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Harmonised relay services The work of STF 325 A project funded by ETSI and the European Union W J Mellors C.Eng.

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Presentation on theme: "Harmonised relay services The work of STF 325 A project funded by ETSI and the European Union W J Mellors C.Eng."— Presentation transcript:

1 Harmonised relay services The work of STF 325 A project funded by ETSI and the European Union W J Mellors C.Eng

2 STF 325 "Relay Services"2 The Team  Wally Mellors - STF leader  Gunnar Hellström  Juan Calero González

3 STF 325 "Relay Services"3 This presentation  Will describe the problem  Set out the aims of the work  Describe the background  Look at the future  Make a call for help

4 STF 325 "Relay Services"4 The Problem  Many users are unable to use ordinary telephones because of their inability to hear and/or speak  They can use some form of textphone or total communication to “talk” or sign to one another  They cannot communicate with users of ordinary telephones  Some form of conversion service is therefore required  These services are known as Relay Services  Harmonisation of these services will improve European wide communication for all

5 STF 325 "Relay Services"5 Present Aims  In 2000, TC HF produced TR 101 806 giving guidelines for relay services  Report was based on PSTN for text and ISDN for video  The aim of the present work is to convert this report to an ETSI standard  A standard will not be accepted and used unless it is realistic and achievable  This will need co-operation from all current relay service providers

6 STF 325 "Relay Services"6 Present situation  Much has changed since the year 2000  New IP based systems are available  Updating will be necessary  But mandatory requirements must be currently achievable  IP based systems need proving  All will be explored with current service providers

7 STF 325 "Relay Services"7 What is needed  Conversation in real time by text and voice  Duplex working (two way simultaneous)  Simple call set up and clear down  Progress information in text form  Provision of relay services  Access to emergency services  Provision for signing and lipreading  Just like an ordinary telephone call

8 STF 325 "Relay Services"8 The DUST concept D - Duplex – simultaneous send and receive U – Universal - Worldwide on all networks S – Speech in both directions T – Text with conversational flow

9 STF 325 "Relay Services"9 Services  Basic call  Supplementary services. Hold, transfer, etc  Emergency service 112  Relay service with text support  Text <> voice  Hard to understand speech <> clear speech  Sign language <> voice  Interoperability between DUST Host environments  Interoperability with legacy systems

10 STF 325 "Relay Services"10 Text goes mobile  Push from USA to include real time text in mobile services  3GPP established Global Text Telephony standards for text addition to all call environments with international applicability  In the circuit switched voice calls  In the circuit switched multimedia calls  In IP multimedia calls  Mainly re-using work from ITU and IETF  Now adopted as ETSI specifications

11 STF 325 "Relay Services"11 The Future  Text Conversation available to ALL  Across all networks  Using open and available standards  All terminals interwork  Full legacy support  Texting anywhere anytime  With voice available  And with Video for signing and lipreading

12 STF 325 "Relay Services"12 This is the future

13 STF 325 "Relay Services"13 A call for help  Can you tell us of current relay service providers?  Do you wish to be a stakeholder ?  Please contact me at: 

14 Thank you for listening

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