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God wants us to be united With Him, Jn. 14:23 With each other, Jn. 17:20, 21 Sweet, Psa. 133:1.

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Presentation on theme: "God wants us to be united With Him, Jn. 14:23 With each other, Jn. 17:20, 21 Sweet, Psa. 133:1."— Presentation transcript:


2 God wants us to be united With Him, Jn. 14:23 With each other, Jn. 17:20, 21 Sweet, Psa. 133:1

3 Division in every generation – ours Solid preaching MDR Fellowship What next?


5 God made all things, Gen. 1:1; Acts 14:15 Spoke, Psa. 33:6-9 Through Christ, Jn. 1:1-3

6 God made all things in six days, Gen. 1:2-31 Heaven, earth, light, 1-5 Atmosphere, 6-8 Grass, herbs, trees, 9-13 Ordered the lights, 14-19 Birds, fish, 20-23 Animals, man, 24-31

7 The earth is relatively young, About 6,000 years Secular history »Us to Jesus: 2,000 years »Jesus to Abraham: 2,000 years

8 The earth is relatively young, About 6,000 years Sacred history »Lk. 3 – Fifty-five men Christ to Abraham »Lk. 3 – Twenty men Abraham to Adam »Genealogies of Gen. 5 & 11: Adam to Abraham – 1948 years

9 Humanistic scientists No Creator or creation, Psa. 14:1; Heb. 3:4 Evolution, Psa. 33:6-9 Old earth »Darwin – 20 million years »Modern – 4.6 billion years

10 Pressure to conform, Jn. 9:22; Rom. 12:1, 2

11 Brethren “This Big Bang theory is now the standard explanation for how the energy and matter resulting from the beginning came to be distributed as it is today… Genesis affirms the fact of the beginning but not the process. Therefore there can be no conflict between Genesis and science as to process…”

12 Brethren “However, the physical data does argue strongly for a beginning consistent with Genesis. In this, the data supporting the Big Bang theory is the Bible believer’s friend and the atheists’ nemesis” (Hill Roberts, Genesis and the Time Thing).

13 Brethren “All the matter of the universe, including earth, traces back to this beginning. Since then it has only been redistributed. This redistribution process is known as stellar evolution” (Roberts, Genesis and the Time Thing).

14 Brethren “Taken all together, if the bounding assumptions are valid, these indicate an age of the universe between 12 and 16 billion years. I do not know what the actual age is because it cannot be known if the assumptions are correct. The assumptions do appear to be self-consistent. In any event, these numbers are likely to change in the future. However if the past is any indication, we will see these numbers grow rather than shrink” (Roberts, Genesis and the Time Thing).

15 Brethren “The ‘days’ of creation in Genesis 1 cannot be literal…” (Shane Scott, Sentry Magazine, Vol. 21, No. 1). “The Days Must Be Ages” (Scott, Sentry Magazine – paragraph header).

16 Bible Answer Literal six days, Ex. 20:11 Plants & bees, Gen. 1:9-12, 20-23 Man & woman, Mk. 10:6 God’s attributes known, Rom. 1:18-21

17 Bible Answer Are these literal days or figurative »Days of Joshua 6 »Days of Jonah in the fish »Days of Christ in the grave

18 Error on Creation Undermines the validity of the Bible Flood, Sodom, Plagues And IS therefore A matter of salvation


20 God wants us to be united With Him, Jn. 14:23 With each other, Jn. 17:20, 21 Sweet, Psa. 133:1

21 Division in every generation – ours Solid preaching MDR Fellowship What next?

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