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Migration and Firms’ Growth: evidence from Spanish cities Mercedes Teruel-Carrizosa Agustí Segarra-Blasco (very preliminary version) Grup de Recerca d’Indústria.

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Presentation on theme: "Migration and Firms’ Growth: evidence from Spanish cities Mercedes Teruel-Carrizosa Agustí Segarra-Blasco (very preliminary version) Grup de Recerca d’Indústria."— Presentation transcript:

1 Migration and Firms’ Growth: evidence from Spanish cities Mercedes Teruel-Carrizosa Agustí Segarra-Blasco (very preliminary version) Grup de Recerca d’Indústria i Territori Universitat Rovira i Virgili

2 Outline Introduction Theoretical framework Database Results Conclusions

3 Outline Introduction Theoretical framework Database Results Conclusions

4 Introduction  There has been a large immigration growth in Spain…  And also productivity staganation and moderation of wages… How does migration inflows affect on firm performance?  In order to tackle with this problem… SABI database (more than 40.000 firms) Anuario económio de España (cities with more than 1.000 inhabitants) Analysis of the effect immigrant inflows on Spanish manufacturing firms between 2001 and 2005.

5 Introduction The population growth between 2001 and 2006 was 5.35% But growth of immigrants was 211.15%. The percentage of immigrants in 2001 was 4.64% while in 2006 this percentage increased up to 13.12%.

6 Introduction The population growth between 2001 and 2006 was 5.35% But growth of immigrants was 211.15%. The percentage of immigrants in 2001 was 4.64% while in 2006 this percentage increased up to 13.12%.

7 Introduction  The aim of the paper… Analysis of the effect of immigrant inflows on Spanish manufacturing firms between 2001 and 2005. More specifically we analyse the performance in terms of: Growth of employment Growth of wages Growth of labour productivity

8 Outline Introduction Theoretical framework Database Results Conclusions

9 Theoretical framework  Different theoretical approaches to tackle with the phenomenon of migration International inflows  push and pull effects, hypothesis of enclaves and welfare magnets (Borjas, 1999; García and López, 2005) Labour market effects at aggregated level  skill composition effect, displacement effect or complementary effect on employment and the effect on wages (Borjas, 1994, 2003, 2006)

10 Theoretical framework  However, immigration has consequences on the labour market but it also in the city life-style Labour market effects  skill composition, displacement… Urban effects  Immigration generate negative and positive amenities Multicultural, diverse environments, more open-minded inhabitants Land price, congestion, congestion of public services, social tensions

11 Theoretical framework  Few studies approach to the effect of immigrants from an urban approach on firm performance. Ottaviano and Peri (2005, 2006, 2008)  Here, we approach to the migration phenomenon from an urban reality affecting firm performance. We wonder whether the arrival of immigrants affect at firm level and at city level.

12 Outline Introduction Theoretical framework Database Results Conclusions

13 Database  Information at firm level obtained from firms registered in Mercantile Register (obtained through Sistema de Análisis de Balances Ibéricos) Our sample contains 43,115 Spanish firms in manufacturing industries (CNAE-15 to CNAE-36) with 119,564 observations  Information at territorial level obtained from Anuario Económico de España (La Caixa) It contains information of cities with more than 1,000 inhabitants.

14 Database Regions with low share immigrants All firmsYoung FirmsSmall FirmsExport-Import Firms Non export- import Firms Number of firms1690854787266226114647 Size (employees)32.97 (87.90) 21.97 (76.39) 6.30 (1.68) 78.56 (176.48) 24.86 (55.94) Gross Sales (thousands euros) 5005.52 (27134.74) 3255.55 (21496.15) 612.17 (1296.96) 14914.45 (58940.43) 3242.51 (15122.79) Value Added (thousands euros) 1328.38 (5206.55) 850.10 (5004.53) 175.44 (576.87) 3696.52 (10993.65) 907.46 (3045.18) Labour Productivity (thousands euros) 31.72 (58.89) 27.16 (19.99) 27.71 (86.66) 40.25 (30.94) 30.20 (62.44) Wage (thousands euros) 21.01 (8.31) 18.81 (7.60) 18.96 (7.99) 24.82 (9.02) 20.34 (7.99) Regions with high share immigrants Number of firms26207687711258496221245 Size (employees)35.89 (163.34) 22.15 (94.18) 6.36 (1.69) 73.49 (314.36) 25.97 (84.65) Gross Sales (thousands euros) 6616.37 (68571.62) 3504.84 (30415.4) 631.20 (872.02) 16766.37 (134447.2) 3809.78 (33701.01) Value Added (thousands euros) 1653.24 (10828.74) 888.16 (5810.10) 189.45 (150.45) 3894.04 (20705.89) 1061.67 (5776.05) Labour Productivity (thousands euros) 34.06 (25.60) 28.95 (19.47) 29.74 (21.55) 42.15 (31.37) 31.93 (20.56) Wage (thousands euros) 25.43 (9.21) 20.84 (8.70) 21.57 (9.17) 26.82 (10.13) 22.54 (8.74)

15 Outline Introduction Theoretical framework Database Results Conclusions

16 Results  Panel data with fixed effects and also estimations with instrumental variables to control for endogeneity Employment growth Wage growth Labour productivity

17 Results  Internal variables and territorial variables Workers, wage and productivity regressions. Whole database. GLS fixed effects estimations. WorkersWageProductivity ln(S i,t )-0.8010 (0.0029)* 0.1457 (0.0023)* 0.1950 (0.0044)* ln(Age i,t )0.0689 (0.0048)* -0.0927 (0.0038)* -0.1439 (0.0071)* Density i,t -0.0745 (0.0116)* 0.0135 (0.0091) -0.0225 (0.0173) Immigration Rate i,t -0.1107 (0.0568)*** 0.0337 (0.0447) 0.1818 (0.0848)** Constant2.2588 (0.0253) -0.1919 (0.0199)* -0.1744 (0.0378)* R2R2 0.50860.05120.0270 Wald test19,776.401,031.03530.70 Hausman test64,229.873,625.031,705.28 Firms43,115 Observations119,564 Dependent variable: yearly change in logarithm. * Significant at 1%, ** significant at 5%, *** significant at 10%

18 Results  Controlling for endogeneity bias (Instrumental variables estimation) Workers, wage and labour productivity regressions. IV estimation, GMM. WorkersWageProductivity Second stage ln(S i,t )-0.0445 (0.0011)* 0.0100 (0.0004)* 0.0153 (0.0009)* ln(Age i,t )-0.0457 (0.0014)* -0.0089 (0.0006)* -0.0119 (0.0013)* Density i,t -0.0037 (0.0023)** -0.0028 (0.0012)** -0.0066 (0.0025)* Immigration Rate i,t -0.1605 (0.0388)* 0.0621 (0.0210)* 0.0174 (0.0445) Constant0.2814 (0.0045)* 0.0111 (0.0019)* -0.0278 (0.0041)* R2R2 0.06700.00470.0028 Wald chi 2 3,879.59677.94285.54

19 Results  The impact of immigration of employment, wage and labour productivity growth WorkersWageProductivity Whole database-0.1107 (0.0568)*** 0.0337 (0.0447) 0.1818 (0.0848)** Small firms-0.3228 (0.0884)* 0.3160 (0.1008)* 0.4667 (0.1842)** Young firms0.2506 (0.2340) 0.9729 (0.1967)* 1.0365 (0.3769)* Foreign-market oriented firms -0.0619 (0.0635) -0.2872 (0.1312) 0.1021 (0.0510)** Non-foreign-market oriented firms -0.1948 (0.0935)** 0.2266 (0.0943)** 0.1439 (0.2007)

20 Results  Empirical findings: Cities with high immigration share have a negative impact on employment growth, a positive impact on wages growth and a positive impact on labour productivity growth Small and young firms are more sensitive Those foreign-market oriented firms are less sensitive  Cities with a high share of immigrants are so attractive for those firms intensive on labour or scale economies… it will be for those intensive in skilled workers.

21 Outline Introduction Theoretical framework Database Results Conclusions

22  High immigration and territorially concentrated  New approaches to tackle with this phenomenon  Each firm locates in the best urban environment given its characteristics, it and adapts to the reality of urban amenities  Our empirical findings show that cities with a high share of immigration do not affect negatively to firm behaviour in terms of wage and productivity growth.

23 Conclusions  Contributions: i) few analysis from an urban approach to tackle with the effect of immigration on firm growth ii) the approach is at firm level (wide sample of Spanish manufacturing firms)  Main conclusion: Immigration is a complex phenomenom… immigrants are not so unskilled as we think and their impact is not so negative… Researchers must tackle with the problem from different approaches.

24 Outline Many thanks!!!! Comments are wellcome

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