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Teachers names: Mr Sieber, Miss Meyer, Mr Black, Miss Willmott Teaching assistants: Mrs Askin, Mrs Brady & Mrs Swatton.

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Presentation on theme: "Teachers names: Mr Sieber, Miss Meyer, Mr Black, Miss Willmott Teaching assistants: Mrs Askin, Mrs Brady & Mrs Swatton."— Presentation transcript:

1 Teachers names: Mr Sieber, Miss Meyer, Mr Black, Miss Willmott Teaching assistants: Mrs Askin, Mrs Brady & Mrs Swatton

2 We encourage our children at Hayes Primary School to be: confident; independent; ambitious life long learners; good communicators; polite and have good manners; resilient; open minded; willing to take risks; valued members of the community.

3 At Hayes Primary School we value: Respect Tolerance Responsibility Cooperation Friendship Love Courage Appreciation Honesty Understanding Thoughtfulness

4 Children’s Learning Our aim is to make children into independent learners. This begins in the reception classes and as they move into the juniors, they are expected to take more responsibility for their own work and resources. Please refer to the newsletter each half-term for information about the topics to be covered and ways you can support your child at home.

5 Homework & Reading Homework will be set on a Friday and will be due back into school on Wednesday (unless otherwise stated). We recommend children spend 30 minutes on each piece of homework given. Reading records: Books will be changed on Monday and Friday. Reading record books are not checked daily and therefore any notes to the teacher should be addressed separately. Please ensure your child has another reading book in school every day for quiet reading times. Children should be encouraged to read every day for a minimum of 10 minutes at home and complete their reading record accordingly with a signature from an adult.

6 Spellings There are some changes to how spellings will be taught and assessed this year in KS2. Children are going to receive weekly spellings. They will have one spelling lesson during the week and a test on a Friday. Children will receive their new spelling list for the next week on a Friday, and will be tested the following Friday. Children will be set within their year groups for their spelling lessons so that their spellings can be personalised to meet their learning needs. The sets will be based on initial assessments currently being carried out by class teachers and will be regularly reviewed to ensure children are learning the correct spellings. The spelling test will comprise of words from the list that have been sent home to learn that week and some words that aren’t on the list, but follow the same spelling pattern. Therefore, KS2 English homework will be spelling investigation (set on a Friday) that will help the children learn their spellings ready for their test. We appreciate your support in helping your child learn their spellings at home.

7 Mental Maths and MyMaths Mental maths tests will take place every other week in your child’s maths set. We will also be testing times tables regularly. MyMaths will used in class and set for homework. Children are encouraged to play games and practice different Maths skills.

8 Assessment Ongoing teacher assessments include marking, observations and regular assessments. We will ensure that your child’s progress is closely monitored. We will give you feedback at the upcoming parents’ evenings. Parents’ evening dates Tuesday 2 nd December Thursday 4 th December

9 During this academic year each class will have a class assembly to share their current learning with their parents. Each assembly will take place on a Friday morning at 9.15am and the dates for each class are as follows: 4M - Friday 30 th January 2014 4S - Friday 6 th March 2014 4W - Friday 20 th March 2014 Assemblies

10 Information It is important that your child is punctual and has excellent attendance. Children in 4W should enter the school via the back door of their classroom. Children in 4M and 4S should enter the school building via the year 3/4 corridor. Your child should arrive between 8.40 – 8.50 am. Children who arrive after this time must enter through the office. Your child will need a named PE kit (including trainers/tracksuits for outdoor PE), an art apron and their book bag in school at all times. Your child will remain in the same house as before.

11 Information continued… When walking out of school, children must stay on the pathways and not be running across the field/on the mound, for their safety. Uniform is the same as last year. We encourage children to wear a tie that they can knot themselves rather than the elastic one worn by infants. We would be grateful if you would spend a little time helping your child to learn this skill. If your child is interested in playing a musical instrument, forms are held in the school office.

12 Teaching Assistants Teaching Assistants have been allocated to the year group. Additional support and interventions will take place outside of the Maths and English lessons.

13 Healthy Schools Please remember to send your child to school with a healthy packed lunch in a sealed box. School dinners are nutritionally balanced. Children may bring in a piece of fresh fruit for their break time snack and a named water bottle to have in class. Please remember that we are a nut free school! Please do not send your child in with any nut products.

14 Finally…… Thank you for coming this evening! If you have any questions or concerns then please do not hesitate to speak to one of the Year 4 team.

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