Updates  Literacy Plan and Resources  Lunch  Universal Design  Second Grade Unit – sharing and planning

3 Form & Changes  K-5 Portfolio card  Math Mastery Sheet Options  Spreadsheet Revisions for 2 nd  Reading Progress Chart (optional)  Report Card Revisions (TBD)  Parent Document (to come)  Lead ESL Teacher Dubraska Stines


5 The CCSS Requires Three Shifts in ELA/Literacy 1. Building knowledge through content-rich nonfiction (50/50) 2. Reading, writing and speaking grounded in evidence from text, both literary and informational 3. Regular practice with complex text and its academic language ELA

6 TEXT DEPENDENT QUESTIONS ELA o In “Casey at the Bat,” Casey strikes out. Describe a time when you failed at something. o In “Letter from a Birmingham Jail,” Dr. King discusses nonviolent protest. Discuss, in writing, a time when you wanted to fight against something that you felt was unfair. o In “The Gettysburg Address” Lincoln says the nation is dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal. Why is equality an important value to promote? What makes Casey’s experiences at bat humorous? What can you infer from King’s letter about the letter that he received? “The Gettysburg Address” mentions the year 1776. According to Lincoln’s speech, why is this year significant to the events described in the speech? Not Text-Dependent (Non examples) Text-Dependent (Examples)

7 Text-Dependent Questions... Can only be answered with evidence from the text. Can be literal (checking for understanding) but must also involve analysis, synthesis, evaluation. Focus on word, sentence, and paragraph, as well as larger ideas, themes, or events. Focus on difficult portions of text in order to enhance reading proficiency. Can also include prompts for writing and discussion questions. ELA

8 TDQ Task – Think, Pair, Share Using the book The Memory String by Eve Bunting, plan some examples of text dependent questions in your group and share. ELA

9 Academic Vocabulary ELA

10 Choosing Words to Teach Three Tiers of Words Tier 1 – most basic words of oral language and rarely require instructional attention (80% of text) Tier 2 – Words that are more sophisticated and used often across disciplines Tier 3 – words that are very rare or apply to specific domains ELA

11 Rubric – Rubric – Criteria to determine which words to teach:  Students are likely to see the word often in other texts and across domains.  The word will be useful in students’ writing.  The word relates to other words or ideas that the students know or have been learning.  Word choice has significance in the text.  The context does not provide enough information for students to infer the meaning of the word.  Word is less likely to be learned independently ELA

12 With your group, read the short story Courage. Write down the Tier II words that you come across. Using the Tier 2 rubric decide whether these words are worthy, need to be told, or should not be addressed. ELA Tier 2 Vocabulary - Think, Pair, Share

13 Rich and Worthy Texts Text selection is critical!  The text is the focus of the instruction  From texts, students gain knowledge about the world and how to express themselves  Choose text purposefully based on what we want out students to learn ELA

14 2 nd Grade Math Pacing Guide  Assessment Planning Guide  Divided into Quarters  Case 21 benchmarks to follow each Quarter  Sample Instructional Guide for first quarter MATH

15 At a Glance  Quarter 1- NBT.1- NBT. 4, NBT.8, O.A.1, MD.10 * Understand Place Value, 1 &2 step word problems, Picture & bar graphs  Quarter 2- NBT.5- NBT.7, NBT.9, MD.5, MD.6 *Use place value and properties of operations to add and subtract, and explain why they work. Length and number lines. MATH

16 At a Glance (cont.)  Quarter 3- OA.3, OA.4, MD.1-MD.4, MD.7, MD.8 * Foundations for multiplication, measure and estimate lengths in standard units, Time and money.  Quarter 4- OA.2, MD.9, G.1-G.3 * Fluency of addition and subtraction, Represent and interpret data, reason with shapes and their attributes MATH

17 Updates  Social Studies is ongoing and integrated.  We should attempt to include ALL five standards in every concept unit  History  Geography and Environment  Economics and Finance  Civics and Governance  Culture SOCIAL STUDIES

18  Science will be included in conceptual units, and integrated with ELA Concepts:  Forces and Motion- Sound  Matter: Properties and Change - Solids and Liquids  Earth Systems, Structures, and Processes - Weather  Structures and Functions of Living Organisms - Life Cycles  Evolution and Genetics - organism characteristics/ parents Resources:  Scroll down to the 2:00-3:13 block and use the links on the right hand side for great science resources. SCIENCE

19 Concepts: Mental and Emotional Health  Healthy expression of emotions, mental health, and healthy behavior Personal and Consumer Health  Apply measures for cleanliness and disease prevention Interpersonal Communication and Relationships  Healthy and effective interpersonal communication and relationships Nutrition and Physical Activity  Nutrition and Fitness concepts to enhance quality of life Alcohol, Tobacco, and other Drugs  Using household products and medicines safely HEALTHFUL LIVING  Healthful Living will be included in conceptual units, and integrated with ELA

20 Literacy Plan and Resources Asheboro City Schools

21 District Literacy Plan & Resources  CCSS Flipchart (ELA &Math)  Notebook contents  Scope and Sequence guide  Literacy Plan  Writing Plan and Portfolio

22 Writing Workshop Folder  You can use the blue folder for this if you wish or you can buy your own  Should include these pieces (at least):  “Words I’m Learning”  “Writing Topics”  “My Finished Writing”  Writing should be done across the curriculum and should be scored based on several samples  One exemplar piece from each type of writing (narrative, opinion, informational) should go in the K-5 portfolio at the end of the year (all others sent home with student). District Literacy Plan & Resources

23 Lunch Break!

24 Universal Design os/teaching-complex-concepts Think about the following questions as you watch the video:  What is the teacher’s role?  What are the students’ roles?  What strategies are being used?

25 Universal Design  Inquiry Based  Students Investigate and Explore FIRST!

26 Principle I: Multiple Means of Representation The WHAT of learning  To give diverse learners options for acquiring information and knowledge  Present content in a variety of formats and modalities Represent Act/ Express Engage Manipulatives Visual Displays Anticipatory Guides Graphic Organizers Videos Music Movement Artifacts Universal Design

27 Principle II: Multiple Means of Action and Expression Thumbs Up/Thumbs Down Gallery Walks Pair/Share Chalkboard/Whiteb oard Splash The HOW of learning Learners differ in the ways that they can navigate a learning environment and express what they know. Response Hold-Up Cards Quick Draws Numbered Heads Together Line-Ups Represent Act/ Express Engage Universal Design

28 Principle III: Multiple Means of Engagement Bounce Cards Air Writing Case Studies Role Plays Concept Charades Response Hold-Up Cards Networking Sessions Simulations The WHY of learning Learners differ markedly in the ways in which they can be engaged or motivated to learn. Represent Act/ Express Engage Universal Design

29 Concept Units for 2 nd Grade **This is only a suggestion

30 Possible Units for the year:  Relationship Unit  Culture/Location Unit  Influence Unit  Change Unit UNIT PLANNING

31 Relationship Unit  Human relationships  Environmental relationships  Establishing classroom rules/norms  Communicating and working well with others  ELA- Relationships of Characters, settings, etc.  Science: Sound- Relationship between sound and vibrating objects  Social Studies: History (family), Community, Government, Environment Consumer/producer  Healthful Living: Healthy relationships, Emotions UNIT PLANNING

32 Culture/Location Unit  How, where, why people settle (i.e., geography, industry)  ELA- Fables and folktales, Character points of view, compare and contrast different versions of the same story, etc.  Science: Weather- How weather patterns differ in various locations (geography)  Social Studies: Holidays around the world- ELA focus  Healthful Living- Understanding people similarities and differences UNIT PLANNING

33 Influence Unit  People, communities, world today are influenced by many factors  ELA- How main events influence characters (vice versa), how the setting can influence the story, etc.  Science- States of Matter: Temperature influences matter (solid or liquid)  Social Studies- Civil Rights- Historical figures who influenced Civil Right Movement. (History, geography, environment, Supply/Demand, Government influence)  Healthful Living- Disease prevention, Nutrition and fitness. Actions influence our health. UNIT PLANNING

34 Change Unit  Change is constant and ongoing  ELA- How characters change throughout the text and why  Science- Life Cycles, Evolution & Genetics  Social Studies- History, Geography (community), Environment, Needs/Wants, Government  Healthful Living- Continue learning about healthy choices and how they influence and CHANGE our quality of life (CARE is also taking place during this time to reinforce this concept) UNIT PLANNING

35 The 3 Phases (Structure of Knowledge) All units can be designed around these 3 Phases: (Each phase would take several weeks)  Phase 1- People: How does the concept you are teaching relate to people? This is a good place to start to give students a more concrete understanding and make it relevant to their own lives.  Phase 2- Past and Present: How does the concept look in relation to the past and the present. This allows you to incorporate history, as well as the other Social Studies Standards  Phase 3- World around us: This last phase enhances global awareness and 21 st century skills. It allows students to connect the concept to the world around them. This is an excellent phase to introduce the science standard t related to the concept that is being explored. UNIT PLANNING

36 2 nd Grade Relationship Unit

37 Starting with the Standards  Determined which standards from ALL subject areas correlate with the Concept of Relationships  Relationship Standards Relationship Standards UNIT PLANNING

38 Phases Using the standards, we mapped out 3 phases in which to introduce and explore the concept of relationships: Phase 1: Relationships among People Phase 2 : Relationships Past and Present Phase 3 : Relationships In the world around us UNIT PLANNING

39 Performance Tasks/Assessments How will I assess what my students know at the end of each phase? Phase 1: People, Relationships, Community, etc.  Opinion Writing on a law created by the student Phase 2: Past and Present- Family history  Personal Time Line & Narrative Story Phase 3: World around us- Environment/Science  Musical instrument made from recycled materials UNIT PLANNING

40 Pacing the Unit  Use Performance Tasks/Assessments to decide what you want students to be able to understand about relationships.  Break down the phases into a few weeks to plan WHAT your students will learn during that time.  Create your day-to-day plans as to HOW students will learn the content. Phase Guide/ Performance Task Guide UNIT PLANNING

41 District Grade Level Meetings Second grade will meet at Loflin School in Rm 207 from 3:15- 4:30 on the following dates: Sept. 12 Oct. 10 Nov. 14 Dec. 12 Jan. 9 Feb.13 March 13 April 10 DATES

42 Questions?

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