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Presentation on theme: "MODULE “PREPARING AND MANAGEMENT OF DOCUMENTATION” SAFE DECOMMISSIONING OF NUCLEAR POWER PLANTS Project BG/04/B/F/PP-166005, Programme “Leonardo da Vinci”"— Presentation transcript:


2 2 CONTENTS 1.Decommissioning plans: -conceptual plan; -decommissioning plan; -plan for final shut down of the nuclear facility. 2.Reports associated with decommissioning

3 Project BG/04/B/F/PP-166005, Programme “Leonardo da Vinci”3 TRAINING OBJECTIVES Upon completion of training trainees should be able to:  Describe the structure and main parts of decommissioning documentation.  Explain the scope and content of the Conceptual Plan and the Decommissioning Plan.  Explain the scope and content of the Plan for Final Shut Down of the Nuclear Facility.  Describe the structure and the scope of the Decommissioning Safety Analysis Report.  Describe the structure and the scope of the Environment Impact Report.  Describe the structure and the scope of the Final Decommissioning Report.

4 Project BG/04/B/F/PP-166005, Programme “Leonardo da Vinci”4 STANDARD REGULATIONS  Holder of permit (licensee) for selection of site, design, construction, commissioning and licensee for nuclear facility operation develop initial and interim concepts and plans for nuclear facility decommissioning.  Stressing on the ethical principles – not to accrue burden on future generations in result of today’s generation activities – requires speeding up of decommissioning process.  Nuclear facility decommissioning is based on a concept used as a basis for choosing optimum and safe option for main activities performance and implementation phases during decommissioning.

5 Project BG/04/B/F/PP-166005, Programme “Leonardo da Vinci”5 CONTENTS OF CONCEPT  Long-term decommissioning concept;  Technical measures and modifications facilitating decommissioning activities: appropriate layout of facilities, systems and components; structural materials, equipment and systems easy to decontaminate.  Preliminary analyses and assessments of decommissioning impact on population and environment;  Financial assurance substantiation: preliminary evaluation of needed finances; ways and mechanisms to provide needed financial means and their management in accordance with local current standard regulations.

6 Project BG/04/B/F/PP-166005, Programme “Leonardo da Vinci”6 THE CONCEPT – A DEMONSTRATIVE INFORMATION DOCUMENT  Expected status of sites and equipment;  Volume and activity of radioactive materials and waste;  Radiological status;  Decommissioning activities;  Environmental status;  Expected impact of activities on environment;  Activities to decrease unfavorable impact;  RAW and spent fuel management;  Evaluation of advantages and disadvantages of different options.

7 Project BG/04/B/F/PP-166005, Programme “Leonardo da Vinci”7 A CONCEPT PRIOR TO NUCLEAR FACILITY COMMISSIONING  Contains updated information related to: existing facility status; technologies for RAW and spent fuel management.  Defines requirements for registration and archiving of information important for preparation for decommissioning;  Contains detailed substantiation of changes in option selections, if any.

8 Project BG/04/B/F/PP-166005, Programme “Leonardo da Vinci”8 DECOMMISSIONING PLAN – BASIS FOR DEVELOPMENT  Safety analysis report;  Good practices, results, documents and data received in the process of ongoing planning;  Results of other analyses, studies and projects related to decommissioning, including environmental impact assessment;  Analyses and substantiations that cover and justify availability, technical status, operational lifetime, and preparedness to perform the functions of existing systems and safety related equipment.

9 Project BG/04/B/F/PP-166005, Programme “Leonardo da Vinci”9 DECOMMISSIONING PLAN – IMPROVED CONCEPTUAL PLAN  Based on the concept;  Contains description of social aspects;  Contains the two options for technical solution;  Contains zero option in case of failure to implement decommissioning.

10 Project BG/04/B/F/PP-166005, Programme “Leonardo da Vinci”10 CONTENTS OF DECOMMISSIONING PLAN  Short description of main plan components;  Description of facility and site;  Description of conditions and events that occurred during operations and reasons for decommissioning;  List of standards used for decommissioning planning;  Radiological criteria at decommissioning;  Substantiation of selected decommissioning option;  Schedule and description of decommissioning activities;  Evaluation of generated radioactive and other hazardous materials;  Classification of safety related systems and equipment for different decommissioning phases;  Description of planned modifications of existing systems and new systems needed for decommissioning;

11 Project BG/04/B/F/PP-166005, Programme “Leonardo da Vinci”11 CONTENTS OF DECOMMISSIONING PLAN – CONTND.  Description of decontamination activities;  Description of technologies and technical means;  RAW management program;  Safety assessment program;  Radiation protection concept;  Radiation monitoring programs;  Description of organization and responsibilities;  Quality assurance program;  Plant emergency plan;  Documents identifying measures for physical protection;  Evaluation of needed financial resources;  Monitoring programs upon completion of decommissioning;  Schedule for reporting to BNRA.

12 Project BG/04/B/F/PP-166005, Programme “Leonardo da Vinci”12 MAIN TECHNICAL AND ECONOMIC PARAMETERS  Process costs per cause nature: Costs for industrial activities; Costs depending on time; Single costs.  Labour-consuming;  Stuffing;  Duration of the process.

13 Project BG/04/B/F/PP-166005, Programme “Leonardo da Vinci”13 PARAMETERS CHARACTERISING IMPACT ON STAFF  Individual exposure dose: External radiation; Absorbed radiation.  Collective exposure dose.

14 Project BG/04/B/F/PP-166005, Programme “Leonardo da Vinci”14 ENVIRONMENT IMPACT PARAMETERS  Gaseous releases;  Liquid releases.

15 Project BG/04/B/F/PP-166005, Programme “Leonardo da Vinci”15 PARAMETERS CHARACTERIZING THE NEED FOR WASTE DISPOSAL  Quantity of generated by-product waste;  Possibility for temporary storage of waste;  Number of containers with conditioned RAW for pre- surface disposal;  Number of containers with conditioned RAW for disposal in deep geological formations;  Possibilities for long-term storage of waste prior disposal.

16 Project BG/04/B/F/PP-166005, Programme “Leonardo da Vinci”16 OTHER PARAMETERS  Weight of the metal for unlimited usage;  Weight of re-cycled material generated during demolition of construction sites;  Volume of non-radiated material;  Weight of contaminated metal for disposal;  Liquid waste generated during decommissioning;  Solid waste generated during decommissioning;  Consumption parameters.

17 Project BG/04/B/F/PP-166005, Programme “Leonardo da Vinci”17 DOCUMENTS DEVELOPED DURING DECOMMISSIONING  Plan at the stage of final shutdown of a nuclear facility  Required documentation for granting a permit at decommissioning phase  Plan of a phase during decommissioning

18 Project BG/04/B/F/PP-166005, Programme “Leonardo da Vinci”18 OBJECTIVES OF FINAL SHUTDOWN DOCUMENTATION  Identification of safe, reliable and efficient method of operation of equipment needed at that phase;  Identification of equipment and sites not needed for further operation;  Identification of methods for shutdown and safe separation of equipment.

19 Project BG/04/B/F/PP-166005, Programme “Leonardo da Vinci”19 FINAL SHUTDOWN DOCUMENTATION - CONTENTS  Description of new supporting venting systems or restoration of available systems;  Description of maintenance, repair and reconstruction;  Installation of modular boxes;  Installation of laundry equipment and RAW treatment equipment;  Erection of disposal facilities;  Implementation of new monitoring systems.

20 Project BG/04/B/F/PP-166005, Programme “Leonardo da Vinci”20 DOCUMENTATION FOR GRANT OF PERMIT (LICENSE) FOR DECOMMISSIONING  Identification data of the applicant;  Type of requested permit (license);  Term of permit (license);  General description of site main characteristics;  Data for administrative acts;  List of attached documents.

21 Project BG/04/B/F/PP-166005, Programme “Leonardo da Vinci”21 ATTACHMENTS TO APPLICATION  Legal documents;  Documents concerning the applicant;  Substantiation of term duration;  List of applicable standards;  Safety assessment report;  Decommissioning plan;  Operational regulations;  Operational procedures;  Decision on the assessment of environment impact.

22 Project BG/04/B/F/PP-166005, Programme “Leonardo da Vinci”22 DOCUMENTS FOR PERMITION OF A PHASE DURING DECOMMISSIONING  Updated decommissioning plan for corresponding phase;  Activity organization and implementation plan;  Operational regulations;  Operational procedures;  Updated SAR for the phase.

23 Project BG/04/B/F/PP-166005, Programme “Leonardo da Vinci”23 CONSTITUENT PARTS OF PHASE PLAN  Results of radioactive control;  Program for control;  Substantiation of changes in operating limits and conditions;  Substantiation of selected equipment.

24 Project BG/04/B/F/PP-166005, Programme “Leonardo da Vinci”24 TYPES OF PHASE PLANS  Plan for preparation of safe enclosure phase;  Plan for safe enclosure phase;  Plan for finishing phase.

25 Project BG/04/B/F/PP-166005, Programme “Leonardo da Vinci”25 SAFETY ASSESSMENT REPORT  Description of nuclear facility and its ambient media;  Concept for decommissioning;  Spent fuel management;  Radioactive waste and other hazardous materials management;  Radiation protection;  Release from control of materials;  Legal requirements;  Description of decommissioning activities;

26 Project BG/04/B/F/PP-166005, Programme “Leonardo da Vinci”26 SAFETY ASSESSMENT REPORT – CONTND.  Description of decommissioning technologies;  Description of the new and reconstructed systems;  Safety analyses;  Description of hazardous substances inventory;  RAW description and classification;  Description of radioactive releases;  Monitoring program;  Description of procedures for radiological protection of staff;  Description of organization of decommissioning.

27 Project BG/04/B/F/PP-166005, Programme “Leonardo da Vinci”27 ENVIRONMENT IMPACT ASSESSMENT REPORT  Structure similar to the one of safety report;  Compares several options of decommissioning process;  Covers in details decommissioning costs and losses;  Developed on the basis of updated decommissioning conceptual plan.

28 Project BG/04/B/F/PP-166005, Programme “Leonardo da Vinci”28 FINAL DECOMMISSIONING DOCUMENTATION  Final report;  Site radiological status assessment;  Application for issuance of permit for release of nuclear facility: Description of nuclear facility status; Description of decommissioning activity; Report on professional exposure doses; Inventory of radioactive materials; Inventory of materials cleared from regulatory control; List of retrieved information; Report on final radiological survey and independent review report.

29 Project BG/04/B/F/PP-166005, Programme “Leonardo da Vinci”29 REFERENCES  Decommissioning of Nuclear Power Plants and Research Reactors, Safety Guide, SS № WS-G-2.1 (1999)  Organization and Management for the Decommissioning of Large Nuclear Facility, TRS № 399 (2000)  The Decommissioning of WWER-Type Nuclear Power Plants, IAEA-TECDOC-1133 (2000)  Act on the Safe Use of Nuclear Energy, 2002  Regulation for the Safety of the Decommissioning of Nuclear Facilities, 2004  Regulation for the Procedure for Issuing Licenses and Permits for Safe Use of Nuclear Energy, 2004


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