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Friday, January 20, 2012 Objective : Review for quiz BR:Compare & Contrast the Pons & Medulla Oblongata (write one sentence for comparing and one sentence.

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Presentation on theme: "Friday, January 20, 2012 Objective : Review for quiz BR:Compare & Contrast the Pons & Medulla Oblongata (write one sentence for comparing and one sentence."— Presentation transcript:

1 Friday, January 20, 2012 Objective : Review for quiz BR:Compare & Contrast the Pons & Medulla Oblongata (write one sentence for comparing and one sentence for contrasting)

2 Friday, January 20, 2012 Objective : Review for quiz BR:Compare & Contrast the Pons & Medulla Oblongata (write one sentence for comparing and one sentence for contrasting)


4 Friday, January 20, 2012 Objective : Review for quiz BR:Compare & Contrast the Pons & Medulla Oblongata (write one sentence for comparing and one sentence for contrasting)


6 Friday, January 20, 2012 Objective : Review for quiz BR:Compare & Contrast the Pons & Medulla Oblongata (write one sentence for comparing and one sentence for contrasting)


8 Friday, January 20, 2012 Last chance to view BR – 1 min Objective : Review for quiz BR:Compare & Contrast the Pons & Medulla Oblongata (write one sentence for comparing and one sentence for contrasting) Quiz tomorrow!!

9 30 Seconds Remaining…

10 10 Seconds Remaining…

11 Time’s up! Put Bell Ringer in Folder Today’s Agenda: Quick review Practice quiz

12 Basal Ganglia Controlmuscularmovements – WhereParkinson’sDiseaseoriginates

13 Limbic System Functions and components of limbic system: – Hippocampus = long-term memories – Amygdala = behavior, emotions – Hypothalamus & Thalamus – Processes smell

14 Thalamus “Relay station” for sensory input before going to the cerebral cortex (lobes)

15 Hypothalamus (size of an almond) Regulates temperature, hunger/thirst, water balance (urination)

16 Pons Controls breathing, facial expressions, & dreams

17 Medulla Oblongata breathing, heart rate, blood pressure, swallowing and vomiting.

18 The Fibrous Tunic Cornea – Clear – Only human tissue that can be transplanted without fear of rejection


20 Retina - responds to light and transmits visual signal to brain – Contains rods and cones Rods – Process black and white images Cones – Processes color images

21 The Ear Two functions – Hearing – Equilibrium (balance)

22 The External Ear Involved in hearing only Structures of the external ear – Pinna – auditory canal Wax glands are present Figure 8.12

23 Middle Ear Figure 8.12 Eardrum Three bones: – Hammer – Anvil – Stirrip

24 Inner Ear Cochlea – – Contain fluid and hair cells – Once you damage these hair cells, they will never grow back. What causes damage? LOUD MUSIC!!!! Figure 8.12

25 Olfaction – The Sense of Smell Olfactory receptors are in the roof of the nasal cavity – Neurons with long cilia Interpretation of smells is made in the limbic system – part of your brain dealing with memory & emotion – this is why some smells remind us of certain memories and feelings

26 Gustation = The Sense of Taste Taste buds house the receptor organs Location of taste buds – Most are on the tongue – Soft palate – Cheeks Figure 8.18a–b

27 Human Anatomy, Frolich, Head II: Throat/Larynx Five taste sensations Sweet Sour Salty Bitter “umami” (savory) M&M, Fig. 16.1

28 Practice Quiz Try it on your own to get an idea of how you will do on tomorrows quiz

29 Answers: 1.C – Limbic System 2.A – Basal Ganglia 3.B – Pons 4.A – Thalamus 5.D – Both b&c 6.C - They would get smaller because they do not need to absorb more light 7.B – Occipital Lobe 8.C – Limbic System 9.C – Equilibrium 10. Smell

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