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NGA Demo Participant Collaboration Dr. Brand Niemann Director and Senior Enterprise Architect – Data Scientist Semantic Community

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Presentation on theme: "NGA Demo Participant Collaboration Dr. Brand Niemann Director and Senior Enterprise Architect – Data Scientist Semantic Community"— Presentation transcript:

1 NGA Demo Participant Collaboration Dr. Brand Niemann Director and Senior Enterprise Architect – Data Scientist Semantic Community AOL Government Blogger March 23, 2012, and April 2, 2012 1

2 March 23, 2012, Conference Call OMG Meeting of Cloud Standards Customer Council: – loud_Standards_Customer_Council_to_Build_Trust_Between_Providers_and_ Suppliers loud_Standards_Customer_Council_to_Build_Trust_Between_Providers_and_ Suppliers Geospatial Platform Key Documents: – y_Documents y_Documents OGC Knowledgebase: – Cross_Information_Sharing_and_Integration/Open_Geospatial_Consortium Cross_Information_Sharing_and_Integration/Open_Geospatial_Consortium Spreadsheet with OGC Knowledgebase and Haiti Data Sources: – Haiti Spatial Data: – 2

3 OMG Cloud Standards Customer Council Meeting 3 Kevin Jackson’s Presentation

4 OMG Cloud Standards Customer Council Meeting Network Centric Operations Industry Consortium (NCOIC), Kevin Jackson, Chairman, NCOIC Cloud Computing Working Group: – NCOIC, A Global Industry Consortium – NCOIC Cloud Computing Working Group Charter – Lab Interoperability Project – Purpose – Cloud Computing Experiments – NGA Objectives – NGA User Scenario – NGA Request – NCOIC Member Participation – GITT Proposal – GITT Subgroups – Operational Viewpoint Community Cloud – Operational View Nodes and Roles – Current Status 4

5 OMG Government DTF Meetings 5 My Presentation 13:00 – 17:30 Semantics and Ontologies for the Intelligence Community – Working toward Standards

6 Semantics and Ontologies for the Intelligence Community – Working toward Standards Meeting 6 Joe Rockmore Presentation on Data Integration

7 Paradigm Shifts in the IC: – Ontology/ Data Model Then, and Knowledge Base Now. – Search, Retrieve, Extract, and Analyze Then, Versus Search, Facts, Analyze Facts, and Retrieve Data and Documents if Needed Now. – Data Conditioned and Correlated (ETL) Then, Versus Data Integrated and Enhanced Now (Enhancements). – Estimate 160M pieces of intelligence a day. 7

8 Digital Reasoning SynthesysCloud Beta Mining (for people, places, and things) the Social Web, O'Reilly Books. Training Resources: API and Peruna Tutorials: – GeoLocator from Digital Reasoning is a precision- based tool that will extract countries and populated places from unstructured text, while providing their respective geo-coordinates. Interceptor allows you the ability to look through all of your data rapidly and easily discover what is inside. 8

9 Catalyst Entity Extraction and Disambiguation Study Functions Entity Extraction: MindTouch Relationship Extraction: MindTouch Semantic Integration: MindTouch, Excel, and Spotfire Entity Disambiguation: MindTouch Knowledge Base: MindTouch, Excel, and Spotfire Visualization: Spotfire Query: MindTouch and Spotfire Analysis: Spotfire Ontology/Data Model: Be Informed Reference Data: MindTouch 9 My Example: CIA World Fact BookCIA World Fact Book

10 NCOIC March 26 and 30 Collaboration: – NCOIC Member Inventory (did OGC first – see below) – OGC Knowledgebase (found GeoCommons for Haiti – see below) Use Cases and Data – GeoCommons for Haiti (new in April 19 th dashboard) – Mining the Social Web During Disasters Has Become a Very Important Source of Data! Architecture – Catalyst Entity Extraction and Disambiguation Study Final Report 10

11 Red Cross Social Media Command Center 11 Terry Morgan, March 9th

12 GeoCommons for Haiti 12

13 Updated Dashboard of Map, Metadata, and Knowledgebases 13 Web Player Note: This dashboard is for both the on-the-ground responder and the intelligence analysts. The on-the-ground responder can annotate the number of persons sent to hospitals and the intelligence analysts can update the data set and perform deeper analytics to help advise the officials on how to respond.

14 Updated Dashboard of Map, Metadata, and Knowledgebases 14 Web Player

15 Recorded Future: Web Site 15

16 Recorded Future: Knowledgebase 16

17 Timeline Image Showing Just the Momentum Curve 17 Shows how the intensity of coverage trailed off but didn't entirely die out even several months after the earthquake. Recorded Future’s social data coverage is not so strong that far back so I asked that they look at blogs

18 Timeline Image Including Event Icons 18

19 Data Set That Includes Coverage from Sources Considered to be Blogs or Niche 19

20 Recorded Future Spotfire: Haiti Disaster 20 Web Player

21 Recorded Future Timeline: Haiti Disaster 21 Live Visualization HereHere

22 Recorded Future Source Maps: Haiti Disaster 22

23 Recorded Future Network: Haiti Disaster 23

24 Recorded Future Earth: Haiti Disaster 24

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