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By- Jack G, Max C, and John P

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1 By- Jack G, Max C, and John P

2 Setting Fuck The setting during The Maze Runner by James Dashner takes place in many places. One of the largest settings is the Glade. The Glade is where the story is mainly takes place. The Glade is a pretty well preserved considering how old it is. When you first arrive in the Glade you come out a box. When you arrive in the Glade your memories are gone. For example the main character Thomas is thinking about hot dogs, but he cant remember the last hot dog he ate, or who he ate it with. The Glade also houses many places such as the cemetery, farming fields, forests, blood house, and the homestead. One of the very important parts of the setting is the maze. Surrounding the glade is a huge maze, this maze holds many monsters called Grievers. To protect the Glade from the Grievers there are four walls the west, east, south, and north walls. As you see in the caption of the picture it talks about runners. Runners are people who run around the maze looking for an exit. The runners work from sun up to sun down. All of the walls close at sun down to keep the Grievers out of the glade. These are the runners coming into the Glade before the walls close.

3 The Glade

4 Thomas Thomas is the “Newbie” in the Glade, he arrived in the box like everyone else. All of his memories and past knowledge have been wiped when he arrived. Later in the story when a girl came into the Glade (which is odd because only boys are sent into the Glade) he felt connected to the girl some how. Later he realizes that he wants to become a Runner. Thomas is a very strong well built young man. We believe that Thomas has brown hair and brown eyes, and is about 5”10. Thomas is a very brave character in the story because of the risks he takes. Thomas is the main character, and he is a protagonist. Thomas is also a dynamic character. The is how we imagined Thomas. C

5 Newt Newt is a boy around 16-17,. His job in the Glade is being a runner. Newt is one of Thomas’s only friends in the Glade saying that he is the “Newbie”. Newt is also Alby’s second hand man. He is also one of the main keepers. Newt is usually the character that gives everyone important news. Newt always keeps calm, and is very responsible. He is a great leader, and keeps everyone in line. Newt also is a very caring person, because when Alby gets sick, he helps take care of him in the homestead. Newt is an protagonist, a major character, he is also a static character. This is how we imagined Newt. C

6 Teresa This how we imagined Teresa.
Teresa is the first girl to arrive in the Glade. When the girl arrives from the box, the Gladers' realize that she has a note in her hand that says “Everything is going to change”. When she arrived she was in a coma, this coma lasted a very long time. Later in the book Thomas realizes that he feels some connection to Teresa in his past life. Thomas then realizes that Teresa can talk to Thomas by thinking. Then Thomas figures out that the girls name is Teresa. When Teresa is in the coma and Thomas is doing his everyday activities Teresa starts talking to Thomas. Thomas becomes very annoyed and runs into the maze, without permission. Then Teresa says “It was you and me, Tom. We did this to them. To us.”. Later in the story Teresa wakes up from her coma, she is put in the slammer because Alby believes that Teresa did this to them. Teresa is one of the main characters, and she is a protagonist. Teresa is very dynamic. This how we imagined Teresa.

7 Alby Alby is the overseer of the Glade, he is the leader. Alby has a bad attitude and thinks he knows more than everyone else, because he is the leader. Alby is very rude to Thomas when he first gets there. Then he starts to become nicer. When Minho reports that he found a dead Griever, Alby and him go out to find it the next day. Alby then gets stung by the griever who is not actually dead. Thomas has to tie Alby up in the vines when they get stuck in the maze at night. Alby successfully gets home and he has to undergo the changing. The changing works, but he is very odd after. Alby is a minor character, and he is a protagonist, Alby is also very dynamic.

8 Minho Minho is the keeper of the runners. Thomas is introduced to Minho when Minho comes back to the Glade from the maze. Minho says that a Griever had died in the maze. Alby is is in such shock that he goes with Minho to see for himself. Alby then gets stung by the Griever that was not actually dead, Thomas then sees Minho dragging Alby back to the homestead, Thomas knows that they will not make it back in time. Thomas goes out trying to help them get back. Then they get locked outside because the doors close, Minho gets very scared that they get locked outside, and he starts freaking out. After they get back from they night outside, Minho nominates Thomas to become the new keeper of the runners. Everyone is in shock. Minho is one the main characters, and he is a protagonist. Minho is also a dynamic character.

9 P Rising Action Climax Falling Action Rising Action Evolution
Thomas Arrives in the maze. Teresa arrives in the maze. Minho finds a dead Griever. Alby gets stung by a Griever. Minho, Alby, and Thomas get locked out of the maze, at night. Teresa wakes up from coma. Gladers don’t get food sent to the. Teresa gets put in jail. Thomas feels a connection with Teresa. Thomas becomes a runner. Alby goes through the changing. Galley runs away. The doors don’t close one night. Climax Falling Action Rising Action Evolution Resolution P

10 Climax The climax of the book is when they find that the maze is actually a code and it continuously depicts letters, each section has different letters at different times. Then Thomas and Minho go out into the Maze to see if anything has changed. When Minho and Thomas get back from the maze Teresa and Newt have found many more letters in maze drawings. At this point of the story everything changes because of the fact that they found out that the maps were actually codes. Climax Falling Action Rising Action Evolution Resolution

11 Falling action The falling action is when Thomas shuts down the Griever hole. Thomas, and Teresa go into the Griever hole to stop the outbreak. In the invisible griever hole there is a computer. While this is happening all of the Gladers are fighting the grievers. Teresa types the last code to the computer and shuts down all of the grievers and everything they know of. Later a group of people save all of the Gladers. Climax Falling Action Rising Action Evolution Resolution

12 Conflict In the book The Maze Runner by James Dasner. We believe that this book has quite a lot of Man vs. society. Some examples are when Ben gets vanished because it is a group of people that make the final decision to vanish him. Another conflict is man vs. man, we noticed this when Thomas had his good amount of fights with Alby. Another conflict is when Gally lets all of the Grievers into the house. Another conflict is Man vs. Nature, when the Grievers attacked Thomas when he got locked out of the Glade one night.

13 Theme and resolution We believe that the theme in the Maze Runner is “Mama says life’s like a box of chocolates, your never know what your gonna get.” ~Forrest Gump~, We feel that this means that you have to always be on your toes, you have to expect the worse and if you get anything better than that is a good thing. A quote from the book is “’Nice to meet ya, shank,’ the boy said. ‘Welcome to the Glade’” The resolution in the maze runner is when the Gladers get saved. A person saves all of the Gladers, and brings them to a desert, which starts the new book the scorch trials. This is Forrest Gump

14 Mood W The mood of the story is dark. During the coarse of the book we where not really given any happy nice scenes, other when they got saved. Lots of people are either killed, die, our badly injured, which is very dark. The book sometimes appealed to us as scary. Passage 1- “’Someone… help… me!’ he screamed; each word ripped his throat raw.” (pg.11) This passage is dark because it talks about the pain Thomas is going through as soon as he arrives in the Glade. Passage 2- “Ben’s head snapped back as he was jerked forward, the Keepers pushing the pole toward the maze outside the Glade. A straggling cry erupted from Ben’s throat, louder than the sounds of the closing doors.” This passage is dark because it talks about Ben being eaten by the Grievers. This passage is about death and its pretty dark. Passage 3- “’He’s not one of us!’ Ben Shouted. ‘I saw him- he’s… he’s bad. We have to kill him! Let me gut him’” This passage is dark, because it deals with murder, which is quite dark, if you ask me. It also says gut. This is darkness

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