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RAMESES II AND FITNESS Over 100 Children 8 Royal Wives and many….many mistresses.

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1 RAMESES II AND FITNESS Over 100 Children 8 Royal Wives and many….many mistresses


3  In 2003 a groundbreaking historical genetics paper reported results which indicated that a substantial proportion of men in the world are direct line descendants of Genghis Khan.  These men carry Y chromosomes which seem to have come down from an individual who lived approximately 1,000 years ago.  As Y chromosomes are only passed from father to son, that would mean that the Y is a record of one’s patrilineage.  Genghis Khan died ~750 years ago, so assuming 25 years per generation, you get about 30 generations of men between the present and that period.  In more quantitative terms, ~10% of the men who reside within the borders of the Mongol Empire as it was at the death of Genghis Khan may carry his Y chromosome, and so ~0.5% of men in the world, about 16 million individuals alive today, do so.  The existence of Y chromosomal lineages like Genghis Kahn’s, which have burst upon the genetic landscape like explosive stars sweeping aside all other variation before them, indicates a periodic it “winner-take-all” dynamic in human genetics

4 Genome With the discovery of the structure of DNA came the understanding of the entire genetic makeup of an individual or species. Human and chimpanzee genomes were sequenced in 2003 and 2005, respectively.

5 Religion vs. Science Religion and science concern different aspects of the human experience, and they are not inherently mutually exclusive categories. Belief in God does not exclude the possibility of biological evolution; acknowledgement of evolutionary processes doesn’t preclude the existence of God. Evolutionary theories are not rejected by all religions or by most forms of Christianity.

6 Creation Science, Intelligent Design Those who believe in a literal interpretation of the Christian Bible argue that creation science and intelligent design (ID) is as much a scientific endeavor as is evolution, and suggest scientific evidence to support creationist views ID though is not science Creationists argue their view is absolute and fallible, which is counter to science which seeks testable hypotheses

7 Why It Matters One of the greatest controversies regarding education in the United States and other parts of the world is the teaching of evolution.

8 Example: HINI Flu viruses are the result of viruses “evolving” or changing in form.  Medical researchers try to predict which of several strains will pose the most serious threat and try to develop a vaccine that targets that specific “evolving” strain.  If future physicians and researchers don’t understand evolution, there is little hope they can forestall potential medical crises as the pace of change in pathogens exceeds that of the antibiotics designed to defeat them.

9 Contemporary Health Challenges  The inevitable outcome of our more aggressive methods to fight microbes (disease causing micro-organisms such as bacteria and viruses) will lead to modified micro-organisms that have evolved to resist therapies such as antibiotics. More use of antibiotics to treat bacterial infections weed out vulnerable microbes, but leave less vulnerable to reproduce. Less vulnerable cause more serious forms of disease than the organisms that were eliminated.

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