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Simulation games Christian Märzinger Thomas Pichler 1.

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Presentation on theme: "Simulation games Christian Märzinger Thomas Pichler 1."— Presentation transcript:

1 Simulation games Christian Märzinger Thomas Pichler 1

2 Agenda  What are simulation games?  Progress of a simulation game  Types of simulation games  Criteria for categorization  Potential of simulation games  Constraints and precognitions  Evaluation 2

3 What are simulation games? Definition: “A Simulation game is a specific activity, within that a number of game participants align themselves to groups and act in certain roles, changing scenarios within a hypothetical fictive environment which is based on pure assumptions and shall appear realistic as much as possible." 3

4 Characteristics of simulation games  dynamic system  played in several rounds  by several players  assigned to certain play groups 4

5 Components of simulation games  simulation of a social environment  role play  rule play  Model  role play and rule play combined to a single game component Vs 5

6 Characteristics of the game component  a precise system of rules  a step by step progress (often by user interaction)  a possibility for grading of effort and behaviour by different criteria  a need for instrumental base for execution 6

7 Progress of a simulation game  preparing phase Introduction Presentation of initial state / problem definition Define strategic/operative goals  execution phase Analyze alternatives Make decisions Model/framework reacts on decisions  analysis phase Grading, debriefing, reasons for deviations 7

8 Types of simulation games Differing in professional scope of application 8

9 Other criteria for categorization I  level of abstraction  coverage of the model  number of playgroups (fair/unfair initial pos.)  interdependencies between the decisions 9

10 Other criteria for categorization II  consideration of random influences  rigid vs. flexible simulation games  usage of computers within game and evaluation  complexity (number of decisions)  location of participants (same/distributed) 10

11 Potential of simulation games  Learning by Doing  see what happens through their decision  train the participants on technology  train social skills 11

12 Advantages of simulation games  active learning (motivation / interest)  integrated learning  transportation of system properties 12

13 Constraints and precognitions  Multimedia principle  Spatial contiguity principle  technical requirements 13

14 Constraints and precognitions  problem orientated  arise interest  complete learning-cycle  feature for the instructor to control and manage the complexity  authentic and realistic  present different situations 14

15 Evaluation I  didactic has to correspond with the company  through the potential and precognitions  define function 15

16 Evaluation II  costs  time  hardware  acceptance  possible to include in the learning environment 16

17 Evaluation III  complexity  cross linking  momentum  “Polytelie”  openess  measure the quality 17

18 Simulation games 18

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