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ISDR Asia Partnership Regional Stocktaking and Mapping of Disaster Risk Reduction Interventions in Asia and the Pacific Initiative of the ISDR Asia Partnership.

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Presentation on theme: "ISDR Asia Partnership Regional Stocktaking and Mapping of Disaster Risk Reduction Interventions in Asia and the Pacific Initiative of the ISDR Asia Partnership."— Presentation transcript:

1 ISDR Asia Partnership Regional Stocktaking and Mapping of Disaster Risk Reduction Interventions in Asia and the Pacific Initiative of the ISDR Asia Partnership Supported by the Asian Development Bank under a Regional TA February 2009- June 2010 Presentation at the IAP Meeting, 24-26March 2010, Bangkok

2 ISDR Asia Partnership Structure of the presentation Part A: Overview of this IAP initiative Part B: Outputs and next steps

3 ISDR Asia Partnership Part A: Overview of this IAP initiative Background Importance of this IAP initiative Expected Outputs Beneficiaries Framework Methodology Implementation Mechanism

4 ISDR Asia Partnership Background At the September 2007 meeting of the IAP, Stocktaking was identified by the IAP members as one of the 8 priority functions At the 2 nd Meeting of the Expanded IAP held during the 2 nd Ministerial Meeting, November 2007 in New Delhi, a Working Group was established for the initiative and ADB expressed interest to support it. Concept note prepared by UN/ISDR with inputs from IAP members and submitted to ADB. Project started from February 2009 Reporting on this at IAP meeting, September, 2008, Kuala Lumpur and March 2009, Bangkok

5 ISDR Asia Partnership Regional Stocktaking and Mapping of DRR Interventions would contribute to: – Improved regional planning and programming on DRR – Highlight areas of cooperation among regional and sub-regional organisations – Add to the periodic progress reviews and reporting processes at regional and sub- regional levels – Assist donors and decision-makers to channel resources and efforts that can meet their own policy and programmatic imperatives Why IAP? IAP acts as the inter-agency forum supporting the functions of the Asia Regional Platform on DRR As a regional coordination mechanism is an appropriate vehicle to assist coherent regional strategy setting, and programming and progress reviews through improved information exchange. Importance of this IAP initiative

6 ISDR Asia Partnership It would help the countries and stakeholders in knowing: – Who are the partners involved in DRR? – What are they working on (Thematically)? – Where are they working (Geographical coverage)? – Which geographical areas needs more level of intervention considering its level of risk? – Which thematic area should receive more focus? – Which all initiatives from other sub-regions we could learn from? – In which geographical area more financial resources are being put in? Where not? – In which thematic area there is more partners involved? Which all needs stronger partnership? – In which area (geographical/thematic) we can partner with others to scale up? Importance of this IAP initiative

7 ISDR Asia Partnership Expected Outputs Develop work plan for information collection from various regional agencies Prepare a data collection template on DRR intervention to obtain information from wider stakeholders Regional Stock take; Document on DRR interventions in all sub regions of Asia and Pacific Identify and review available sources and information on hazards, vulnerability and risks Based on collated information an analytical overview of the regional risk patterns would be prepared highlighting potential information gap Inventory of Risk Assessment describing the wider context in which regional initiatives are undertaken Develop a template for an interactive knowledge map to update information On-line tool to collect & reflect the information collated on hazard and vulnerability information and regional DRR initiatives. Maps and charts to present the analysis Interactive Knowledge Maps linked to web sites such as Prevention Web and with a regular update strategy 1 2 3

8 ISDR Asia Partnership Beneficiaries The primary beneficiaries of the initiative will be: – National DRR stakeholders; national governments, UN agencies, research institutions, universities, private sector and donor agencies – Regional stakeholders in DRR such UN Agencies, inter- governmental organizations, research and technical organizations, NGOS and in particular the IAP members Results of the project will help in enhanced regional planning, programming and cooperation. Will benefit by receiving more coherent regional assistance and greater clarity on the type of support that may be able to access from the regional level to achieve their DRR goal

9 ISDR Asia Partnership Methodology-Building on past efforts Stocktaking and Mapping initiatives are NOT NEW to Asia or Pacific This project builds on these efforts and learn from their strengths and shortcomings Past and ongoing efforts on Risk Assessment 1.Global Risk Identification Programme (GRIP) 2.DesInventar in 5 Asian Countries by UNDP 3.Risk Assessment Analysis for Asia Pacific by UNOCHA 4.Disaster events database by ASEAN 5.Hazard and Vulnerability Atlas by Pacific Disaster Center Past and ongoing initiative on stocktaking and databases 1.Pacific Disaster Net (SOPAC) 2.Overview of DRR in Asia and Pacific (ISDR, ADPC and ADRC) 3.IRP Database 4.CBDRM Database (ADPC) 5.Prevention Web (ISDR system) 6.WWW, Indonesia (UNDP) Principles for data collection – Broad and inclusive overview of the information on DRR and related initiatives – Recording of information in neutral and uncontroversial manner – Building on and adding to the existing stocktaking and mapping initiatives – Adopting a user friendly approach to encourage participation for information sharing and access – Development of a sustainable tool which will serve to update information periodically in the region – Focus on regional initiatives

10 ISDR Asia Partnership Implementation mechanism - Regional Stocking and Mapping is being implemented under the auspices of the IAP and the Asian Regional Platform -Implementation is guided by a Project Steering Committee comprised of the members from IAP working group on regional stocktaking and mapping ; ADB, ADPC, ADRC, IFRC, OCHA, UNDP, UN/ISDR, WB -Project steering committee is chaired by UN/ISDR -Working under the close guidance of the IAP, ADPC as a technical agency is the executing agency on behalf of the IAP Purpose of PSC Overall guidance, technical and advisory support to the EA; Monitoring project implementation and progress; Taking decisions on project direction; Sharing progress reports and results with the wider IAP; Establishing linkages with information providers and other key stakeholders that need to be involved; Contribute own information to the stocktaking initiative; and Capture and disseminate lessons learned.

11 ISDR Asia Partnership Part B: Outputs and next steps

12 ISDR Asia Partnership Output 1 Identify and review available sources and information on hazards, vulnerability and risks Based on collated information an analytical overview of the regional risk patterns would be prepared highlighting potential information gap Inventory of Risk Assessment describing the wider context in which regional initiatives are undertaken

13 ISDR Asia Partnership Steps undertaken Initiatives on hazard, vulnerability and risk assessment (at a regional level) identified in consultation with Project Steering Committee Members- Inventory developed The initiatives were reviewed to understand their scope and limitations Project Steering Committee Members along with technical partners involved in developing some of these initiatives provided inputs to the review in a technical meeting held in Bangkok in November 2009 Currently the document on inventory and review is being finalized in close consultation with the partners

14 ISDR Asia Partnership Inventory captures 20 Regional Initiatives identified on Hazard, Vulnerability and Risk Assessment 1.Risk Model by UNOCHA 2.Global Risk Identification Programme (GRIP), by UNDP 3.Natural Disaster Hotspots: A Global Risk Analysis by The World Bank 4.Global Assessment Report by UN/ISDR 5.Emergency Events Database (EM-DAT) by CRED 6.Food Insecurity and Vulnerability Information Mapping Systems (FIVIMS) by FAO 7.Vulnerability Analysis and Mapping (VAM)by WFP 8.Natural Hazards and Vulnerability Atlases by PDC 9.Online Southeast Asia Disaster Inventory (OSADI) 10.Natural Disaster Profiles for Indian Ocean Countries by Earth Institute at Columbia University 11.Disaster Inventory System, Coordinated by UNDP 12.AIF-DR Workstream 2: Risk and Vulnerability, Governments of Australia & Indonesia 13.Flood Management and Mitigation Programme of MRC 14.A study on 'Adaptation to Climate Change in Asian Coastal Cities' by JICA-WB-ADB 15.CCA in Asia and the Pacific, Regional TA 6420, ADB 16.Tool to assess Climate Resilient Cities by World Bank and UNISDR 17.Central Asian Regional Risk Assessment (CARRA) by UNDP 18.Preliminary Natural Hazard Risk Assessment in the Asia-Pacific region, by Geo science Australia 19.Risk Assessment in Pacific, by The World Bank 20.Database for Disaster Information, by ADRC

15 ISDR Asia Partnership Under each initiative follow details are captured in the inventory Name of initiative Implementing organization Brief description Focus (Hazard/Vulnerability) Target audience Outputs

16 ISDR Asia Partnership Initiatives were reviewed by looking into the following aspects 1. Types under which the initiatives can be classified 2. Types of outputs 3. Target users of the initiatives 4. Scope of the initiatives – Geographical scope – Type of hazards covered – Methodology 5. Possible usage of existing initiatives

17 ISDR Asia Partnership 1. Review: Type of Initiatives 1.Initiatives on Risk Assessment 2.Initiatives on Vulnerability Assessment 3.Initiatives on Disaster Databases 4.Initiatives on assessing risk on specific issue e.g. Assessing risk from climate change

18 ISDR Asia Partnership 1.Types of Initiatives on Risk Assessment – Initiatives are mostly at the Global level Disaster Risk Index, 2004 Natural Disaster Hotspot, 2005, 2006 Global Assessment Report, 2009 GRIP – Few initiatives at regional level (Asia Pacific level) Risk Assessment and Mitigation Measures for Natural and Conflict-Related Hazards in Asia- Pacific Preliminary Natural Hazard Risk Assessment in the Asia- Pacific Natural Hazards and Vulnerability Atlases – Comprehensive risk assessment absent at sub- regional level Flood Risk Assessment of Lower Mekong Basin Central Asian Regional Risk Assessment (focuses on the threats to water, energy and food security) Specific focus

19 ISDR Asia Partnership 1. Types of Initiatives on Vulnerability Assessment Both at global level – Food Insecurity and Vulnerability Information and Mapping Systems (FIVIMS) of FAO – Vulnerability Analysis and Mapping (VAM) of the WFP Aims at assessing the vulnerability from the angle of food security

20 ISDR Asia Partnership 1. Types of Initiatives on Disaster Databases Emergency Events Database (EM- DAT) of the CRED Database for Disaster Information maintained by the ADRC Online Southeast Asia Disaster Inventory of the ACDM Desinventar coordinated by the UNDP Purpose is to provide information on disaster events

21 ISDR Asia Partnership Types of Initiatives on assessing risk with specific focus (climate change) Study undertaken by JICA-WB- ADB on Adaptation to Climate Change in Asian Coastal Cities Tool developed by World Bank GFDRR and ISDR on Climate Resilient Cities Provides tool on assessing city’s human and built environment characteristics, potential impact of climate change, and natural or other hazards. Assesses the risk faced by 4 mega city of Asia from impacts of climate change ( increase in flooding)

22 ISDR Asia Partnership 2. Review: Types of Output The outputs can be classified under: 1.Study/Report 2.Online tool 3.Support systems to assist the countries/ specific locations/ stakeholders in undertaking risk assessments

23 ISDR Asia Partnership 2. Example of Study/Report 1.Natural Disaster Hotspot: A global risk analysis, Volume 1, 2005 2.Natural Disaster Hotspot Case Study, Volume II, 2006 3.Global Assessment Report on DRR, 2009 (Biennial Report) 4.The Natural Disaster Profiles for Indian Ocean Countries, 2005 5.Risk Assessment and Mitigation Measures for Natural and Conflict-Related Hazards in Asia- Pacific, 2009 6.Preliminary Natural Hazard Risk Assessment in the Asia-Pacific region, 2007 7.Central Asia Regional Risk Assessment: Responding to Water, Energy and Food Insecurity, January 2009 8.Study on Adaptation to Climate Change in Asian Coastal Cities,2007-2008 Undertaken at a particular point of time Regional initiatives but outputs are at National/Sub national/City level

24 ISDR Asia Partnership 2. Example of Online tool Global Risk Data Platform – Data presented here is the results of study made for the 2009 Global Assessment Report on DRR. – Allows the visualisation of data on natural hazards, exposure (both human and economical) and risk. – Static tool Natural hazards and vulnerability atlases of Asia and the Pacific -PDC – Used to generate risk maps based on hazards (current, historical, hazard model outputs, risk and vulnerability), observation and forecast (metar observations, sea level stations, TRMM Rainfall accumulation) and basemap layers (demography, infrastructure, boundaries, hydrology, imagery/elevation) – Real time

25 ISDR Asia Partnership 2. Example: Support systems Global Risk Identification Program – Generation of evidence-based risk information and facilitates its applications to improve the quality of policies, regulations and investments at all levels – GRIP project activities fall into 5 Outcome Areas  Capacity development  Loss data enhancement  Risk information improvement  Demonstration countries  Monitoring and evaluation

26 ISDR Asia Partnership 3.Review: Range of Target Users 1.National-level policy makers / national disaster management organisations/regional and international organizations and donors 2.Governments and partners at sub- national/local levels. 3.Specific users such as planners involved in contingency planning, and relief operations and international aid organizations 4.Internal purposes of the organization Risk Model of the UNOCHA undertaken annually since 2007 is intended to guide the work of staff within the framework of OCHA’s annual workplan VAM of WFP which develops maps identifying food insecurity and emerging vulnerability provides a framework for continually assessing the food security and vulnerability status of WFP beneficiaries.

27 ISDR Asia Partnership 4. Review: Scope of initiatives; Types of hazards covered 1.Most common: Earthquake, Floods, Cyclones 2.Tsunami: In initiative after 2005 3.Less common: Drought, Landslide, Wildfire

28 ISDR Asia Partnership 4. Review of scope: Methodology 1.Most of the initiatives cover multi-hazard. 2.Typically number of fatalities is the typical metric used to classify disasters, however in specific initiatives such as in the Preliminary risk assessment on Asia and Pacific carried out by Australian Geoscience ‘significantly impacted population’ as the risk metric 3.Most of the initiative considers Hazard and too some extent Vulnerability, only the Global Focus Model of OCHA looks into capacity

29 ISDR Asia Partnership 5. Review: Possible usage Example: Global Assessment Report –Visualization of the major concentrations of risk. –Identification of the geographic distribution of disaster risk across countries, trends over time and the major drivers of these patterns and trends. –Enables estimating average patterns and trends in disaster risk but are not able to predict extreme events, given the data limitations and the unpredictability of individual hazard event.

30 ISDR Asia Partnership 5. Review: Possible usage Natural hazard and vulnerability atlas  What hazards/disasters are likely to occur in a given region?  How often might they occur and how intense are they likely to be?  Where the current hazard events are and what areas have they impacted?  How severe is the current/approaching event?  How many people might be affected?  Are lives at risk right now? Will they be?  What is the potential impact on critical infrastructure in the region?  Where should relief supplies and services be staged and when should they be moved?  Is it appropriate to issue a warning or initiate an evacuation now?

31 ISDR Asia Partnership 5.Review: Possible usage: Trend GAR/GRDP: Trend of Cyclone wind 1975-19901991-2005

32 ISDR Asia Partnership Final outline of Output 1 Output 1.1: Inventory of initiatives on assessments Output 1.2: Users Guide on what information is available on risk assessments Output 1.3: Suggestions for scope of improvement Of existing initiatives What further work is required

33 ISDR Asia Partnership Output 1.1: Inventory of initiatives on assessments

34 ISDR Asia Partnership Output 1.1: Inventory of initiatives on assessments

35 ISDR Asia Partnership Output 1.2: Users Guide on what type of hazard related information is available in which initiative

36 ISDR Asia Partnership Output 1.3: Suggestions for scope of improvement Partners implementing specific initiatives have been requested to provide inputs on scope of improvement of the initiatives – PDC – UNOCHA – Global Assessment Report – GRIP

37 ISDR Asia Partnership Output 2 Develop work plan for information collection from various regional agencies Prepare a data collection template on DRR intervention to obtain information from wider stakeholders Regional Stock take; Document on DRR interventions in all sub regions of Asia and Pacific

38 ISDR Asia Partnership Steps undertaken Discussion with IAP members to understand type of information from the system (stocktaking) which would be useful to the partners Desk review of ‘initiatives on stocktaking’ undertaken to have better understanding of scope and limitations In-depth discussion on data collection template with Project Steering Committee members in November 2009 Data collection template developed and shared with IAP members requesting for information on projects Online portal developed (currently Beta version) to enter the data Information received till date from IAP members already entered in the online portal Meeting scheduled with Project Steering Committee members on 27 th March, 2010, in Bangkok to discuss the next steps

39 ISDR Asia Partnership Type of questions the online system would answer? Who are the partners involved in DRR? What are they working on (Thematically)? Where are they working (Geographical coverage)? What is the focus of the projects (in terms of Hazards)? What is the objective of the projects (in terms of advancing HFA Priorities for Action, RFA for Pacific)? What is the duration of projects? Resources allocated for a project

40 ISDR Asia Partnership Type of information the partners would benefit from the online system? For better partnership What are the hazards in which more number of initiatives have been undertaken, where (location) and by whom (partners) and what are the typical nature (themes) of these initiatives? Which initiatives from other location (country, sub-region) we can learn from and which all partners we should collaborate with considering their past experience on a particular theme? While entering a new area/new theme how well we can be informed of past initiatives in the area/theme and the outputs developed by them, so that we can build upon them For prioritizing our own initiatives Which geographical area needs more focus (high risk but not many initiatives) Which thematic area should receive more focus (high risk but not many past initiatives) Which Priority area of the HFA (or RFA) is taken up more for implementation by the various partners ?

41 ISDR Asia Partnership Desk review of ‘initiatives on stocktaking’ Type of information required Actors Location Thematic intervention Amount of funding Duration of intervention Type of outputs Thus look at various stocktaking initiatives which have collected such type of information Hence the desk review

42 ISDR Asia Partnership List of initiatives on Stocktaking and Mapping of DRR initiatives 1.Global 1.IRP Capacity Building Database (IRP and ILO) 2.Financial Tracking System (UN/OCHA) 3. HFA Monitor (UN/ISDR) 2.Regional 1.Capability Statements (PDRM Network) 2.Pacific Disaster Net (PDRM Network) 3.South Asia Disaster Knowledge Network (SDMC) 4.Online South east Asia Disaster Inventory (OSADI) (ACDM and PDC) 5.Stocktaking of DRR initiatives based on Delhi Declaration (UN/ISDR) 6.Matrix for mapping DRR and CCA (UN/ISDR and UNESCAP-RCM) 7.Stocktaking of DRR initiatives under the KL Regional Action Plan (UN/ISDR and ADPC) 8.Regional Synthesis Report on HFA Implementation in Asia and Pacific - An Overview of Reports by Countries up to 2007 (UN/ISDR, ADRC and ADPC) 9.CBDRM Database (ADPC) 10.Stocktaking of Capacity Building Initiatives in Asia and Pacific (ADPC) 3.National 1.Disaster Risk Reduction Database; Indonesia, Who does What, Where (Indonesia) 2.Stocktaking of DRR initiatives as part of development of SNAP (Cambodia) 3.Matrix of Status and Action Plan of DRR initiatives as part of development of National Action Plan for DRR (Indonesia) 4.Stocktaking of DRR initiatives as part of Myanmar Action Plan for DRR (MAPDRR) (Myanmar) 5.Capacity statement of all DP Net Partners (Nepal) 6.Stocktaking of DRR initiatives among JANI partners (Vietnam)

43 ISDR Asia Partnership What did the desk review look at? More than 15 initiatives on Stocktaking/Mapping /Systems of DRR interventions Objective of the initiative Geographical coverage of the initiative Final output of the initiative (study, report, on line system) Start and Completion Date and Implementation Date Current status of the initiative (if it is aimed to be a system) What sort of answer did the system provide? Is it a one off exercise or is a system which is being maintained and used

44 ISDR Asia Partnership Example: IRP Database Type of information it provides Which organizations are working on DRR in different regions of the world? What is their ‘Focus’ area of work in relation to different phases of disasters namely; Prevention, Preparedness, Early Recovery, Response etc. ?

45 ISDR Asia Partnership Example: Stocktaking by UNESCAP and UNISDR Type of information it provides Information on the activity; title, duration, location, amount, agency, partners Mapping the activity against the HFA indicators and Nairobi Work Programme Mapping the activities (specific to CCA) against cross cutting issues

46 ISDR Asia Partnership Example: CBDRM Database; ADPC, UNESCAP and ECHO Type of information it provides Name of programs and projects on CBDRR Which organizations are implementing programs and projects on CBDRR Details on Training Courses on CBDRR List of experts on CBDRR Good practices and tools on CBDRR Publications on CBDRR

47 ISDR Asia Partnership Example: Who does What, Where, Indonesia, UNDP Type of information it provides Projects being implemented against the five HFA priorities for action Projects being implemented under various sectors (e.g. coordination, education, environment, logistic, health etc) Projects being implemented by various organizations (name of the organization) Projects being implemented in different location (province, district) Projects being implemented by various type of organizations (government, donor, UN Agency, INGO, National NGO, University etc)

48 ISDR Asia Partnership Findings of review: Typical features of stocktaking Location of intervention Information by Programs/Projects Information by Action/Activities Information against a framework e.g. HFA Classified under the phases of DM Project Amount Information on donor, implementing agency, partners Outputs in form of studies/online tools

49 ISDR Asia Partnership Findings of review: Typical scope of stocktaking 1.Typically Database of organizations working in DM…..sometimes database on interventions related to specific themes such as CBDRR, Capacity Building etc.. 2.Stock take against some particular framework.. In this case it is more of stock take of outcomes……. 3.Lot of times undertaken as a base work for developing some specific output.. Hence one off excel sheet exercise and not updated…… 4.Information provided but no visual representation hence not easy for analysis…. 5.Provides information on the project but not necessarily the outputs developed under the project which could be used by other partners…..

50 ISDR Asia Partnership Development of data collection template Developed in close consultation with Project Steering Committee members Based on findings of desk-review of ‘initiatives on stocktaking’ Fields are as much as possible aligned with classification in prevention web (Hazards, Themes)

51 ISDR Asia Partnership Name Country Geographical Coverage [Province, District, City/Town] Hazards Themes Objectives Description Outputs [ Status, Attached Documents] RFA Priorities HFA Priorities Implementing Organization Partner Organizations [Name, Role] Budget [Donor, Amount] Start Date End Date Contact Links Comments Development of data collection template

52 ISDR Asia Partnership Online DRR Project portal For pilot testing of Portal, 18 IAP Partners were requested to provide information on their projects Information received till date from  UNISDR  UNESCAP  IFRC  ADRC  ADB  ADPC  SOPAC

53 ISDR Asia Partnership Online DRR Project portal User can extract projects information based on HFA /RFA Priority, focus on hazard, Thematic interventions, geographical spread, donor, partner, duration, funding etc. Visual display of Information using –Maps –Matrixes –Graphs/Charts –Network Diagrams (of partnerships )

54 ISDR Asia Partnership Example 1: Projects implemented in Bhutan on Capacity Development for DRR

55 ISDR Asia Partnership Example 2: Projects implemented in Bangladesh on Health and Health Facilities theme on Earthquake

56 ISDR Asia Partnership Example 3: Projects implemented by SEEDS in Myanmar on Community based DRR

57 ISDR Asia Partnership Online DRR Project portal Types of Entities Regional Offices of UN and other Agencies Regional Organizations Regional Networks Regional Committees/ Mechanisms/Forum Regional Centres Portal to include list of Regional Entities of Disaster risk reduction Name Date of Establishment Location of Secretariat Status and Membership Regional Offices of UN and other Agencies 1UN-ISDR Asia Pacific Outreach Office 2005BangkokUN Agency Regional Office 2UNOCHA – Regional office for Asia 2001Kobe and Bangkok UN Agency Regional Office 3UNDP-Regional Disaster Reduction and Response 2002BangkokUN Agency Regional Office 4UNEP – Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific 1972BangkokUN Agency Regional Office 5UN ESCAP1947BangkokUN Agency Regional Commission 6WFPBangkokUN Agency Regional Office 7FAO1947BangkokUN Agency Regional Office

58 ISDR Asia Partnership Design in Python using the Web2Py and Sahana Emergency Management frameworks – Existing functionality for organization and user management and mapping. – Supported by the open source community compatible with a large number of different Servers and Database engines. The PostgreSQL would offer better performance for the maps Browsing Internet Explorer : Version 8, Version 7, Version 6? FireFox : Version 3.0 upwards All browsers using the DRR PP will have JavaScript enabled Technical Details

59 ISDR Asia Partnership Currently the project information provided by the partners is being entered in the system The data entered would be reviewed by the partners Manual being developed on usage of the system Information focal points from organisations of IAP partners trained on how to use the system The online system will be hosted in the website of ADPC and other interested IAP members and linked to Prevention web Next steps on finalizing the system

60 ISDR Asia Partnership Regional stocktaking and inventory of risk profile is meant to support the National systems Though the focus is on Regional Actors, this should be linked to the national system In the long run effective National risk profile and stocktaking is the key Current resources do not permit focus at the national level. Subsequent phases can look into national level. – By expanding the inventory of initiatives on risk assessment to include national and sub-national level initiatives – By expanding the scope of stocktaking to include projects implemented at national level

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