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Penguins By: Lauren Kracik 2 nd Grade Class. Some facts about Penguins o Penguins are birds. o The average lifespan of penguins is 15 to 20 years. o Penguins.

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Presentation on theme: "Penguins By: Lauren Kracik 2 nd Grade Class. Some facts about Penguins o Penguins are birds. o The average lifespan of penguins is 15 to 20 years. o Penguins."— Presentation transcript:

1 Penguins By: Lauren Kracik 2 nd Grade Class

2 Some facts about Penguins o Penguins are birds. o The average lifespan of penguins is 15 to 20 years. o Penguins are known to be very social.

3 -Other Facts-  Penguins have more feathers than most other birds.  A penguins eyes are sensitive to violet, blue and green light.  Penguins eat shrimp, squid, and fish.

4 More Facts  Penguins can’t fly, they swim  Penguins spend 75% of their time underwater  Penguins use their big eyes to see underwater  Penguins can swim up to 15 miles per hour

5 Different Kinds  Click here to check out the 17 different kinds of penguins!  nguins/facts.html nguins/facts.html nguins/facts.html

6 Height  Tallest penguin is the Emperor penguin, which is 3.7 feet tall.  The shortest penguin is the Fairy penguin, which is 16 inches tall.  Penguins have knees!

7 Communication  There are 3 different types of calls that penguins use in order to communicate with others. -The contact call -The contact call -The display call -The display call -The threat call -The threat call  Each penguin has a different call.

8 Raising Children  The Mama Penguin lays two eggs, but will only raise one.  A penguin will make a nest for their young out of pebbles.  The Papa penguin sometimes digs a hole in the ground to put the egg in.

9 Predators o Killer Whales o Leopard Seals o Great Sukas o Sea Lions o Humans

10 ~Some Penguin Jokes~ Q: Why do penguins carry fish in their beaks? A: Because they don't have pockets. Q: Why do penguins carry fish in their beaks? A: Because they don't have pockets. Q: What's black & white and goes round and round? A: A penguin stuck in a revolving door. Q: What's black & white and goes round and round? A: A penguin stuck in a revolving door. Q: What do penguins order for lunch? A: Icebergers Q: What do penguins order for lunch? A: Icebergers

11 ~Songs & Poems~  Click here to see some songs & poems about Penguins!  enguins/activities2.htm enguins/activities2.htm enguins/activities2.htm  teachers/laboonac/Web%20Pag es/penguin_poems.htm teachers/laboonac/Web%20Pag es/penguin_poems.htm teachers/laboonac/Web%20Pag es/penguin_poems.htm

12 Coloring Pages  Now you can color your very own penguin! It can be any color you want! 

13 Works Citied  uins/activities1.htm uins/activities1.htm uins/activities1.htm  uins/facts.html uins/facts.html uins/facts.html  chers/laboonac/Web%20Pages/pen guin_poems.htm chers/laboonac/Web%20Pages/pen guin_poems.htm chers/laboonac/Web%20Pages/pen guin_poems.htm

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