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Personal Finance RETIREMENT.  SWBAT assess the financial realities of retirement. LESSON OBJECTIVE.

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Presentation on theme: "Personal Finance RETIREMENT.  SWBAT assess the financial realities of retirement. LESSON OBJECTIVE."— Presentation transcript:

1 Personal Finance RETIREMENT

2  SWBAT assess the financial realities of retirement. LESSON OBJECTIVE

3  Retirement  Having left one's job and ceased to work.  (of a place) Quiet and secluded; not seen or frequented by many people. WORD OF THE DAY

4  How long do you expect to work for? What will retired life be like? INITIAL ACTIVITY

5  Social Security Act, 1935  Limit dangers in America: old age, poverty, disability, widows, orphans  Title XVIII of Social Security Act, 1965- Medicare  Health insurance for 65 or older regardless of income or previous conditions RETIREMENT

6  Is it the governments responsibility to limited the dangers of old age?  Do you believe that the elderly in America today require support similar to the elderly during the Great Depression?  Share Out RETIREMENT: QUICKWRITE

7 Focus Questions: How have Social Security payments affected different socio-economic groups in America?  Read Social Security- A Pillar of Retirement Income  1. Describe the relationship between social security of the bottom 25% of American income earners. Why has this relationship developed in this fashion?  2. Describe the relationship between social security of the middle 25% of American income earners. Why has this relationship developed in this fashion?  3. Describe the relationship between social security of the top 25% of American income earners. Why has this relationship developed in this fashion?  Share Out ACTIVITY 1: JIGSAW

8  Focus Question: How has retirement changed for Americans?  Read Workers Saving Too Little To Retire  How has a change in the life expectancies affected the traditional retirement plans for Americans?  How could the inadequate retirement savings of Americans affect you in the immediate and also in the long term?  Share Out ACTIVITY 2: INDIVIDUAL

9 Discussion:  “You must rank me and all my colleagues as strong partisans of compulsory social insurance for all classes for all purposes from the cradle to the grave.” – Winston Churchill, 1943  Does government have the responsibility to financially provide for the well-being of its citizens? SUMMARY

10  Is it the governments responsibility to limited the dangers of old age?  Share Out RETIREMENT: TURN & TALK

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