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NEON site constellation. An artists’ rendition of a typical NEON site.

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Presentation on theme: "NEON site constellation. An artists’ rendition of a typical NEON site."— Presentation transcript:

1 NEON site constellation

2 An artists’ rendition of a typical NEON site

3 Potential Brown Dog Applications “Internal” NEON needs Engineering, requirements, and specification driven. Extremely aggressive construction schedule which implies: Production-ready solutions as much as possible. COTs where possible, if requirements are met. NEON community needs: i.e. tools for utilizing data Large ecosystem of users, and user needs. Less schedule driven!

4 Potential Use Case #1 (Internal) Underground biomass estimates from below-ground imagers (“mini- rhizotrons”)

5 Potential Use Case #2 (Internal) Canopy and ground hemispherical photos for estimation of percentage of vegetation cover (leaf area index for upward aspect, % ground cover for downward)

6 Potential Use Case #3 (Internal & External) 3 x Airborne Observatory Platforms (LiDAR + Spectrometer + High-res photography unit). (See also IML CZO presentation on airborne data.) Maps of leaf area index (LAI); Landscape biomass, carbon Structure, species of individual trees

7 Potential Use Case #4 (External) Work with tool developers who develop tools and applications for ecology end-users, i.e. focus on the nexus of data from NEON + other credible sources, e.g.: iPlant Discovery Environment (e.g. workflows for environmental- gene interaction studies) Microsoft Research ESRI NEON has been keeping appraised of developments in DataNet programs, especially: DataONE, SEAD. PEcAn, PalEON

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