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Dr. Michael Featherstone Project Management IME380.

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Presentation on theme: "Dr. Michael Featherstone Project Management IME380."— Presentation transcript:

1 Dr. Michael Featherstone Project Management IME380

2 Introduction Online Classes Communication Modes Assignments Page Skype – (Skype Demo) Class Facebook Group Create your Blog ( I suggest Blogger or WordPress)

3 Introduction Administrative Stuff Your Grades Test Results Participation/Communication/Discussion Your performance in a Project Management simulation Communication Modes Assignments Page Skype – (Skype Demo) Google+ (?)

4 Introduction How will your grade be determined? Your performance on tests The caliber of your class participation (discussion events for example) Your performance on the Project Management Simulation.

5 Introduction How will your grade be determined? I don’t “give” grades. You earn your grade. My experience is that students may choose to do extraordinary work in a class and earn an exemplary grade. I also understand that each student has differing priorities and/or schedule conflicts. These may impede your work in the class, and thus you may not earn the grade you might otherwise have. Finally some students may simply choose not to put forth the effort required to obtain a passing grade. I leave that choice to the student.

6 Introduction Administrative Stuff Communication with Skype

7 Introduction Now – Let ’ s look at the objectives of the course. 1.Learn a bit about project management and how it is differentiated 2.Learn a bit about some of the tools project managers use 3.Have a bit of fun while we ’ re learning it So let ’ s start by parsing the term project management.

8 Now – Let’s look at the objectives of the course. Upon completion of the course, the student should have a deeper understanding of the concepts, functions, and practices of project management. Also, the student should have developed the basic skills necessary to apply these concepts in current and future organizational settings. Introduction

9 How will you meet these objectives? We will focus on activities which are designed to enhance your skills for managing in the global environment which all organizations find themselves competing in. I will ask you to explore new communication and project management tools and processes as we progress through this term. Introduction

10 Specific tasks for you. I expect you to review the Assignments webpage on a daily basis. I will periodically provide video updates. I will expect you to view them. They will be available from the assignments page. When we work in the Simulation, I will expect you to SUBMIT YOUR PROJECT DECISIONS ON TIME!!!

11 DEFINITIONS I like this definition of Management from a current management textbook The process of assembling and using sets of resources in a goal directed manner to accomplish tasks in an organizational setting

12 DEFINITIONS The process of assembling and using sets of resources in a goal directed manner to accomplish tasks in an organizational setting

13 DEFINITIONS I also like this definition of Management. It’s from the book “Future Management” by Gary Hamel, 2007, Harvard Business School Press The capacity to marshal resources and to lay out plans and to program work and to spur effort

14 Thank you for your attention This Concludes Today’s Presentation

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