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SQA (c) Making Food. Photosynthesis G_____ plants make their own food which they store as s_____. Green leaves contain c________. Chlorophyll converts.

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Presentation on theme: "SQA (c) Making Food. Photosynthesis G_____ plants make their own food which they store as s_____. Green leaves contain c________. Chlorophyll converts."— Presentation transcript:

1 SQA (c) Making Food

2 Photosynthesis G_____ plants make their own food which they store as s_____. Green leaves contain c________. Chlorophyll converts l______ energy to c_______ energy Equation of photosynthesis CO 2 + H 2 0 + light glucose + oxygen energy R___ m___ P_ reen tarch hlorophyll ight hemical aw aterials roducts

3 Equation of aerobic respiration Glucose + oxygen CO 2 + + energy H20H20

4 Photosynthesis Photosynthesis CANNOT work without: Carbon dioxide Water Chlorophyll Sunlight If any of the above are in short supply they are said to be Limiting Factors”.

5 Starch Test Boil leaf in w_____ to k____ the cells Boil in a________ to remove c___________ Rinse in h__ water Add i________ s______ to test for s________ Rinse leaf in c_____ water ater ill hlorophyll lcohol ot odine olution tarch old

6 Starch Test Results Leaf from light Leaf from dark Variegated leaf Leaf with CO 2 Leaf without CO 2 black brown black yellow green

7 Fate of CO 2 in Photosynthesis (C) During photosynthesis CO 2 gas is taken in by plants and made into glucose Glucose provides energy for cellular processes e.g. cell growth, cell division Glucose can also be converted to the storage carbohydrate called starch Or to the structural carbohydrate called cellulose ( makes up the plant cell wall)

8 Fate of CO 2 in Photosynthesis (C) glucose Structural Carbohydrate (e.g. cellulose in cell walls) Used immediately for energy Stored as starch and converted back when glucose is needed for energy by plant. CO 2 Photosynthesis 2 1 3 4 5 6 7 8

9 glucose cellulose starch

10 B CO 2 DAC cellulosestarchglucose

11 Used for energy / respiration Made into cellulose /plant cell walls Stops light reaching leaf


13 Elodea Bubbler When g_____ plants photosynthesise they produce o__. In a______ plants, this oxygen is given off as b_____ which are easily seen. The n______ of bubbles produced every m______, i.e. the rate, gives us an idea of how f____ the plant is p____________. reen ubbles quatic reen umber inute ast hotosynthesing

14 Limiting Factors (C) Photosynthesis depends on c______ d_______, w_____, l_____ i_______ and t__________. If they are in s_____ supply, they cut down or L_____ the rate of photosynthesis. “L Factors”.Light, water, carbon dioxide and temperature can act as “L Factors”. arbon ioxideaterightntensity emperature hort IMIT imiting

15 Limiting Factors – light (C) At point X on the graph l______ intensity is limiting the rate of photosynthesis. At point X - as light intensity increases. the r____ of photosynthesis i________ At point Y on the graph light intensity is n__ l_____ l________ as photosynthesis slows down even though light intensity is still i___________. X Y ight ate ncreases oongerimiting ncreasing

16 Limiting Factors – CO 2 (C) A B At A CO 2 concentration is the limiting factor as the rate of photosynthesis is increasing as the concentration of CO 2 is increasing At B CO 2 concentration is not the limiting factor as photosynthesis is slowing down even though the concentration of CO 2 is still increasing At B there must be another limiting factor e.g. light intensity or temperature

17 Limiting Factors –temperature (C) X Z Y At X the rate of photosynthesis is increasing as the enzymes of photosynthesis are working faster At Y the rate of photosynthesis is at its highest because the enzymes of photosynthesis are at their optimum temperature At Z photosynthesis slows down because enzymes are being d enatured

18 Limiting Factors (C) At X the limiting factor is light intensity At Y temperature is limiting At Z CO2 concentration is limiting Y Z

19 Light intensity temperature CO 2 concentration Mass of sugar produced (g)

20 Light intensity Rate of photosynthesis increases


22 Plant transport – what you should know The transport system of a plant does t___ jobs. One is to t________ materials needed for photosynthesis. W____ from r_____ to l______ The other is to transport n________ produced by photosynthesis. S_____ from l____ to roots and fruits and all parts of the plant wo ransport aterootseaves utrients ugareaves

23 Plant transport – what you should know Tubes, in the stem, called x_____ carry the w_____ and m_______ from the r_____ to the l______ Tubes called the phloem carry the s______ made in p__________ from the leaves to all other parts of a plant Up to y______ leaves and f______ Down to r______ and t_______ ylem aterinerals ootseaves ugar hotosynthesis oung ruits ootsubers

24 Xylem structure D____ cells – no cell c_______ Contains l______ Carries w_____ and m______ up to leaves S________ plant ead ontents ignin ater inerals upports

25 Phloem structure Made of l_____ cells T___ cell types S_____ cells and c___________ cells Has sieve p______ Carries n_______ from leaves to r____, f______ and y_______ leaves 1 2 3 Sieve plate Sieve cell Companion cell iving wo ieve ompanion lates utrients oots ruits oung

26 Leaf Leaves are f____, t_____ and b_____ Leaves don’t o_______ so they don’t block s_______ needed for photosynthesis Leaves have s_______ on their e_______ Plants take in CO 2 from the a___ through stomata which can o____ and c_____ W_____ v______ is l____ through the stomata lat hinroad verlap unlight tomata pidermis ir penlose aterapourost

27 Cross section of leaf (c) chloroplasts


29 0.5 stomata Gas exchange/ gases in / out

30 More on lower surface ylem Water would evaporate into the air

31 D phloem B CO 2 and water

32 cuticle upper epidermis Palisade mesophyll Spongy mesophyll stomaGuard cells Moist air space Leaf vein xylem

33 Xylem/ leaf vein B F C

34 13 245 Transport minerals support


36 Sieve plate Companion cell Transports food / nutrients /sugar epidermis Guard cells

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