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Mid Day Meal Scheme MDM-PAB Meeting Andaman & Nicobar Islands On 19.03.2013 Ministry of HRD Government of India.

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Presentation on theme: "Mid Day Meal Scheme MDM-PAB Meeting Andaman & Nicobar Islands On 19.03.2013 Ministry of HRD Government of India."— Presentation transcript:

1 Mid Day Meal Scheme MDM-PAB Meeting Andaman & Nicobar Islands On 19.03.2013 Ministry of HRD Government of India

2 Review of Implementation of MDMS in A&N Islands (Primary + Upper Primary) (1.4.2012 to 31.12.2012) Part-I Ministry of HRD, Govt. of India

3 Component-wise performance under Primary Stage Ministry of HRD, Govt. of India

4 Component-wise performance under Upper Primary Stage Ministry of HRD, Govt. of India

5 Coverage Institutions : Existing Vs Coverage Ministry of HRD, Govt. of India No. of Institutions 5 schools upgraded to UPY and 33 EGS/AIE closed down and 18 new Primary schools opened

6 Coverage Institutions : Existing Vs Coverage UPY Ministry of HRD, Govt. of India No. of Institutions

7 Coverage : Children Approval Vs Achievement (PRY) Children in thousand 78 % 79% 78 %

8 Less Coverage of Children vis-à-vis enrolment (PRY)DistrictEnrolment Avg. Availed MDM % Less Coverage % Less Coverage Severe Anemia among children Severe Anemia among adolescent girls South Andaman 11697916822% 0.56.7 N & M Andaman 8380656122% Nicobar District 2580207220%3.222.2

9 Children in thousand 79% 80 % Coverage : Children Approval Vs Achievement (Upy)

10 Less Coverage of Children vis-à-vis enrolment (UPY)DistrictEnrolment Avg. Availed MDM % Less Coverage % Less Coverage Severe Anemia among children Severe Anemia among adolescent girls South Andaman 8878714220% 0.56.7 N & M Andaman 5755455021% Nicobar District 1442110723%3.222.2

11 Coverage : Working Days Approval Vs Achievement (PRY & U. PRY) No. of Working Days 102 % 100 % 99 %

12 Approval Vs Achievement: Number of Meals (P + UP.) No. of Meals( in Lakhs) 93% 97% 93%

13 FOOD GRAIN : ALLOCATION vs UTILISATION Quantity in MTs 66% 67% 60%

14 Payment of cost of Food grains to FCI Cost of Food Grain (Rs. In Lakhs ) 100%


16 Engagement of Cooks-cum-Helpers during 1.4.12 to 31.12.12 No. of CCH Ministry of HRD, Govt. of India 100%

17 Utilization of : Honorarium to CCH (in lakh) 52%

18 MME : ALLOCATION vs. UTILISATION Rs in Lakhs 17% 57% NIL EXPENDITURE 2009-10 4%

19 Coverage : School Health Programme Ministry of HRD, Govt. of India DetailsInstitutionsChildren Total in State 33738732 Health Check UP 233 (69%) 15848 (41%) IFA Distribution 233 (69%) 15845 (41%) Vitamin ‘A’ Distribution 233 (69%) 15845 (41%) Deworming Tablets 233 (69%) 15845 (41%) Spectacles 706

20 Procurement of Kitchen Devices under MDM Rs. 11.30 Lakh was sanctioned 3%

21 Coverage : Inspections No. of Institutions 82%

22 MDM-MIS Web Portal : Annual Entry UTTotal Schools CompletedPending A & N Islands 337 0 100%

23 MDM-MIS Web Portal : Monthly Entry District Total Schools AprilMayJuneJulyAugustSept.Oct..Nov.Dec. Middle And North Andaman’s 165 Nicobars 53 South Andaman’s 119 Total 337 100%

24 SCORE CARD- ALL COMPONENTS Functional Girls toilet and Drinking water as per DISE 2010

25 MI ISSSUES : MI ISSSUES : Vishva Bharati university Period: 1st April 2012 to 30th. September 2012 Issues of Concern ( Issues of Concern (North &Middle Andaman )  Food grains are not delivered by the distributors up to school level.  There is always delay for providing the cooking cost.  SHGs takes the responsibility of providing the cook MDM out of their own arrangement in case of delay.  PTA/MTA/Community is pro-active in the process of MDM.  In many schools cooking of MDM is done from the temporary shed adjacent to the permanent kitchen.  No MDM is being provided on 2 nd and 4 th. Saturday.  MDM logo are not placed in the school.

26 Other Issues  Persistently decreasing coverage of children  Less Utilization of MME funds.  Low coverage under SHP  Construction of Kitchen Shed

27 Analysis of UT’s Proposal for 2013-14

28 Proposal for Construction of Kitchen-cum-Store Proposal for Construction of Kitchen-cum-Store  Central assistance of Rs. 12.96.Cr. has been released towards construction of (34+217) 251 kitchen sheds during 2011-12 to 2012-13.  UT has reported that for 34 kitchen-cum-stores for which the LOA (Rs. 2.56 Cr.) was received in 2011-12, the PWD department could not utilize the money in time and the money lapsed.  Rs. 1039.69 lakh was sanctioned 217 kitchen cum store in 2012-13. UT will not be able to utilize the money by 31 st March 2013. There fore, surrendered the amount.  UT has proposed that the all 251 units should be considered in PAB 2013-14

29 Proposal for Cook-cum-helper engaged in MDM Scheme Ministry of HRD, Govt. of India Already Engaged Additional requirement (2013-14) Cook-cum- helper 7600 In 2012-13 760, CCH Approved UT has Engaged all CCH. In 2013-14 UT proposes to engage 721 CCH

30 Enrolment Vs Availing MDM during 2012-13 (PRIMARY) No. of children(in thousand|) 2013-14 (Proposed) Q-3 Q-2 30 Q-1 PAB approval Enrolment Availed MDM Availed MDM

31 Enrolment Vs Availing MDM during 2012-13 ( Upper PRIMARY Enrolment Vs Availing MDM during 2012-13 ( Upper PRIMARY ) No. of children(in thousand|) 2013-14(Proposed) Q-3 Q-2 31 Q-1 Enrolment Enrolment PAB Approval PAB Approval Availed MDM Availed MDM

32 Proposal for procurement of Kitchen - Devices Proposal for procurement of Kitchen - Devices No. of institutions Sanctioned by MHRD Procured through UT fund in 2006-07 GapProposal 33722612700

33 Proposals and Recommendations S. No ComponentPAB Approval 2012-13 Proposal 2013-14 Recommenda tion1 Children (Pry) 2000017801 2 Children (U Pry) 1500012799 3 Children (NCLP) NilNil 4 Working Day (Pry and U Pry) (Pry and U Pry)220 (P& Upy) 220 5 Kitchen Shed 217251 6 Cook cum Helper 760721 7 Kitchen Devices 2260 9 MME Plan NilNil 10. Notional Requirement of Central Assistance Existing norms Rs. 1585.15 Proposed norms Rs. 1630.87 33

34 The MDM Logo should be widely Publicized  It may be Painted at Prominent Places on the outside wall of the school

35 Thank You aa

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