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motasaddi MDaging1 motasaddi MDaging2 Aging & E.N.T problem Dr. Masoud Motasaddi Assist. Prof. of otolaryngology dept. Tehran university of medical sciences.

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Presentation on theme: "motasaddi MDaging1 motasaddi MDaging2 Aging & E.N.T problem Dr. Masoud Motasaddi Assist. Prof. of otolaryngology dept. Tehran university of medical sciences."— Presentation transcript:


2 motasaddi MDaging1

3 motasaddi MDaging2 Aging & E.N.T problem Dr. Masoud Motasaddi Assist. Prof. of otolaryngology dept. Tehran university of medical sciences

4 motasaddi MDaging3 Auditory problem External ear Wax(removal of wax & Arnold nerve) Tumor Cholesteatoma Trauma Skin

5 motasaddi MDaging4 Auditory problem Middle ear (anatomical aspect) Tumor Infections trauma

6 motasaddi MDaging5 Auditory problem inner ear Presbycusis Sensory Neural (decrease SDS) Strial(no recruitment) conductive Etilogy Vascular Noise Metabolic(diabetes) Genetic infection

7 motasaddi MDaging6 Treatment of presbycusis Hearing aid Cochlear implant communication

8 motasaddi MDaging7 Auditory problem Ototoxic drugs

9 motasaddi MDaging8 Vestibular problem External ear and vertigo Wax forign body

10 motasaddi MDaging9 Vestibular problem Middle ear Negative pressure C.O.M & A.O.M trauma

11 motasaddi MDaging10 Vestibular problem Inner ear Labyrintitis Mennier,s dis. B.P.P.V F.X

12 motasaddi MDaging11 Vestibular problem I.A.C Tumor (acoustic neuroma) M.S Vascular factor(infarct and emboli)

13 motasaddi MDaging12

14 motasaddi MDaging13 nose Structural changes Epistaxis Drugs Metabolic dis. Olfactory changes Immune system dis. snoring

15 motasaddi MDaging14 nose tumor

16 motasaddi MDaging15 larynx Hoarseness and air way problem(smokers and ex- smokers) tumor

17 motasaddi MDaging16 neck Tumor (lymphatic chain and skin)

18 motasaddi MDaging17

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