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British Sign Language Level 2 Assessment procedures.

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1 British Sign Language Level 2 Assessment procedures

2 To achieve the Level 2 Certificate in British Sign Language qualification, candidates must successfully pass all three unit assessments.

3 Learners must be registered for assessment with Signature in advance. Assessment dates will be decided by the tutor. Once learners and the assessment dates have been registered, it is vital that you attend, as any alterations will incur an additional charge.

4 Unit 201

5 Candidates will watch a DVD based on a narrative and answer 12 multiple choice questions in total using an assessment paper. Assessment procedure: The narrative will be told in 4 sections with 3 questions asked after each section. The narrative will be told in whole, then

6 Section 1 of the narrative will be signed. The first of the 3 questions for that section will be signed. The 4 multiple choice answers will be signed. The 4 multiple choice answers will then be repeated. There will be a timed pause on the DVD for candidates to tick their answer.

7 The DVD will then go on to ask the second question in the section, followed by steps 4-6. The DVD will then go on to the third question in that section, followed by steps 4-6. The same sequence will be repeated for the remaining 3 sections. The pass mark for the assessment is 75%, i.e. 9/12

8 Unit 202

9 Candidates will sign a presentation on video. Assessment Procedure: Candidates will be given 15 minutes to prepare for the presentation.

10 Candidates may be escorted to a chair or spot to stand on. The invigilator will switch the camera on. The candidate will fingerspell their name to the camera, which should be given fully and clearly. This will not be marked. The candidate will sign the title, not the theme, which should be given fully and clearly. This will not be marked. The presentation will start. The time of the assessment also starts.

11 The presentation should be between 3.30-5 minutes in length. Candidates will fail if the assessment is less than 3.30 minutes in length. Unit BSL 202 (Continued) Assessments over 5 minutes will not be marked from 5 minutes onwards.

12 The invigilator will time the presentation and ask the candidate to stop after 5 minutes (but not before 3.30 minutes) if the candidate has not already done so. NB. Candidates can take written notes into the assessment room but it may affect the fluency of the presentation. The pass mark for the assessment is 50%, i.e. 15/30

13 Unit 203

14 The tutor will conduct a conversation with the candidate. Assessment procedure: Candidates will be given 15 minutes to prepare for the conversation. Candidates may be escorted to the assessment room.

15 The invigilator will switch the camera on. The tutor will have a brief ‘warm-up’ with the candidate, i.e. How are you? The tutor will introduce themselves. The candidate will fingerspell their name to the camera, which should be given fully and clearly. This will not be marked. The candidate will sign the title, not the theme, which should be given fully and clearly. This will not be marked.

16 The conversation will start. The time of the assessment also starts. The conversation should be between 6-7 minutes in length. Candidates will fail if the assessment is less than 6 minutes in length. Assessments over 7 minutes will not be marked from 7 minutes onwards.

17 The tutor will draw the conversation to an end at an appropriate time at no less that 6 minutes and no more than 7 minutes. The pass mark for the assessment is 50% i.e.15/30

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