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Territory of Guam National Tsunami Hazard Mitigation Program.

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1 Territory of Guam National Tsunami Hazard Mitigation Program

2 FY09 GRANT $63,384 (Total Funding Received) - Tsunami Awareness Brochure - Evacuation Route Map being finalized for Southern part of Guam - Outreach to children in grades K-5

3 Task (Activity) NameNTHMP Performance Metric(s) (from Strategic Plan) Supported Amount of Requested Funds Tsunami inundation mapping for Tumon, Agana, Inarajan and Pago Bays, and the Apra Harbor/Commercial Port Area New NTHMP-funded maps will meet established guidelines by 2012. Complete inundation maps for 33% of highly-threatened communities in Alaska and the U.S. Pacific Island Territories by 2013. $ 25,000 Conduct preliminary GIS and map preparation for Agat, Umatac, Merizo, Asan and Ipan Talofofo coastal areas New NTHMP-funded maps will meet established guidelines by 2012. Complete inundation maps for 33% of highly-threatened communities in Alaska and the U.S. Pacific Island Territories by 2013. $15,000

4 Task (Activity) NameNTHMP Performance Metric(s) (from Strategic Plan) Supported Amount of Requested Funds Distribute evacuation maps to local communities, tourist locales, media and government agencies as they become available New NTHMP-funded maps will meet established guidelines by 2012. Annually increase the number of tsunami evacuation maps by 10% annually (based on the baseline established in 2010) $ 25,000 Annual Tsunami Awareness Workshop for Government of Guam agencies, NGOs, federal partners Develop decision support tools for emergency responders to better visualize and plan for potential impacts. Promote development of tsunami emergency response procedures including collaboration among federal, state and local agencies. $ 2,000

5 Task (Activity) NameNTHMP Performance Metric(s) (from Strategic Plan) Supported Amount of Requested Funds Tsunami table-top exercise to enhance planning and response capabilities of Government of Guam emergency response agencies and NGOs Drive annual table-top exercise to ensure response plans to tsunamis are integrated and effective by 2010. $17,000 Translation and distribution of Guam Tsunami Brochure into Chamorro, Japanese, Korean, Filipino, Chinese and Chuukese languages for local and tourist populations Increase the number of state tsunami media toolkits from 1 in 2008 to 7 in 2012. Support tsunami outreach efforts to coastal residents, media, coastal businesses, and tourism $ 33,000

6 Task (Activity) NameNTHMP Performance Metric(s) (from Strategic Plan) Supported Amount of Requested Funds Provide verified information to media to assist in public awareness of tsunami events and production of accurate articles or releases related to tsunami preparation Increase the number of state tsunami media toolkits from 1 in 2008 to 7 in 2012. Support tsunami outreach efforts to coastal residents, media, coastal businesses, and tourism $ 6,000 Provide localized public education and outreach materials for children in grades K-5 $20,000 Erect additional evacuation route and assembly area sign to cover gaps in affected areas Ensure communities are prepared to respond during a tsunami event. Reduction of loss of life and property damage from tsunamis. $ 6,000

7 Task (Activity) NameNTHMP Performance Metric(s) (from Strategic Plan) Supported Amount of Requested Funds Provide Government of Guam response agencies with information and general SOPs to prepare for and respond to a tsunami event. Materials to include specific annexes of the Guam Emergency Response Plan and evacuation maps for all low-lying villages on Guam Annually increase the number of tsunami evacuation maps by 10% annually (based on the baseline established in 2010) By 2012, increase percentages of tsunami- threatened communities which include tsunamis in their emergency response plan by 30%. $ 10,000 Travel – Annual PRiMO meeting, $ 6,100 TOTAL FUNDING REQUEST FOR FY 10 $ 165,100

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