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EXAM 1 NEXT TUESDAY…. EXAMPLE QUESTIONS 1.Why is the notion of a “state” important in relational database technology? What does it refer to? 2.What do.

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2 EXAMPLE QUESTIONS 1.Why is the notion of a “state” important in relational database technology? What does it refer to? 2.What do we mean by the “impedance mismatch” between SQL and most “host” programming languages like C++, Java, and C#? 3.What are the main components of a trigger and what purpose do they serve in the trigger? Write a trigger. 4.Why is it problematic to allow the direct updating of a view table? 5.Why might we keep stored procedures on the same server as the relational database? 6.Translate the following algegraic query into SQL.

3 CONTINUED… 7. What is an outer join? Write an example of one. Draw the two tables you are basing it on. 8. Why do we call SQL a tuple calculus? 9. What is in the MySQL Information Schema (it’s actually a database)? 10. What command or commands does SQL have in it to facilitate the initial loading of a database? 11. What is a stored procedure? 12. What is the “INTO” keyword in SQL used for? 13. What is an “event” in SQL?

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