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Physics Review Game: Chapter 4 Mr. Vannucci’s Class.

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1 Physics Review Game: Chapter 4 Mr. Vannucci’s Class

2 1. Which of the following are not an acceleration (there may be more than one answer)? a. A ball on a string spinning around b. A car speeding up from a light c. You sitting d. A car slowing down to a stop light

3 2. A spring has a potential energy of 24 J and a spring constant of 1200 N/m. How much is it stretched by? a. I don’t know b. 0.04 m c. 0.2 m d. 0.1 m

4 3. In the Hooke’s Law lab, you made a graph of Force of the spring (y-axis) in terms of the stretch (x-axis). What did the slope of this graph represent? a. Spring Constant b. Spring Potential Energy c. Spring Restoring Force d. Not enough information

5 4.

6 5. You have a spring-loaded toy with a spring constant k = 120 N/m. How much must you compress the spring by in order for the toy to reach a maximum height of 0.85 m? (mass = 0.02 kg)

7 6. The gravitational attraction between two objects is 500 N. How will this force change if the distance between them is tripled?

8 7. For which ramp will the cart have the greatest velocity at the bottom? Assume zero friction a. Ramp B b. Ramp A c. Same d. Not enough information

9 8. In the early-morning a roller coaster has only 6 passengers on board. In the afternoon, it has 26 passengers on board. Will the speed of the rollercoaster change with more passengers on board? Justify your answer.

10 9. The gravitational force between two objects is 10 N. What would the force be if both masses were doubled? a. 10 N b. 20 N c. 40 N d. 80 N

11 10. A 50 kg student is on a scale in an elevator. What will the scale read if the elevator accelerates upwards at 1.5 m/s/s? a. 425 N b. 500 N c. 575 N d. 625 N

12 11. If the kinetic energy of an object is 32 J when the object is at a height of 1 m and has a velocity of 4 m/s, what is the object’s mass?

13 12. A cart has a length of 4.5 cm. When speeding through a timing circuit, the timer reports that the car takes 0.033 seconds to pass through. What is the cart’s velocity?

14 13. A roller coaster starts at point A. The designers wanted the ride to end at point H with no extra assistance. Is this possible? Explain (in writing) why or why not.

15 14. Your spring scale has a k = 10 N/cm. You hang an apple from the scale and it stretches 0.05 cm. What is the mass of the apple (in kg)? (No, do not convert the cm to m).

16 15. Using the “virtual skate park” simulator linked in today’s wiki entry, design a roller coaster with one successful loop for the skater. NOTE: A successful loop means the skater completes the loop without falling off the track.

17 10. a. b. c. d.

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