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K a m p u n g h a l a m a n. Kampung Halaman is a non-profit organization that fosters the use of audiovisual medium through community-based education.

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1 k a m p u n g h a l a m a n

2 Kampung Halaman is a non-profit organization that fosters the use of audiovisual medium through community-based education programs. Particularly targeting teenagers in pursuing the social transformation in their community

3 why youth? Youth should become the most important member of community in this world that became a key of success of regeneration process But The fact is: Today in Indonesia, Youth are member that mostly affected by audiovisual media (film and television) that encourage them to build dreams that are not realistic, distancing them from their actual environment, effacing their sensitivity and attachment to the community and in the end, rendering them POWERLESS

4 Kampung Halaman has been developed video community and video diary program at several communities, one of them is “ Kami Bicara ” “ Kami Bicara ” / (We Speak) is a program that aims to strengthen student ’ s role in pursuing transformation toward better school ’ s community and condition. “ Kami Bicara ” using VIDEO DIARY as a tool for student to communicate problems they experienced at school and BLOG as tools for student disseminate it.

5 FACTS of Kami Bicara: 10 Non Execellent/Non Favorite Schools at Gunung Kidul, Kulonprogo, Yogyakarta City, Bantul and Sleman have mini media center (video camera-computer-internet access) 42 Video Diaries have been made and disscussed among students and teachers 20 Videoblogs have been created by students 139 students have been involved, 90 of them are girls. Most of The Video Diaries discuss the issue of Dream School

6 OUTCOMES Students have a space to speak their problem, to contribute or participate in improving their school life’s condition. Teachers listen to their (student) voices and school willing to change their policy Students appreciate their school and their teachers more than before As a minority member at their school, girls student now become more active to speak and brave Students have medium to express their creativity through Video Diary but not videoblog, because lack of technology knowledge Some schools realize the potential of Technology (camera, computer and internet)

7 Obstacles related to Technology (video camera, computer, internet) IT Language or terms were hard to be understood Most of the students are not computer and Internet literate Poor Internet Conection, especially for schools outside Yogyakarta City to upload their videoblog, and also hard to get comment from their blog visitor because slow connection Schools have no idea about the use of technology to support education Conflict of interest between teachers and students in using program’s equipments. Camera and computer were used by teachers for their personal interest like: wedding’s documentation Some school that already have internet access, limited only for Teachers. Its because they don’t trust students, they are afraid that students will acess pornographic site

8 Conclusions Kami Bicara has succeed not only introducing digital technology as a new medium to communication but also as a tools for research for all the member’s school community to identify their needs, find solutions and creating a better school But, in the otherhand, Kami Bicara has not been succeed to disseminate the idea of Kami Bicara through videoblog, yet.

9 This interview clip is opinions of Kami Bicara’s participants about their experiences with new media technology

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